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So, hey guys.

I've been working on a staff panel lately, its like a panel for trial admins. There is Something that i couldnt do :/ This is the panel :



I've made all the functions except one, the mute thing, i didnt know how to do it, so can you help me with it ? I could only do the gui thing, here is it : https://pastebin.com/fpPpuryw

I will appreciate it alot if you do the whole thing for me :D

Edited by Gastonito
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Shouldn't it be similar to the Kick one? I can't do code cuz it's 7am and I'm in bed but...

1. You click a player name in a grid in your panel.

2. You use 'getPlayerFromPartialName' to get the player with that nickname. Remember: this is a useful function so you need it's code from the wiki before using it. 

3. Then you do 'setPlayerMuted' on the guy you just found in step 2.

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2 hours ago, NeXuS™ said:

Usually we won't make the whole script for you, we help with errors, and give instructions. Try to do it yourself, and if you happen to be stuck, ask here.

This is what i could do :

server side :

addEvent( "onPlayerMuteClient", true )

		local function handle_mute( thePlayer, theTime )
			if ( ( thePlayer ) and ( theTime or 0 ) ) then
				theTime = theTime or 480000
				setPlayerMuted( thePlayer, true )
				setTimer( function( thePlayer ) setPlayerMuted( thePlayer, false ) end, theTime, 1, thePlayer )
		addEventHandler( "onPlayerMuteClient", root, handle_mute )

Client side :

if source == mywind[18] then 
	nameplayermute = guiGridListGetItemText ( mywind[2], guiGridListGetSelectedItem ( mywind[16] ), 1 )
	jail = guiGridListGetItemText ( mywind[16], guiGridListGetSelectedItem ( mywind[16] ), 1 )
	if jail and nameplayerjail then
	triggerServerEvent( "onPlayerMuteClient", thePlayerBeingMuted, thePlayerBeingMuted, theTime )	


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9 hours ago, NeXuS™ said:

What's not working about it?

Which is not working is that as you can see in the SS there are many options of the mute time, 1 mins, 2 mins, 1 hour, etc .. anywas, the script that i've made works only for 480000 which should be 8 mins

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15 hours ago, Dimos7 said:

on clientGUIClick is root not resourceRoot leson 1 also same with onAdminMute same root not resourceRoot

resourceRoot works perfectly with onClientGUIClick, the problem here is the code's indentation, it's very messed. If you adjust it, it should work.

Edited by Tomas
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Bump, this is the final thing :

Server :

local mute_time = {}
addEvent("onAdminMute", true)
addEventHandler("onAdminMute", root,
	function (player, time)
		if (not isElement(player)) then return end
		if (mute_time[player] or not time) then
			mute_time[player] = nil
			setPlayerMuted(player, false)
			outputChatBox(getPlayerName(player).. " has been unmuted by "..getPlayerName(client))
	setPlayerMuted(player, true)
	mute_time[player] = getRealTime().timestamp + time

	function ()
		for player, time in pairs(mute_time) do
			if (not isElement(player)) then
				mute_time[player] = nil
				if (getRealTime().timestamp >= time) then
					outputChatBox(getPlayerName(player).. " has been unmuted by Console")
					setPlayerMuted(player, false)
					mute_time[player] = nil
1000, 0)

Client :

addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", root, 
    if (source == mywind[18]) then
    local time = guiGridListGetSelectedItem(mywind[2])
    local player = guiGridListGetItemText(mywind[16], guiGridListGetSelectedItem(mywind[16], 1))
    if (time and player) then
        player = getPlayerFromName(player)
        if (not isElement(player)) then return end
        time = (time == 0 and 60*1000 or time == 1 and 120*1000 or time == 2 and 180*1000 or time == 3 and 240*1000 or time == 4 and 300*1000 or time == 5 ) 
        triggerServerEvent("onAdminMute", root, player, time)
        return end
    elseif (source == mywind[17]) then
        local player = guiGridListGetItemText(mywind[16], guiGridListGetSelectedItem(mywind[16], 1))
        if (player) then
            player = getPlayerFromName(player)
            if (not isElement(player)) then return end
            triggerServerEvent("onAdminMute", root, player)

The script isnt showing any error, but the mute thing isnt getting triggered, any help please ? i keep pressing on "Mute" button but Nothing happpens nor i'm getting any errors :/

Edited by Gastonito
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addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", root, 
    if (source == mywind[18]) then
    local selectedTime = guiGridListGetSelectedItem(mywind[2])
    local selectedPlayer = guiGridListGetItemText(mywind[16], guiGridListGetSelectedItem(mywind[16], 1))
    if (selectedTime and selectedPlayer) then
        theselectedPlayer = getPlayerFromName(selectedPlayer)
        if (not isElement(theselectedPlayer)) then return end
        muteTime = (selectedTime == 0 and 60*1000 or selectedTime == 1 and 120*1000 or selectedTime == 2 and 180*1000 or selectedTime == 3 and 240*1000 or selectedTime == 4 and 300*1000 or selectedTime == 5 ) 
        triggerServerEvent("onAdminMute", root, theselectedPlayer, muteTime)
        return end
    elseif (source == mywind[17]) then
        local selectedPlayer = guiGridListGetItemText(mywind[16], guiGridListGetSelectedItem(mywind[16], 1))
        if (selectedPlayer) then
            theselectedPlayer = getPlayerFromName(selectedPlayer)
            if (not isElement(theselectedPlayer)) then return end
            triggerServerEvent("onAdminMute", root, theselectedPlayer)

dont put player and again player its confused try it like this its better

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