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Something about RPG mod

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I downloaded the latest RPG mod made by oli and jax I think if I read well.

I'm new to this so.. :P

I installed the mirc program and mta:ma.

I load the rpg script, then load my server and get into it.

Some commands just don't work and, there's other problems.

Maybe I am the problem I don't know, maybe you guys could give me places with tutorials on RPG or something. :)

I have problems like: they say I earned like 200 for exemple ( $ ), and it end up as my counter still at 0, and didn't grow up.

I get into the el corrupto grande bank I think, and write !account, for an account for my team and it says: You're not in the bank.

I go into sunshine auto place for exemple, and it says: This property is not registred ( or something like it so I can't buy )

There's a thing too when you steal money in the bank, it says get to the dock in 12seconds, how can I reach it it's on the other side of the map lol?

I set my password for the alarm and set it on, as I come back to my car or another guy, there's no alarm, but this one, I probably need to buy the car first hehe, but can't buy because I have totally no money, even when it says I'm earning some.

Probably I need to edit my script myself that's why I have lots of problems with it, or is there something I forgot?

Thanx for your patience :)


Btw, I'm new like I said so go easy on me hehe :P, and sorry for this bad english, I'm not english :)

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Well try it, just go inside the bank and type !steal or !hack or !rob I don't remember, and for me it says the second time, you stole 206$, get back to the dock in 12 seconds. And I can't actually reach it so after it says, The cops caught you so you don't have this money anymore or something like that.

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RPG > Base: Vercetti-Estate - Owner: Un-Claimed

[sSQ]G-Unit > Area: Disabled

[sSQ]G-Unit: !sprice 30

RPG > Set Vercetti-Estate's price to $30

Set Disabled's price to $30

[sSQ]G-Unit: !buybase

[sSQ]G-Unit: !buyplace

[sSQ]G-Unit: !buyplaces

RPG > [sSQ]G-Unit bought Vercetti-Estate for $30

PM from Admin: Cannot buy this place

[sSQ]G-Unit: !base

RPG > Base: Vercetti-Estate - Owner: Un-claimed

[sSQ]G-Unit: !place

RPG > Property: Vercetti-Estate - Owner: [sSQ]G-Unit - Bought For: $30

[sSQ]G-Unit > Area: Disabled

[sSQ]G-Unit: !buybase

Ok I can understand I made some errors but still, I bought it, and it says, Area Disabled or Cannot buy this place, any help please?

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