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[REL] Mute Panel (subMod) v1.0


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DOWNLOAD: https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&s=details&id=13638


A type of moderator panel that ONLY allows to mute players! (open panel with /mp when authorized)

Useful to give someone you don't fully trust yet, the lowest sort of moderator/staff powers that exist.

Maybe you got some players asking to be made staff in order to ''atleast do something'' against spammers, (to stop them), you can make them an user of this panel.

Only being able to mute, misuse/abuse isn't likely.

It can only mute for 5 minutes duration, and asks for the exact Chat sentence (encourage the users of this panel to put that in if you want to be sure they only mute for real spam, so you can always verify this) ofcourse they can just put anything as reason, not following the encouragement to put in the spam sentence for record purposes.

It shows the mute message in chat when someone gets muted by a mutemod, but doesn't reveal the name of the muter.

(ADD USER ACCOUNT NAMES in the beginning of .lua under local authorizedMuters = { and they will be pushed to ACL)

Script security is of good quality

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