Big Smoker Posted May 10, 2017 Share Posted May 10, 2017 (edited) Good evening, I need help in Level and XP system, this is a bug not only in XP and Level but when it dies .. the Bug is so when you die has 7 Seconds to be able to be reborn .. only if you move in the middle of it or Disclaimer when I get shot ... when you log in again the game will be bugged, not showing the level ... Summarizing this bugado and I'm already 2 weeks trying to solve this bug and I can not and I decided without on the Wiki can help to help me To solve the Bug I did some systems to try to correct (I do not know much of .lua plus I know the basics) I do some level system and tried to make it look like more did not work .. I do not know if it's right, but I tried to do it myself A system that makes see any player Level and XP of it .. Please I need help in this if it is wrong to correct me please because I want to learn this the system that I did was this function(_, acc) if (acc) then if (getAccountData(acc, "level") ~= 0) and (getAccountData(acc, "experience") ~= 0) then setElementData(source, "level", getAccountData(acc, "level")) setElementData(source, "experience", getAccountData(acc, "experience"))) end end ) Or show me a system that I can put in to make an analysis of when the Player logs in to check the level and his patent eg "Level" and "experience" OPS: When the Player is Born bugged, neither Level nor XP (the Hud in dxDrawText) and the Level goes from 1 to 105 .. I just decided to open a help here on the Wiki because I no longer know what I can do .. Baido ~ Edited May 10, 2017 by felipebaidoloko error Link to comment
1B0Y Posted May 10, 2017 Share Posted May 10, 2017 Any errors/warnings reported into debugscript? Link to comment
Big Smoker Posted May 11, 2017 Author Share Posted May 11, 2017 I do not think so. I think I did the wrong script so I asked for help. Link to comment
Fist Posted May 11, 2017 Share Posted May 11, 2017 16 hours ago, felipebaidoloko said: I do not think so. I think I did the wrong script so I asked for help. show full code or we can't help you. Link to comment
Big Smoker Posted May 11, 2017 Author Share Posted May 11, 2017 dataTables.lua Spoiler KillerDataTable = { {"level"}, {"experience"}, } playerDataTable = { {"alivetime"}, {"skin"}, {"level"}, {"experience"}, {"MAX_Slots"}, {"bandit"}, {"blood"}, {"food"}, {"thirst"}, {"helmetLife"}, {"vestLife"}, {"wearingBackpack"}, {"temperature"}, {"currentweapon_1"}, {"currentweapon_2"}, {"currentweapon_3"}, {"bleeding"}, {"brokenbone"}, {"pain"}, {"cold"}, {"infection"}, {"humanity"}, {"zombieskilled"}, {"headshots"}, {"murders"}, {"banditskilled"}, {"Wood Pile"}, {"Bandage"}, {"Handcuffs"}, {"Antibiotics"}, {"Bouteille"}, {"Burger"}, {"Box of Matches"}, {"Morphine"}, {"Soda Bottle"}, {"Empty Gas Canister"}, {"Full Gas Canister"}, {"Roadflare"}, {"Milk"}, {"Watch"}, {"Medic Kit"}, {"Heat Pack"}, {"Blood Bag"}, {"GPS"}, {"Map"}, {"Syringe"}, {"Hose"}, {"Trap"}, {"Stinger"}, {"Toolbox"}, {"Wire Fence"}, {"Tire"}, {"Engine"}, {"Windscreen Glass"}, {"Main Rotor Assembly"}, {"Tank Parts"}, {"Infrared Goggles"}, {"Night Vision Goggles"}, {"Tent"}, {"Big Tent"}, {"Raw Meat"}, {"Cooked Meat"}, {"Survivor Clothing"}, {"Ghillie Desert"}, {"Ghillie Suit"}, {"Ghillie[F] Suit"}, {"Civilian[F] Clothing"}, {"Painkiller"}, {"Binoculars"}, {"Empty Water Bottle"}, {"Water Bottle"}, {"Empty Soda Cans"}, {"Scruffy Burgers"}, {"Radio Device"}, {"Parachute"}, } Login.lua Spoiler function playerLogin(username,pass,player) local playerID = getAccountData(getPlayerAccount(player), "playerID") account = getPlayerAccount(player) local x, y, z = getAccountData(account, "last_x"), getAccountData(account, "last_y"), getAccountData(account, "last_z") local skin = getAccountData(account, "skin") createZombieTable (player) if getAccountData(account, "isDead") then spawnDayZPlayer(player) return end spawnPlayer(player, x, y, z, math.random(0, 360), skin, 0, 0) fadeCamera(player, true) setCameraTarget(player, player) playerCol = createColSphere(x, y, z, 1.5) setElementData(player, "playerCol", playerCol) attachElements(playerCol, player, 0, 0, 0) setElementData(playerCol, "parent", player) setElementData(playerCol, "player", true) for i,data in ipairs(playerDataTable)do local elementData = getAccountData(account,data[1]) if not elementData and not checkThis(data[1]) then elementData = 0 end setElementData(player,data[1],elementData) end setElementData(player,"logedin",true) setElementData(player,"isDead",false) setElementData(player,"playerKilled",false) local