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Looking for help on scripting something that can do:


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Hey guys, first post here. I co-own a drifting server (proDRIFT) with a couple of friends of mine, and we were wondering.. Is there any possible way you can write a script that disables the banning OF certain users? Some of our admins are trigger happy, and to be banninated while editing a script is pretty annoying. Just looking to create an ACL in which the user.'s thereof, can't be banned by any sort of Admin/other ACL.

Thank you for reading! Very resourceful forum, hope to talk to y'all soon :)

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Some of our admins are trigger happy
Get rid of them ASAP. Trigger happy is no excuse for a task as such. I suggest you find Admins who you can trust, who have had experience. Players get warnings, Moderators should know right from wrong and job removal should be swift on punishment.

That has nothing to do with your answer, but i can say

Start learning Lua, you will build and it gets exciting all that power under your fingers. If its your first language, then it can help translate to learning others as well that can help with Jobs later on in life. In fact, i remember when i started in Assembler Years ago. When i made my first bootsector for a floppy disk (which was simple in comparison to writing a File System Driver for FAT32) and had it print to the screen, i felt like a God. Believe me, learn this, it will be worth your while some day.

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@Shreddy: First of all, if your administrators are like so, I would kick them out the team right away. Secondly, you can make a script that disables banning of certain users, and you can even make it so that when a higher administrator is online, they can't ban anyone. I had that on my server once, but now I don't need it.

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Check this out: viewtopic.php?f=148&t=40809

I suggest reading all the recommended links, and in case you have time to read them all, do so. Always when you have a problem, you should check from these tutorials if you've missed something. For example, the FAQ section includes questions that were helpful for me when I first made my scripts.

When you're done with all that, you have to check this page out: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Main_Page. All the client/server events/functions are listed there as well as small tutorials on how to actually make a resource.

Here is a simple tutorial made by me as well: viewtopic.php?f=148&t=38608.

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