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  1. خذ هذا المثال حط سريالك وشوف عندك الكلام بيكون بالوان عشوائية رسالتك اللي في الشات الاحمر الازرق و الاصفر : aMyColors = { '#FF0000','#FFFF00','#0000FF' } aMySerial = 'Your serial in here' addEventHandler ( 'onPlayerChat',root, function ( aMsg ) if getPlayerSerial ( source ) == aMySerial then cancelEvent ( ) outputChatBox ('* FaHaD : '..aMyColors [ math.random ( 1,#aMyColors ) ]..''..aMsg,root,255,255,255,true ) end end )
    2 points
  2. @Dr. @Mr.CoR @الجميع للي محتاج الويكي يقدر يحصل الاوفلاين كوبي هنا : الويكي كامل بدون نت
    2 points
  3. عـدنا من جـديد .. ! مساء الخيرر #
    2 points
  4. I am happy to inform you guys that we have appointed new moderators for your section - _sEEk_ & Axel.
    2 points
  5. Здравствуйте, дорогие друзья! Буквально пару месяцев назад я начал активно изучать Lua, строение сервера MTA в общем, и его возможности. Я по себе знаю, что иногда людям, которые хотят создать свой сервер, приходится всё приподносить на блюдечке, потому что без рабочих примеров вы не сможете познать все возможности скриптинга, да и сервера в общем. И поэтому, я выкладываю готовую сборку RolePlay сервера, над которым я работал в течении месяца, взяв за пример английский мод Valhalla. Хоть и мод изначально имел возможности, я довольно серьезно над ним поработал. Скажу сразу, мод включает в себя ВСЕ возможности типичного RolePlay сервера, но я бы не рекомендовал его к использованию для серьезного проекта, скорее для обучения, и более быстрого вникания в скриптинг засчет обучения на готовых примерах. Проще посмотреть видео, что бы понять, что из себя он представляет Описание: Полностью настроен. Скачали, подключили базу данных, запустили - сервер работает. Версия сервера - 1.5.2 Использует MySQL, полностью поддерживает использование русских символов Имеет уже несколько готовых примеров автомобилей, транспорта, домов и бизнесов (С этим вам придется повозиться) Где успел - там перевел Старался как можно больше приблизить мод визуально к сампу, и нацелен он для перешедших с него разработчиков, что бы ориентировочно на примерах понять структуру. Скачать: - Сам сервер (под 1.5.2 и выше), с уже добавленными моделями транспорта для примера. С уже готовыми моделями весит около 2гб - База данных Настройка: Распакуйте в любое место, импортируйте БД, и укажите данные к ней в /mods/deathmatch/settings.xml Еще раз повторюсь, сервер сделан для ознакомления с общим планом. Когда то мне бы пригодился такой мод, когда я перешел с SAMP, и не знал, как же вообще возможно сделать РП сервер в МТА, ведь они совсем не похожи. Сам я сейчас занимаюсь разработкой мода с нуля (в качестве интереса). При желании, пишите свои вопросы (если вы начинающий), помогу, чем смогу в плане объяснения, что и где там находится.
    1 point
  6. www.99stack.com Welcome to 99Stack™, the affordable and reliable cloud hosting provider located in the sunny town Karlstad in Sweden. Our vision is to make cloud hosting simple, affordable and transparent without overselling or hidden fees. Today we're connected to 28 cloud data centers with worldwide availability, and we are constantly looking for new markets. Choose between 32 different server plans, 24 operating system images (Windows, GNU/Linux, FreeBSD etc..) or 30+ application images. Select additional features such as dedicated DDoS protection, IPv6, backups, live snapshots and many more. Pricing Compute VPS, from $0.009 per hour. VPS plans with extra processing power SSD Cloud VPS, from $0.009 per hour. Balanced and generic VPS plans Memory VPS, from $0.18 per hour. VPS plans with extra memory (up to 256GB per server) Dedicated servers, from $0.09 per hour. Dedicated cloud, without noisy neighbours. Storage servers, $0.009 per hour. Affordable small VPS plans with large SATA disks. Domain name, via Namecheap Shared web hosting, by GreenGeeks (100% powered by wind energy). Multi Theft Auto server hosting advantages These are some of the benefits you will gain by hosting in our cloud instead of a typical shared plan. Pay as you go with hourly billing, no setup fees, no period of notice, start and stop at any time, pay only for what you use. Run as many mtasa servers as you want without extra charge Pick as many player slots as you want without extra charge Use any ports you'd like and enjoy your own dedicated IPv4 address Dedicated DDoS protection available within the same data center, to avoid increased latency. Full encryption on everything from control panel to remote terminals and file transfers via SFTP/SSH Database and community website can all be hosted on the same server Dedicated environment We use 100% KVM virtualization in our cloud and all system resources are mapped in a 1:1 scale. The specifications listed on our pricing pages shows what you are paying for and that's exactly what you get. Thanks to this we don't need any "fair use policies". If you need to load your CPU to 100% you can do that. If you need to use all your RAM, use it. If you need all your disk space, use it. If you need all your bandwidth, use it. All system resources can be fully used all the time. Resources Learn more about us and our services on our website: Website: www.99stack.com Community: forum.99stack.com Privacy: 99stack.com/legal/privacy Terms: 99stack.com/legal/tos SLA: 99stack.com/legal/sla Contact: 99stack.com/contact Support: support.99stack.com