weapon = getElementData(player, "currentweapon_1") if weapon then local ammoData, weapID = getWeaponAmmoType(weapon) giveWeapon(player, weapID, getElementData(player, ammoData), true) end local weapon = getElementData(player, "currentweapon_2") if weapon then local ammoData, weapID = getWeaponAmmoType(weapon) giveWeapon(player, weapID, getElementData(player, ammoData), false) end local weapon = getElementData(player, "currentweapon_3") if weapon then local ammoData, weapID = getWeaponAmmoType(weapon) giveWeapon(player, weapID, getElementData(player, ammoData), false) end setElementModel(player,getElementData(player,"skin")) setElementData(player,"admin",getAccountData(account,"admin")or false) setElementData(player,"supporter",getAccountData(account,"supporter")or false) triggerClientEvent(player,"onClientPlayerDayZLogin",player) end addEvent("onPlayerDayZLogin", true) addEventHandler("onPlayerDayZLogin", getRootElement(), playerLogin) function playerRegister(username, pass, player) number = math.random(#spawnPositions) x,y,z = spawnPositions[number][1],spawnPositions[number][2],spawnPositions[number][3] spawnPlayer (player, x,y,z, math.random(0,360), 0, 0, 0) fadeCamera(player,true) setCameraTarget(player,player) playerCol = createColSphere(x,y,z,1.5) attachElements(playerCol,player,0,0,0) setElementData(playerCol,"parent",player) setElementData(playerCol,"player",true) for i,item in pairs(playerDataTable) do setElementData(player,item[1],0) end for _,item in pairs(registerItems)do setElementData(player,item[1],item[2]) end setElementData(player,"logedin",true) createZombieTable(player) end addEvent("onPlayerDayZRegister", true) addEventHandler("onPlayerDayZRegister", getRootElement(), playerRegister) Spwan.lua Spoiler function kilLDayZPlayer(killer,headshot,weapon) setElementData(source,"teleporting",true) if getElementData(source,"playerKilled") then return end pedCol = false local account = getPlayerAccount(source) if not account then return end killPed(source) setElementData(source,"playerKilled",true) if getElementData(source,"alivetime")> 10 and not isElementInWater(source) then local x,y,z = getElementPosition(source) if getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(x,y,z,6000,6000,0)> 200 then local x,y,z = getElementPosition(source) local rotX,rotY,rotZ = getElementRotation(source) local skin = getElementModel(source) local ped = createPed(skin,x,y,z,rotZ) triggerClientEvent("AddDeathPedClothes",source,ped,source) pedCol = createColSphere(x,y,z,1.5) killPed(ped) setTimer(destroyDeadPlayer, 600000, 1, ped, pedCol) attachElements(pedCol,ped,0,0,0) setElementData(pedCol,"parent",ped) setElementData(pedCol,"playername",getPlayerName(source)) setElementData(pedCol,"deadman",true) setElementData(pedCol,"MAX_Slots",getElementData(source,"MAX_Slots")) local time = getRealTime() local hours = time.hour local minutes = time.minute setElementData(pedCol, "deadreason", getPlayerName(source) .. " está morto. Causa da morte: " .. (weapon or "Unknown") .. ". Hora da morte: " .. hours .. ":" .. minutes .. ".") end end if killer then if not getElementData(source,"bandit") then addPlayerStats (killer,"humanity",math.random(-2500,-1000)) else addPlayerStats (killer,"humanity",math.random(1000,2500)) end setElementData(killer,"murders",getElementData(killer,"murders")+1) setElementData(killer,"experience",getElementData(killer,"experience")+980) if getElementData(killer,"humanity") < 0 then setElementData(killer,"bandit",true) end if getElementData(source,"bandit") == true then setElementData(killer,"banditskilled",getElementData(killer,"banditskilled")+1) setElementData(killer,"experience",getElementData(killer,"experience")+800) end if headshot == true then setElementData(killer,"headshots",getElementData(killer,"headshots")+1) setElementData(killer,"experience",getElementData(killer,"experience")+1300) end end if pedCol then for i,data in ipairs(playerDataTable)do if tonumber(getElementData(source,data[1]))then setElementData(pedCol,data[1],getElementData(source,data[1])) end end local skinID = getElementData(source, "skin") local skin = getSkinNameFromID(skinID) setElementData(pedCol, skin, 1) end setTimer(setElementPosition,500,1,source,6000,6000,0) triggerClientEvent(source,"onClientPlayerDeathInfo",source) setAccountData(account,"isDead",true) setElementData(source,"isDead",true) triggerClientEvent("onRollMessageStart",getRootElement(),"#FFFFFF"..getPlayerName(source).." #FFFFFFwas