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npc solution for u modders out there

Guest AsianPrideTabi

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No not MTA, but its possible for em

Excuse me if i dont have the direct terms.

There are alot of flight sims out there, where theres a constant battle going on, and you can practically do w/e u want.

In these games, when you get to X distance from an npc, it compresses itself to a small bit of info while you're away, when you to X range, it decompresses and allows you to see this npc and interact.

If an experienced coder could put this together, it will reduce lag and still allow the exsistance of npcs, infact they already have this type of function in the GTA series. Notice when you make a huge road block, and go a certain distance and come back, its completely clear? Thats what im talking about. So basically, if you had 20 people, and majority of people would be in same area fighting eachother, or seperated, doesnt matter theres 20 places where npc action is occuring, It could generate some higher pings, but a dedicated server could probaly help solve that.

Since from what i can read, Blue might be allowing people to play with mods on certain servers or w/e, so this could possibly work

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I found an interesting article yesterday. It details several of the methods of reducing lag in multiplayer games (towards the bottom of the page). It's written by a guy who works at Raven Software (Soldier of Fortune, Jedi Knight, Quake 4).

http://www.gamedev.net/reference/articl ... le1138.asp

But in relation to NPCs, the strain is not only in bandwidth but also in processing power. Also, the server does not run GTA so you would not be able to use GTA's pedestrian routines but would have to write your own.

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Why could u take the coding from gta, and convert it into the MTA? Like the npc path coding, and the npc interaction coding, like killing people, stealing cars, etc.? The cities are identical, so the set paths would work, BUt im not a game designer/modder/whatever, i just dont understand why it cant be done.

Except processing power bandwidth etc.

Could the players act as a server as well? If a certain person is in an area, and another person enters, they are like in their own server, until someone else comes or they leave that area?

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It'll be perfectly possible to sync npcs with MTA/Blue, but it'll be quite hard work to ensure that things are accurate on all clients. Synchronising an entire population would be harder, but not impossible. I think once we release blue's SDK, we'll see quite a few attempts at this and hopefully, we'll see some sucesses too! Bear in mind we may not have all the required components in place for the first SDK release, but its certainly somthing we hope to have.

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awesome. Im very impatient lol, Im always demanding stuff now! lol.. So ill have to just have to sit it out and hope Blue goes well, and more features could be added

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In these games, when you get to X distance from an npc, it compresses itself to a small bit of info while you're away, when you to X range, it decompresses and allows you to see this npc and interact.

If an experienced coder could put this together, it will reduce lag and still allow the exsistance of npcs, infact they already have this type of function in the GTA series. Notice when you make a huge road block, and go a certain distance and come back, its completely clear? Thats what im talking about. So basically, if you had 20 people, and majority of people would be in same area fighting eachother, or seperated, doesnt matter theres 20 places where npc action is occuring, It could generate some higher pings, but a dedicated server could probaly help solve that.

I also noticed that when people go too far from you, they vanish from your radar and are visible again only if you get close to them.
People going too far from you they vanish: This is er, done on purpose, it's an excellent way to save on network traffic as you're only getting updates from people that are actually in your area.

eAi this is wot im talking about, wot AsianPrideTabi is saying, i fink Draco has already done.

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