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OOP problem


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Hello guys!
I have the problem with oop in MTA:SA.
I want to save my data to account so i'm using it like that

function playerAccountSetData(player, dataname, amount)
  player:getAccount():setData(dataname, amount)

Okey, my data is changed, but when i logout and log in again, my data in account is null...
Is this a oop problem? Or i'm making something bad?
This is not even editing my db file...

Thanks for help! 
Greetings, sc00r3!



I'm checking data after adding it by 


and it show the data, what i saved.

Edited by sc00r3
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I don't think onPlayerLogout gets called when onPlayerQuit happens.
If you use onPlayerLogout and use the function which is wrote above, it'll always be the "guest" user, because the logout has been already done.

function playerAccountSetData(account, dataname, amount)
	account:setData(dataname, amount)

addEventHandler("onPlayerLogout", getRootElement(), function(oldAcc)
	playerAccountSetData(oldAcc, "money", getPlayerMoney(source))

Try this.

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9 minutes ago, NeXuS™ said:

I don't think onPlayerLogout gets called when onPlayerQuit happens.
If you use onPlayerLogout and use the function which is wrote above, it'll always be the "guest" user, because the logout has been already done.

function playerAccountSetData(account, dataname, amount)
	account:setData(dataname, amount)

addEventHandler("onPlayerLogout", getRootElement(), function(oldAcc)
	playerAccountSetData(oldAcc, "money", getPlayerMoney(source))

Try this.

I fixed it by myself, really thanks for help you are awesome! 

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