    1 point
  7. Yeah because this boolean is for the sound loop
    1 point
  8. I suggest you to go to your native language scripting section
    1 point
  9. I don't actualy know what you mean Could you please make the idea clear
    1 point
  10. More blips ClubHouse Coke Package FightClub DrugOperation
    1 point
  11. Replace the & with & It will show up as & when you upload it.
    1 point
  12. 1 point
  13. استعمل الجداول وضع لكل نافذه تايمر جرب كذا : local aWndTimer = { } function aSetGUIAlpha ( aWnd ) if ( aWnd ) then guiSetVisible ( aWnd,true ) guiSetAlpha ( aWnd, 0 ) aWndTimer [ aWnd ] = setTimer( function( ) guiSetAlpha( aWnd,guiGetAlpha ( aWnd ) + 0.05 ) if ( guiGetAlpha ( aWnd ) == 1.00 ) and isTimer ( aWndTimer [ aWnd ] ) then killTimer( aWndTimer [ aWnd ] ) aWndTimer [ aWnd ] = nil outputChatBox ( [[ Timer is done! ]],255,255,9 ) end end,50,0 ) end end جرب هذا الكود + هذا مثال تجربة عندك : local aWndTimer = { } function aSetGUIAlpha ( aWnd ) if ( aWnd ) then guiSetVisible ( aWnd,true ) guiSetAlpha ( aWnd, 0 ) aWndTimer [ aWnd ] = setTimer( function( ) guiSetAlpha( aWnd,guiGetAlpha ( aWnd ) + 0.05 ) if ( guiGetAlpha ( aWnd ) == 1.00 ) and isTimer ( aWndTimer [ aWnd ] ) then killTimer( aWndTimer [ aWnd ] ) aWndTimer [ aWnd ] = nil outputChatBox ( [[ Timer is done! ]],255,255,9 ) end end,50,0 ) end end local aScrX,aScrY = guiGetScreenSize ( ) local aWndX,aWndY = aScrX*( 1027/1366 ),aScrY*( 357/768 ) local aWndH,aWndW = aScrX*( 271/1366 ),aScrY*( 236/768 ) aMyWnd = guiCreateWindow ( aWndX,aWndY,aWndH,aWndW,[[ FaHaD ]],false ) aMyWndTwo = guiCreateWindow ( aWndX+math.random ( 15,35 ),aWndY+math.random ( 15,35 ),aWndH,aWndW,[[ FaHaD Two ]],false ) guiSetVisible ( aMyWnd,false ) guiSetVisible ( aMyWndTwo,false ) addCommandHandler ( 'aSet', function ( ) aSetGUIAlpha ( aMyWnd ) aSetGUIAlpha ( aMyWndTwo ) end ) استعمل الكلمة aSet في اف 8
    1 point
  14. Good job! I see your dedication and creativity. Impressive modification thread. And the fact that it is entirely multiplayer is great.
    1 point
  15. لو تقصد داخل لوحة ~ لازم تسوي ليبلات منفصلة عن بعض وكل ليبل تحط لون خاص ولو تقصد بالشات او بأماكن ثانية ينفع تحط اكواد الوان وتصحح قيمة الكود اللوني إلى true ~
    1 point
  16. Oh yeah, my bad. Replace local r, g, b = guiGridListGetItemColor(gridlist, i, 1) with this local tr, tg, tb = guiGridListGetItemColor(gridlist, i, 1)
    1 point
  17. Hi Forum Administrations and MTA Team, I'd like to report about a problem using the forum from the mobile as you can see in the screenshot below that there's a youtube video and it's very small and you can start it but it's not in the original size as it should be you can see the original size after the screenshot for the same video : So that's looks just fine and you can see the post in the arabic general section from here : Regards,
    1 point
  18. السلام عليكم و رحمه الله و بركاته اليوم جبت لكم اول حلقاتي من برمجه ( GUIEditor ) طبعا الشروحات منها كتير و حلوه لكني حبيت اني اسوي .. طبعا اذا كان في شئ خطا اتمنى تسامحوني .. اتركم مع الفيديو ياريت لا تنسو تسوو سبسكرايب و لايك .. شكرا
    1 point
  19. The default chatbox is already based on directX, But to make a custom one you'll need to disable the default one and start building a custom one, using dxDrawText and if needed dxDrawRectangle, Also you can use the event onClientChatMessage to output on your custom chatbox any when any text is output to the default chatbox of MTA.
    1 point
  20. thx for comment my brother welcome into my topic .
