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Chatbox spam on server join




from time to time, random people join my server and spam ads in the chat. Usually this isn't so bad as they only do it once and never come back.

But today some guy kept joining over and over again spamming stuff.

The problem is, apparently he is able to get around the function that handles every output to the chat.

function Chat.redirect(message, messageType)
	if not isElement(source) then return end
	local arenaElement = getElementParent(source)
	if not arenaElement or getElementType(arenaElement) ~= "Arena" then return end
	local chat_color = getElementData(source, "setting:chat_color") or "#ffffff"
	local message = Chat.parseEmotis(message)	
	if not getElementData(arenaElement, "showSpectatorChat") and getElementData(source, "Spectator") then
		Chat.outputSpectatorChat(arenaElement, getPlayerName(source).."#ffffff: "..chat_color..message)
	if messageType == 0 then

		if getElementData(arenaElement, "silence") and not exports["CCS"]:export_acl_check(source, "silence") then
			outputChatBox("Sorry, Silence mode is active!", source, 255, 0, 128)
		Chat.outputArenaChat(arenaElement, getPlayerName(source).."#ffffff: "..chat_color..message)

	elseif messageType == 1 then
		if getElementData(arenaElement, "silence") and not exports["CCS"]:export_acl_check(source, "silence") then
			outputChatBox("Sorry, Silence mode is active!", source, 255, 0, 128)
		Chat.outputArenaChat(arenaElement, "#ff00ff* "..getPlayerName(source):gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x", "").." "..message:gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x", ""))

	elseif messageType == 2 then

		local team = getPlayerTeam(source)
		if not team then return end
		for i, p in pairs(getPlayersInTeam(team)) do
			outputChatBox("#00f000[Team] #ffffff"..getPlayerName(source).."#ffffff: "..chat_color..message, p, 255, 255, 255, true)
		triggerEvent("onServerChatMessage", root, "#00f000[Team] #ffffff"..getPlayerName(source).."#ffffff: "..chat_color..message)

addEventHandler("onPlayerChat", root, Chat.redirect)

Normally, he shouldn't be able to write anything in the chat without going through this function.

But it seems when you join a server and very fast after that spam a message, it will be output to the chatbox without trigger the "onPlayerChat" event.

[2017-03-07 10:55:47] KICK: MAFYA=BALTROS was kicked from the game by  (Command Flood)
[2017-03-07 10:55:47] CHAT: MAFYA=BALTROS: multi theft auto turkis de +70 araç +70 sikin adminilklerimiz indirimdedirrrrr!!!

[2017-03-07 10:56:04] KICK: MAFYA=BALTROS was kicked from the game by  (Command Flood)
[2017-03-07 10:56:04] CHAT: MAFYA=BALTROS: multi theft auto turkis de +70 araç +70 sikin adminilklerimiz indirimdedirrrrr!!!

[2017-03-07 10:56:12] KICK: MAFYA=BALTROS was kicked from the game by  (Command Flood)
[2017-03-07 10:56:12] CHAT: MAFYA=BALTROS: multi theft auto turkis de +70 araç +70 sikin adminilklerimiz indirimdedirrrrr!!!

[2017-03-07 10:56:27] KICK: MAFYA=BALTROS was kicked from the game by  (Command Flood)
[2017-03-07 10:56:27] CHAT: MAFYA=BALTROS: multi theft auto turkis de +70 araç +70 sikin adminilklerimiz indirimdedirrrrr!!!

[2017-03-07 10:56:33] CONNECT: MAFYA=BALTROS connected (IP:  Serial: 0D3C0C3E418D7DEDF4E60FE33CB64753  Version: 1.5.3-9.11204.0)
[2017-03-07 10:56:33] JOIN: MAFYA=BALTROS joined the game (IP:
[2017-03-07 10:56:35] KICK: MAFYA=BALTROS was kicked from the game by  (Command Flood)
[2017-03-07 10:56:35] CHAT: MAFYA=BALTROS: multi theft auto turkis de +70 araç +70 sikin adminilklerimiz indirimdedirrrrr!!!

I would also like to request a tempory ban or something like that for this guy. Maybe it will teach him and his friends a lesson.



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