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Big Marker


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i am already created a useful function to disable a high of marker u can use it

but u should add marker event's like that

addEventHandler('onMarkerHit',here should be marker not root,function()



source code:

function disableMarkerHighet(themarker,evname,high,tt)
	assert ( type ( evname ) == "string", "Bad Argument @ 'EventName' [ Expected string at argument 2, got " .. type ( evname ) .. " ]" )
		local ta,x,y,z={},getElementPosition(themarker)
			if #getEventHandlers( evname, themarker )==0 then error('No functions Handlers for this marker') return end
				for k,v in ipairs(getEventHandlers( evname, themarker ))do
					removeEventHandler(evname, themarker, v)
								local tt=tt or false
											if dim==tt or (tt==false and dim==true) then
												local xp,yp,zp=getElementPosition(plr)
											if zp<=z+high then
									for k,v in ipairs(ta)do

put it on the first of the file

and the syntax is:

disableMarkerHighet(element marker,string eventname,int high,bolean tt)

the arguments is:

marker: the marker which you want to disable high for it

eventname: maybe be 'onMarkerHit' or 'onMarkerLeave' or 'onClientMarkerHit' or 'onClientMarkerLeave'

 high: type( number)  the allowed high to post the event 

tt: for check the dim when player hit or leave the marker u can leave it and didn't right any thing in it

now let's show you some examples:

example 1 wrong example:

local marker=createMarker(0,0,0,'clyinder',17,255,255,255)
disableMarkerHighet(marker,'onMarkerHit',10,true)---------------wromg place the disable function must be after the event wich you want
    outputChatBox('wrong Example')
-----------------like herer

example 2 also wrong :

local marker=createMarker(0,0,0,'clyinder',17,255,255,255)
addEventHandler('onMarkerHit',root----[[should be here marker or function will not work]]--------------------- root must be the marker or the function will not work
    if source==marker then
    outputChatBox('wrong Example')

example 3 right example :

local marker=createMarker(0,0,0,'clyinder',17,255,255,255)
    outputChatBox('wrong Example')

that function if you was higher than 10 from marker then the event attached to marker will not work

hope that was help you

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Sorry but none of you guys help me, as I already said I can't use the marker thing, I just need to find a way to create a big circle on the map. Like I don't know drawing a D3 circle or something. It just needs to be there, to be seen it doesn't need to have a collision.

Edited by Tekken
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