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Another Idea for MTASA, how about co-op online???

Guest Drunkenmasta

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you see, MTA SA will probably include a racing gamemode, and (later on) deathmatch again; as far as i know they're not going to include co-op gameplay.

They said that the race mode was an "example mod" and they haven't stated whether it'll be in the final release yet. They also have not stated whether deathmatch is present.

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it hasn't been confirmed, but it seems likely though. that's why i used the word probably. co-op gameply however, seems very unlikely to be included(though the chance of it being included is still there!).

I was referring more to the lack of deathmatch that you stated. I'm not sure where that appeared from. But yeah, co-op is unlikely.

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yeah i was replying to the deathmatch case as well. well if i remember correctly, eAi said a few gamemodes were going to included with MTA BLUE, ok this is a core i know, but eAi was talking about racing/stunt and deathmatch. whether this is the case with MTA SA is unknown, but as the screenshots and newspage of MTA SA shows, they're working on a race gamemode.

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About the amount of people in a bus, It is infinite! and I've tested it, I've recruited a whole bunch of gang members and we'd all got into the bus and after a fancy joy-ride all came out, all of them. I recruited 7 members (respect is full so I think this is the max amount?(see signature)) They all walked over to the same place, and all sat on the same seat, but they all came out, so it has to work in mta, lol with 20 peeps in a bus, cruising through SA

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