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Casino Multiplayer

Guest Frazzle

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I was thinking, maybe you could have the casino actually working, with poker tables where you can play other players. This would be awesome!

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Wow, Yeah that would be pretty cool and like the server would track how much cash you would have. Then you would be able to buy items with that! That would be amazing! :D

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Yer, that'd be awsome to add a casino game. The reason why I like GTA so much is because it is very close to real life in the respect that you can do almost anything, and San Andreas really improves on the extent to which it imitates real life compared to the other GTA series. Rockstar fails to add these things, such as multi-player. Again, thanks to the MTA team and I hope they can add features like this one and more eventaully :lol:

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Yer, that'd be awsome to add a casino game. The reason why I like GTA so much is because it is very close to real life in the respect that you can do almost anything, and San Andreas really improves on the extent to which it imitates real life compared to the other GTA series. Rockstar fails to add these things, such as multi-player. Again, thanks to the MTA team and I hope they can add features like this one and more eventaully :lol:

So what you're really saying is that you play the GTA series to escape your sad, pathetic life?

Sorry, I had to.

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Yer, that'd be awsome to add a casino game. The reason why I like GTA so much is because it is very close to real life in the respect that you can do almost anything, and San Andreas really improves on the extent to which it imitates real life compared to the other GTA series. Rockstar fails to add these things, such as multi-player. Again, thanks to the MTA team and I hope they can add features like this one and more eventaully :lol:

So what you're really saying is that you play the GTA series to escape your sad, pathetic life?

Sorry, I had to.

...I dont know if you are joking or not, but here we go

If IsJoking('robbiemcm') then

Print ('

I dont know if your trying to disrespect me or not, but what you just said is ~!@#$%^ pethetic, are you a m0mmas boy or what? I play GTA not because I have a pethetic life, but because it fun. I am not sure why games are fun, probally because they allow is to do things we cant/wont do in real life in a 2D / 3D simulated envourment. My life is not pethetic, I have many plans so 57|=|_|")

Else if JustJoking('robbiemcm')

Print('yeah lol pretty much');

pwned, now back to the thread.

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Rockstar fails to add these things, such as multi-player.
Multiplayer isn't in GTA:SA becouse the game would become too big, the team would spend more time likely on SP than wasting it with MP, in other words: if there was added a multiplayer the single player would be less great than is is now --> interview with Houser, Power Unlimited.
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