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executeCommandHandler - how it works?

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Hi community :) i tested a long time with executeCommandHandler, but it still don´t work.

i need it as a client-side script

local localPlayer = getLocalPlayer ( ) 
function openAdminReport() 
    executeCommandHandler( "report", localPlayer ) 

any ideas what is wrong with this code?

Edited by Guest
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Does it actually gets called? Do you get errors? How exactly it does not work? Give more details. You may have to give "Default" (ACL) access to that function. Type "debugscript 3" in console and then try to call openAdminReport().

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the function is part of a gui

thanks Borov i added this line:

addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), openAdminReport ) 

And it works, BUT only on my Homeserver (Windows XP), and not on the real server (Windows Server 2003) :(

Here is the complete code:

-- Report window toggle 
local localPlayer = getLocalPlayer ( ) 
function openAdminReport() 
    executeCommandHandler( "report", localPlayer ) 
addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), openAdminReport ) 

and a part of the gui, to show you the Button:

{'btn', id='Contact', onclick=openAdminReport}, 

i allowed executeCommandHandler for 'Defaults' group too.

It works on MY home Server when i press the button, it called /report :)

But not on the real Server


/debugscript 3 says nothing :/

any ideas?

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nice idea but the gui script i client-side, and a call only works with server-side script ;/

eAi does not mean to use "call" function, he means "simply call the function". As you call any other functions e.g. getRootElement()

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ah ok, but i don´t know how i made this, how it works?

addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", getResourceRootElement([color=#FFBF00]admin[/color](), [color=#FFBF00]report function in admin resource[/color] ) 

is that right? i don´t know it :)

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getResourceRootElement() returns resource's root element and its argument is the resource element.

If you admin() function returns resource element then you'd do

addEventHandler( "onResourceStart", getResourceRootElement( admin() ), reportFunction ) 

But if you want it to be client-side (I saw in your first post getLocalPlayer) attach the report function to onClientResourceStart, not onResourceStart (this is server-side event).

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thanks for help, nice function :)

it works on my homeserver, but NOT on the real server (again) ;(

i tested 3 variants:


local localPlayer = getLocalPlayer ( ) 
function openAdminReport() 
    addEventHandler( "onClientResourceStart", getResourceRootElement( admin() ), aReport ) 


local localPlayer = getLocalPlayer ( ) 
function openAdminReport() 
    addEventHandler( "onClientResourceStart", getResourceRootElement( admin() ), aReport ) 
addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), openAdminReport ) 


local localPlayer = getLocalPlayer ( ) 
function openAdminReport() 
    addEventHandler( "onClientResourceStart", getResourceRootElement( admin() ), aReport ) 
addEventHandler ( "onClientResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), openAdminReport ) 

but nothing works on the real server, but on my testserver all 3 variants works perfektly :/

befor i uploading new resources i test it on my homeserver, so the homeserver have pretty the same resource as the real server :wink:

any ideas? :?:


i checked all script files from this resource with the files on my PC, there a absolutly the same! (checked by bytes [e.g 37.381 Bytes])

any ideas? :?:

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1. What does admin function do?

2. Why do you add a handler to onClientResourceStart in a function that is called from the same event? It won't work as this event is triggered only one.

3. What does aReport function does?

4. If you use getLocalPlayer it means the script is client-side. Why do you use server events (like onResourceStart)?

The last example looks the most "real" which could work. but don't add functions to events that's just been called. In the last example, if you replaced line 4 with the code that shows the report, it will work.

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1. in the resource "admin" there is the function to open the report window

3. aReport - the function to open the report window

4. now changed to onClientResourceStart (but don´t work)

In the last example, if you replaced line 4 with the code that shows the report, it will work.

