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[REL] Wallglitch Fix - Beta 0.8


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This resource will fix the wallglitch that allows players AND peds to shoot through walls. It is completely client-side and should not strain the server.
This script protects players and vehicles from being killed/destroyed via wallglitching.

Note: Only hitscan-weapons (like the Pistol or the AK-47) work with this fix. Shotguns have not been tested yet. This script also has not been tested on low-end systems yet, but it should not cause much strain.

How does it work?
It checks the collision between the shoulder of the shooter and the muzzle of the weapon. The line between the muzzle and the bullet is also checked. If a collision is found, the damage of the shot gets canceled. So, it prevents players from aiming through walls (especially small ones) and the bullet from going through walls (which occurs because the aim-point is off-set from the actual point the weapon is aiming).

Get the newest version from the MTA-Community!
NOTE FOR DEVELOPERS: You are allowed to use, re-upload and edit my scripts, as long as I am not discredited. Just do not claim that it is your's, and everything is cool.

Edited by Fierelier
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