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Who got ctw script?


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try aerons website http://home.deds.nl/~aeron/ Go on downloads then ctw and right click capture the whopee then save link as, or something along the lines of that.

Catman u give lots of links lol its better to give the whole thing so here is the copy paste of the link that catman asked u to go to.

on *:SIGNAL:mta.admin: {
 if ($2 == !ctw) ctw $1 $3-
alias ctw {
 if ($2 == on) {
   if ($mta.admin+($1)) {
     mta.say $1 Capture the Whoopee activated!
     mta.say $1 Stay as long as possible in the Whoopee in a round of 30 mins!
     remini ctw.ini S $+ $1
     .timerctw $+ $1 1 1800 ctw $1 stop
     unset % [ $+ [ $1 ] ]
   else mta.say $1 No admin+ connection!
 if ($2 == off) {
   if (% [ $+ [ $1 ] ]) !writeini ctw.ini S $+ $1 ID $+ $gettok(% [ $+ [ $1 ] ],1,32) $calc($readini(ctw.ini,S $+ $1,ID $+ $gettok(% [ $+ [ $1 ] ],1,32)) + $ticks - $gettok(% [ $+ [ $1 ] ],2,32))
   var %a = $ctw2($1)
   mta.say $1 Capture the Whoopee deactivated!
   mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,%a) has won with a time of $duration($calc($readini(ctw.ini,S $+ $1,ID $+ %a)/1000)) !
   remini ctw.ini S $+ $1
   .timerctw $+ $1 off
   unset % [ $+ [ $1 ] ]
 if ($2 == stop) {
   if (% [ $+ [ $1 ] ]) !writeini ctw.ini S $+ $1 ID $+ $gettok(% [ $+ [ $1 ] ],1,32) $calc($readini(ctw.ini,S $+ $1,ID $+ $gettok(% [ $+ [ $1 ] ],1,32)) + $ticks - $gettok(% [ $+ [ $1 ] ],2,32))
   var %a = $ctw2($1)
   mta.say $1 Time up! New round!
   mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,%a) has won with a time of $duration($calc($readini(ctw.ini,S $+ $1,ID $+ %a)/1000)) !
   mta.say $1 Stay as long as possible in the Whoopee in a round of 30 mins!
   remini ctw.ini S $+ $1
   .timerctw $+ $1 1 1800 ctw $1 stop
   unset % [ $+ [ $1 ] ]
alias ctw2 {
 var %a = 1,%b,%c = 0
 while ($ini(ctw.ini,S $+ $1,0) >= %a) {
   if ($readini(ctw.ini,S $+ $1,$ini(ctw.ini,S $+ $1,%a)) > %c) {
     %c = $readini(ctw.ini,S $+ $1,$ini(ctw.ini,S $+ $1,%a))
     %b = $right($ini(ctw.ini,S $+ $1,%a),-2)
   inc %a
 return %b
on *:SIGNAL:mta.join: {
 if ($timer(ctw $+ $1)) {
   mta.msg $1 $2 Welcome, Capture the Whoopee active!
   mta.msg $1 $2 Stay as long as possible in the Whoopee (Round time left: $duration($timer(ctw $+ $1).secs))
on *:SIGNAL:mta.exit: {
 if ($timer(ctw $+ $1)) {
   if ($gettok(% [ $+ [ $1 ] ],1,32) == $2) {
     mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,$2) lost the Whoopee!
     !writeini ctw.ini S $+ $1 ID $+ $2 $calc($readini(ctw.ini,S $+ $1,ID $+ $2) + $ticks - $gettok(% [ $+ [ $1 ] ],2,32))
     unset % [ $+ [ $1 ] ]
on *:SIGNAL:mta.enter: {
 if ($timer(ctw $+ $1)) {
   if ($mta.vehicle($1,$2).name == Mr. Whoopee) {
     mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,$2) has the Whoopee!
     if (% [ $+ [ $1 ] ]) !writeini ctw.ini S $+ $1 ID $+ $gettok(% [ $+ [ $1 ] ],1,32) $calc($readini(ctw.ini,S $+ $1,ID $+ $gettok(% [ $+ [ $1 ] ],1,32)) + $ticks - $gettok(% [ $+ [ $1 ] ],2,32))
     % [ $+ [ $1 ] ] = $2 $ticks
on *:SIGNAL:mta.command: {
 if ($timer(ctw $+ $1)) {
   if ($3 == !time) {
     mta.say $1 Time left: $duration($timer(ctw $+ $1).secs))
   if ($3 == !score) {
     !writeini ctw.ini S $+ $1 ID $+ $gettok(% [ $+ [ $1 ] ],1,32) $calc($readini(ctw.ini,S $+ $1,ID $+ $gettok(% [ $+ [ $1 ] ],1,32)) + $ticks - $gettok(% [ $+ [ $1 ] ],2,32))
     % [ $+ [ $1 ] ] = $gettok(% [ $+ [ $1 ] ],1,32) $ticks
     var %a = $ctw2($1)
     mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,%a) is leading with a time of $duration($calc($readini(ctw.ini,S $+ $1,ID $+ %a)/1000)) !

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