Very good idea, i tested it:

-- Report window toggle 
function openAdminReport() 
*   Multi Theft Auto - Admin Panel 
*   gui\admin_report.lua 
*   Original File by lil_Toady 
aReportForm = nil 
function aReport ( player ) 
    if ( aReportForm == nil ) then 
        local x, y = guiGetScreenSize() 
        aReportForm     = guiCreateWindow ( x / 2 - 150, y / 2 - 150, 300, 300, "Contact Admin", false ) 
                       guiCreateLabel ( 0.05, 0.11, 0.20, 0.09, "Category:", true, aReportForm ) 
                       guiCreateLabel ( 0.05, 0.21, 0.20, 0.09, "Subject:", true, aReportForm ) 
                       guiCreateLabel ( 0.05, 0.30, 0.20, 0.07, "Message:", true, aReportForm ) 
        aReportCategory = guiCreateEdit ( 0.30, 0.10, 0.65, 0.09, "Question", true, aReportForm ) 
                       guiEditSetReadOnly ( aReportCategory, true ) 
        aReportDropDown = guiCreateStaticImage ( 0.86, 0.10, 0.09, 0.09, "client\\images\\dropdown.png", true, aReportForm ) 
                       guiBringToFront ( aReportDropDown ) 
        aReportCategories   = guiCreateGridList ( 0.30, 0.10, 0.65, 0.30, true, aReportForm ) 
                       guiGridListAddColumn( aReportCategories, "", 0.85 ) 
                       guiSetVisible ( aReportCategories, false ) 
                       guiGridListSetItemText ( aReportCategories, guiGridListAddRow ( aReportCategories ), 1, "Question", false, false ) 
                       guiGridListSetItemText ( aReportCategories, guiGridListAddRow ( aReportCategories ), 1, "Suggestion", false, false ) 
                       guiGridListSetItemText ( aReportCategories, guiGridListAddRow ( aReportCategories ), 1, "Cheater/Moder", false, false ) 
                       guiGridListSetItemText ( aReportCategories, guiGridListAddRow ( aReportCategories ), 1, "Other", false, false ) 
        aReportSubject      = guiCreateEdit ( 0.30, 0.20, 0.65, 0.09, "", true, aReportForm ) 
        aReportMessage  = guiCreateMemo ( 0.05, 0.38, 0.90, 0.45, "", true, aReportForm ) 
        aReportAccept       = guiCreateButton ( 0.40, 0.88, 0.25, 0.09, "Send", true, aReportForm ) 
        aReportCancel       = guiCreateButton ( 0.70, 0.88, 0.25, 0.09, "Cancel", true, aReportForm ) 
        addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick", aReportForm, aClientReportClick ) 
        addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIDoubleClick", aReportForm, aClientReportDoubleClick ) 
    guiBringToFront ( aReportForm ) 
    showCursor ( true ) 
addCommandHandler ( "report", aReport ) 
function aReportClose ( ) 
    guiSetInputEnabled ( false ) 
    if ( aReportForm ) then 
        removeEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick", aReportForm, aClientReportClick ) 
        removeEventHandler ( "onClientGUIDoubleClick", aReportForm, aClientReportDoubleClick ) 
        destroyElement ( aReportForm ) 
        aReportForm = nil 
        showCursor ( false ) 
function aClientReportDoubleClick ( button ) 
    if ( button == "left" ) then 
        if ( source == aReportCategories ) then 
            if ( guiGridListGetSelectedItem ( aReportCategories ) ~= -1 ) then 
                local cat = guiGridListGetItemText ( aReportCategories, guiGridListGetSelectedItem ( aReportCategories ), 1 ) 
                guiSetText ( aReportCategory, cat ) 
                guiSetVisible ( aReportCategories, false ) 
function aClientReportClick ( button ) 
    if ( source == aReportCategory ) then 
        guiBringToFront ( aReportDropDown ) 
    if ( source ~= aReportCategories ) then 
        guiSetVisible ( aReportCategories, false ) 
    if ( button == "left" ) then 
        if ( source == aReportAccept ) then 
            if ( ( string.len ( guiGetText ( aReportSubject ) ) < 1 ) or ( string.len ( guiGetText ( aReportMessage ) ) < 5 ) ) then 
                aMessageBox ( "error", "Subject/Message missing." ) 
                aMessageBox ( "info", "Your message has been submited and will be processed as soon as possible." ) 
                setTimer ( aMessageBoxClose, 3000, 1, true ) 
                local tableOut = {} 
                tableOut.category = guiGetText ( aReportCategory ) 
                tableOut.subject = guiGetText ( aReportSubject ) 
                tableOut.message = guiGetText ( aReportMessage ) 
                triggerServerEvent ( "aMessage", getLocalPlayer(), "new", tableOut ) 
                aReportClose () 
        elseif ( source == aReportSubject ) then 
            guiSetInputEnabled ( true ) 
        elseif ( source == aReportMessage ) then 
            guiSetInputEnabled ( true ) 
        elseif ( source == aReportCancel ) then 
            aReportClose () 
        elseif ( source == aReportDropDown ) then 
            guiBringToFront ( aReportCategories ) 
            guiSetVisible ( aReportCategories, true ) 