    1 point
  21. شركة فاشلة ولا تعرف معني الاحترام ويكفي عدم اخلاقية الدعم الفني لديها علي السكاي بي فا هو لا يحترم احد ولا يقدر المواعيد انتظرت اكثر من 48 ساعة ولا يتم تسلمي السيرفر ولا حتي تم تقديم اعتذار عن اي تأخير في تضيع بالوقت صورة من التذكرة شراء السيرفر http://e.top4top.net/p_302cetut1.jpg لا انصح بالتعامل مع هذه الشركة السيئة -__- صورة من طريقة المعاملة بالسكاي بي http://d.top4top.net/p_302r2jj51.jpg وبعد مرور اكثر من 48 لا يرد يستجيب لكلامي رغم وجوده اون لاين http://f.top4top.net/p_302n0klx1.jpg
    1 point
  22. فوق كله شفته من قبل بس حقتك اول مره اشوفها روعه ويعطيك العافيه صاحب الموضوع
    1 point
  23. بغض النظر عن الي داخله احس الناس تكبر الموضوع زياده https://ar.wikipedia.org/wiki/ويب_خفي الديب ويب مواقعه ما تتأرشف وقليل مواقع البحث الي داخله وتقريبا ما منها فايده واغلبية المواقع مو اي احد يدخلها عن طريق دعوات والى ما شابه ذلك وكلها واغلبيتها تتعامل بالفلوس ولهم عمله خاصه للتعامل وذا الويكي فيه اكثر من موقع للديب ويب http://zqktlwi4fecvo6ri.onion/wiki/index.php/Main_Page
    1 point
  24. بدك نصيحتي لا تدخله لعدد اسباب 1- هل انت قادر ان تحمي نفسك؟؟؟؟ أقل واحد في ديب ويب عبارة عن محترف أختراق 2- هل الحكومة الخاصة بدولتك تسمح لك بدخوله؟ هل تعلم ادا لقتوك تصل مدة الحبس 10 سنين أبتعد
    1 point
  25. Made an automated script to pull MTA:SA's wiki once every month, all wiki versions will be available at: https://mta.ggcommunity.net/arkives/ Latest: 10-17-2016
    1 point
  26. I wouldn't say "not oversold" if I didn't mean it, here's some benchmark results from a blank $6 / month VPS performed just a few hours ago: wget http://cachefly.cachefly.net/100mb.test 100mb.test 100%[=====================>] 100.00M 140MB/s in 0.7s 2016-10-17 08:56:50 (140 MB/s) - ‘100mb.test’ saved [104857600/104857600] Bandwidth: 1Gbps is the specification on all plans, 140MB/s is 1120Mbps which is bigger than 1Gbps (1024Mbps) dd if=/dev/zero bs=1M count=1024 | md5sum1024+0 records in 1024+0 records out 1073741824 bytes (1.1 GB) copied, 2.82977 s, 379 MB/s cd573cfaace07e7949bc0c46028904ff - CPU: To measure CPU performance I'm using the `dd` command to calculate md5 checksums of 0 to see how much data is processed in a certain amount of time. As you can see, the result is 379 MB/s for a single 2.4GHz vCPU core. According to this site you get 469 MB/s on a 3.6GHz AMD Phenom II CPU by running the exact same command. Conclusion of that, our vCPU cores are 17% more efficient than they should be according to specifications. dd if=/dev/zero bs=4096 count=256k of=1gb.bin conv=fdatasync 262144+0 records in 262144+0 records out 1073741824 bytes (1.1 GB) copied, 2.66317 s, 403 MB/s SSD: This is where it all becomes interesting, no matter what type of disk you use for a VPS it will always be shared somehow, this disk is no exception and what you see here is a 15GB virtual hard drive running on a 120GB physical SSD and I'm still getting an average I/O of 403 MB/s which is good even for a physical local SSD drive. Feel free to try it out yourself @Adolf_T, our service is a pay-as-you-go service so a few hours of testing won't cost you more than a few cents. www.99stack.com/pricing/vps
    1 point
  27. In the shared environment we allocate a certain amount of performance to a certain amount of player slots in relation to other plans. In reality this means that if you buy 50 shared slots for $1/month you can expect at least 128 MB RAM + 256 MB SWAP, 2GB SSD storage including backup and 15% of 1 CPU core running at 3.6GHz reserved. If you buy 350 shared slots it'll cost you $7 / month and the reserved performance would be almost the same as in our currently cheapest VPS plan. We do not oversell but the shared environment has it's disadvantages too such as missing features, i.e you can't install any additional features such as a web server for your community website, shared plans lacks in security and reliability as we can't sandbox the servers the same way we do in our other plans. When you choose a VPS or dedicated server you are guaranteed the performance you pay for while in the shared environment it's only a recommendation to stick to the limits within a fair usage policy. Based on that I would recommend a VPS or dedicated server unless you need something really cheap.
    1 point
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