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[REL] Socket Module & IRC Resource

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I proudly present you ml_sockets a c++ extension for mta 1.0, it was made by Gamesnert, MCvarial & x86.

The module adds socket functions & events to mta, sockets are used for communication between computers.

See wikipedia for more info: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_socket


- download ml_sockets (https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Modules/Sockets)

- place ml_sockets in (..server\mods\deathmatch\modules)

- add the module to your mtaserver.conf ( or for linux)

- restart the server


- socket sockOpen( string host, int port )

- bool sockWrite( socket theSocket, string data )

- bool sockClose( socket theSocket )


- onSockOpened source: N/A Args: socket theSocket

- onSockData source: N/A Args: socket theSocket, string data

- onSockClosed source: N/A Args: socket theSocket

Support for listening sockets will be added later.

More info: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Modules/Sockets

Download: http://code.google.com/p/multitheftauto-modules/downloads/list


The first resource to make use of this module is called irc made by MCvarial.

Its a resource that creates a echobot on irc.


- download the resource https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&s=details&id=731

- download ml_sockets (https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Modules/Sockets)

- place ml_sockets in (..server\mods\deathmatch\modules)

- add the module to your mtaserver.conf ( or for linux)

- change the settings (settings.xml in the resource)

- give the resource admin rights

- start the server

- start the resource


!uptime level: 0

!say level: 0

!s level: 0

!players level: 0

!pm level: 0

!getip level: 2

!getserial level: 2

!mute level: 2

!unmute level: 2

!freeze level: 2

!unfreeze level: 2

!kill level: 2

!slap level: 2

!ban level: 3

!banip level: 3

!banserial level: 3

!banname level: 3

!unbanip level: 3

!unbanserial level: 3

!unban level: 3

!bans level: 3

!start level: 3

!restart level: 3

!stop level: 3

!commands level: 0

!cmds level: 0

!run level: 4

!crun level: 4


owner (~) 5

super admin (&) 4

admin (@) 3

halfop (%) 2

voice (+) 1

user () 0

The bot was tested on GTANet, FFSNetwork, Rizon & quakenet

The resource is still in beta stage, more functions & bugfixed will be added later.

Edited by Guest
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It's great to at last find something compatible with linux :D, Although there's 1 thing about the IRC resource that i am having trouble with when trying to connect, I get this:

[19:55:44] Starting irc
[19:55:44] irc started successfully
[19:55:44] IRC: resource 'irc' outdated, please update!
[19:55:46] IRC: connecting to (IP) on port 6667...
[19:55:46] (IP): connected as MTA!
[19:55:46] (IP): notice from (Server): *** Looking up your hostname...
[19:55:46] (IP): notice from (Server): *** Found your hostname
[19:55:46] (IP): PM from 642F3C7C: ^AVERSION^A
[19:56:25] (IP): disconnected! (closing link)
[19:56:25] WARNING: core.lua: Bad 'element' pointer @ 'triggerEvent'(2) - Line: 179

Where (IP) and (Server) was the server i was connecting to

Dunno if you already know of this, or any way around it lol

Any help appreciated


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Thank you for reporting this.

This looks like the IRC owner has enabled anti-spoof, which needs to send first a ping back before logging in.

Should be checked by Gamesnert & MCVarial (just a little bit debugging).

Questions? contact me @ IRC (x86).

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  • MTA Team

I could be wrong, but calling Lua from another thread is fraught with danger.

I humbly suggest you put the data for the onSock* events into a thread safe queue, and then from within 'MTAEXPORT bool DoPulse ( void )', process the queue and trigger the events.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 months later...

I have a problem: (

Because if I join I can not approve, but when I restart the resource if I am gejoint

I can pass all commands? I really get nothing: (

I had already tried that when someone connects to the resource he automaticly

irc restart but that did not work: S

I hope someone can help.


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