and here is the complete code with gui for the button etc: http://pastebin.com/m2bad56db

and again, it works on MY WinXP Home-test-Server, but not on the Real server :shock: i am realy wondering why all changes work on my testserver, and not on the real server :?

When i press the button to open the function, nothing happens ON THE REAL SERVER

its that a chache problem on my side or so? i tried already to delete the chache.

Can you pleas connect to the server (see @ signatur) and press F1, then on the button "Berichten"

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Now i tested a little bit, and i found a strange problem.

First, the code:

wndMain = { 
    text = 'Spieleverwaltung', 
    x = 10, 
    y = 175, 
    width = 320, 
    controls = { 
        {'lbl', text='Spielereinstellungen'}, 
        {'btn', id='Selbstmord', onclick=killLocalPlayer}, 
        {'btn', id='Model', window=wndSkin}, 
        --{'btn', id='weapon', window=wndWeapon}, 
        {'btn', id='Klamotten', window=wndClothes}, 
        {'btn', id='playergrav', text='Gravitation', window=wndGravity}, 
        {'btn', id='Gehe zu', window=wndWarp}, 
        {'btn', id='Statistik', window=wndStats}, 
        {'chk', id='Jetpack', onclick=toggleJetPack}, 
        {'chk', id='falloff', text='Vom Motorrad fallen', onclick=toggleFallOffBike}, 
        {'lbl', text='Pos:'}, 
        {'lbl', id='xpos', text='x', width=50}, 
        {'lbl', id='ypos', text='y', width=50}, 
        {'lbl', id='zpos', text='z', width=50}, 
        {'btn', id='setpos', text='Weltkarte', window=wndSetPos}, 
        {'lbl', text='Fahrzeug'}, 
        {'lbl', text='Aktuell:'}, 
        {'lbl', id='curvehicle'}, 
        {'btn', id='createvehicle', window=wndCreateVehicle, text='Erstellen'}, 
        {'btn', id='Reparieren', onclick=repairVehicle}, 
        {'btn', id='Aufrichten', onclick=flipVehicle}, 
        {'btn', id='Aufmotzen', window=wndUpgrades}, 
        {'btn', id='Farbe', window=wndColor}, 
        {'btn', id='Farbmuster', window=wndPaintjob}, 
        {'chk', id='lightson', text='Lichter an', onclick=forceLightsOn}, 
        {'chk', id='lightsoff', text='Lichter aus', onclick=forceLightsOff}, 
        {'lbl', text='Weltweit'}, 
        {'btn', id='Zeit', window=wndTime}, 
        {'btn', id='Wetter', window=wndWeather}, 
        --{'btn', id='speed', window=wndGameSpeed} 
        [color=#FF8000]{'btn', id='Berichten', onclick=testbutton},[/color] 
    oncreate = mainWndShow, 
    onclose = mainWndClose 

This is the MainWindow, can you see the orange line (at the end)? This is the button. When it press it, "testbutton" should be launched.

Now, testbutton:

function testbutton() 
    outputChatBox('it works', 0, 255, 0) 

This is the testbutton function for onclick=testbutton

Now when i press the button "Berichten" in the MainWindow, it should give me a outputChatBox.

but nothing happens! not on my homeserver and not on the realserver.

Any ideas?

(debugscript 3 give me nothing!)

(the MainWindow code is from the Freeroam GUI [fr_client.lua])

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