killed",0,22,255,"died") if isElement(getElementData(source,"playerCol")) then destroyElement(getElementData(source,"playerCol")) end setTimer(spawnDayZPlayer,9600,1,source) end addEvent("kilLDayZPlayer",true) addEventHandler("kilLDayZPlayer",getRootElement(),kilLDayZPlayer) Script level patent .lua ==> Client Spoiler local ranksTable = { {"1","Training","1000"}, {"2","Recruit","2000"}, {"3","Private","3000"}, {"4","Private First Class","4000"}, {"5","Corporal","5000"}, {"6","Sergeant","5800"}, {"7","Staff Sergeant |","8100"}, {"8","Staff Sergeant ||","11000"}, {"9","Staff Sergeant |||","14600"}, {"10","Sergeant First Class |","18800"}, {"11","Sergeant First Class ||","23800"}, {"12","Sergeant First Class |||","29600"}, {"13","Master Sergeant |","36300"}, {"14","Master Sergeant ||","44100"}, {"15","Master Sergeant |||","53000"}, {"16","Master Sergeant ||||","63000"}, {"17","Command Sergeant Major |","74500"}, {"18","Command Sergeant Major |||","87400"}, {"19","Command Sergeant Major ||||","102000"}, {"20","Command Sergeant Major ||||","118400"}, {"21","Command Sergeant Major |||||","136700"}, {"22","Second Lieutenant |","157200"}, {"23","Second Lieutenant ||","180000"}, {"24","Second Lieutenant |||","205200"}, {"25","Second Lieutenant ||||","233300"}, {"26","Second Lieutenant |||||","264400"}, {"27","First Lieutenant |","298700"}, {"28","First Lieutenant ||","336500"}, {"29","First Lieutenant |||","378000"}, {"30","First Lieutenant ||||","423700"}, {"31","First Lieutenant |||||","473700"}, {"32","Captain |","528400"}, {"33","Captain |||","588100"}, {"34","Captain ||||","653400"}, {"35","Captain ||||","724400"}, {"36","Captain |||||","801600"}, {"37","Major |","885500"}, {"38","Major |||","976400"}, {"39","Major ||||","1074800"}, {"40","Major ||||","1181100"}, {"41","Major |||||","1296000"}, {"42","Lieutenant Colonel |","1419700"}, {"43","Lieutenant Colonel ||","1552900"}, {"44","Lieutenant Colonel |||","1696200"}, {"45","Lieutenant Colonel ||||","1849900"}, {"46","Lieutenant Colonel |||||","2014800"}, {"47","Colonel |","2191200"}, {"48","Colonel ||","2380000"}, {"49","Colonel |||","2581500"}, {"50","Colonel |||| ","2796400"}, {"51","Colonel |||||","3025300"}, {"52","Brigadier General |","3268800"}, {"53","Brigadier General ||","3527500"}, {"54","Brigadier General |||","3801900"}, {"55","Brigadier General ||||","4092800"}, {"56","Brigadier General |||||","4400600"}, {"57","Major General |","4726000"}, {"58","Major General ||","5069500"}, {"59","Major General |||","5431800"}, {"60","Major General ||||'","6000000"}, {"61","Major General |||||'","6568200"}, {"62","Lieutenant General |","7136400"}, {"63","Lieutenant General ||'","7704600"}, {"64","Lieutenant General |||","8272800"}, {"65","Lieutenant General ||||","8841000"}, {"66","Lieutenant General |||||","9409200"}, {"67","General |","9977400"}, {"68","General ||","10545600"}, {"69","General |||","11113800"}, {"70","General of the Army","11692000"} } function getPlayerRankName() for i=1,70 do if getElementData(localPlayer, "level") == tonumber(ranksTable[1]) then return ranksTable[2] end end end function getPlayerRankExperience() for i=1,70 do if getElementData(localPlayer, "level") == tonumber(ranksTable[1]) then return tonumber(ranksTable[3]) end end end function mainRanks() if getElementData(localPlayer, "logedin") == true then if getElementData(localPlayer, "experience") > getPlayerRankExperience() then if getElementData(localPlayer, "level") < 70 then setElementData(localPlayer, "level", getElementData(localPlayer, "level") + 1) end end dxDrawImage ( sW/22, sH/2.8, sW/60, sH/60, "images/level/rank"..getElementData(localPlayer, "level")..".jpg" ) dxDrawText ( getPlayerRankName().." ("..getElementData(localPlayer, "level")..")",sW/65, sH/3.6, sW/0, sH/0, tocolor ( 240, 230, 140, 255 ), 1.02, "default-bold" ) dxDrawText ( "Current experience: "..getElementData(localPlayer, "experience"), sW/65, sH/3.27, sW/0, sH/0, tocolor ( 70, 130, 180, 255 ), 1.02, "default-bold" ) if getElementData(localPlayer, "level") < 70 then dxDrawText ( "Need experience: "..getPlayerRankExperience(),sW/65, sH/3, sW/0, sH/0, tocolor ( 70, 130, 180, 255 ), 1.02, "default-bold" ) else dxDrawText ( "The maximum is reached",sW/65, sH/3, sW/0, sH/0, tocolor ( 70, 130, 180, 255 ), 1.02, "default-bold" ) end end end addEventHandler ( "onClientRender", root, mainRanks ) This is to functions the Spawn.lua is that buga when you die and displaces the count to be reborn Link to comment
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