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one question

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yeah well experienced players can dodge quite easilly, but its when ur not expecting it, it gets annoying.

ok, some-one runs up, 1 shot stubby kills you (or at least gets you to floor then finishes you) or nades you or chainsaws you...etc.

so what's the difference?

The difference is that you may be lucky that you won't get hit by a weapon but a car works most of the time and its like protection for you so you dont get hurt.

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yeah well experienced players can dodge quite easilly, but its when ur not expecting it, it gets annoying.

ok, some-one runs up, 1 shot stubby kills you (or at least gets you to floor then finishes you) or nades you or chainsaws you...etc.

so what's the difference?

good question. there is no difference. its just unlikely that'll ull get stubby/nade/chainsaw killed etc when ur not expecting it, as many times as with cars maybe once or twice, and that doesnt annoy me. but with carkills its easy to do and it can happen all the time when ur not expecting it.

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Well i believe that element of surpise and the fact it can happen anywhere anytime is literally great and takes away that dull, repetative drizzle of most other mp games.

And if that wasn't enough theres a bonus that there is protection against it in the shape of a radar. This may not be much and it may be hard to use but what else could you possibly want.

And even if they do get you, it only takes 10-20 secs to spawn again so get back out there and deal some allmighty pain :twisted:

ps: Think he is saying that if carkilling is so easy, carkill yourself.

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