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How to correctly set ElementData to update?


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Hello everyone, so I downloaded this resource : https://community.multitheftauto.com/in ... s&id=12294 and wanted to edit it so that the player receives coins for doing WinStreaks as well.

I did the following (in rank.lua file) and it does show client msg in chatbox and everything but it does not give any coins at all. Please, I wasted a lot of time on this, trying different things but in the end coins weren't given to me for doing a WinStreak (despite messages showing correct ammount in chat).

function winstreak(playerName) 
        local playerName = getPlayerName(source) 
        local playerNamenick = string.gsub(playerName, "#%x%x%x%x%x%x", "") 
        local accountid = getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(source)) 
        local players = getElementsByType("player") 
        local serial = getPlayerSerial(source) 
    local uyelik = getPlayerAccount(source) 
        local statlar = executeSQLQuery("SELECT * FROM Scores WHERE AccountId = ? AND PlayerName = ?", accountid, playerName) 
        local coins = 0 
            if not PlayerData[playerName] then 
            local minPlayers = 1 or 0 
            if #players < minPlayers then 
                PlayerData[playerName].Streaks = 0 
            local wins = PlayerData[playerName].Streaks or 0 
            wins = wins + 1 
            local playernames = getPlayerName(source) 
            if wins == 2 then 
            --outputChatBox(""..playerNamenick.." has done a WinStreak of "..wins.."!", getRootElement(), 0,255,255) 
            coins = 3 
            exports.messages:outputGameMessage(""..playerNamenick.." earned "..coins.." KnightCoins for his WinStreak of "..wins.."", getRootElement(), 2, 255, 0, 0) 
            local mesaj = "You earned "..coins.." KnightCoins for your WinStreak of "..wins.."!" 
                triggerClientEvent(source ,"serverMEsajlarAl", source, mesaj) 
                points = tonumber(statlar[1]["Points"]) 
                cash = tonumber(statlar[1]["Cash"]) + coins 
                toptimes = tonumber(statlar[1]["TopTimes"]) 
                executeSQLQuery("UPDATE Scores SET Points = ?, Cash = ?, TopTimes = ? WHERE AccountId = '"..accountid.."' AND PlayerName = '"..playerName.."'", points, cash, toptimes) 
                setElementData ( source ,"data.cash", cash, true) 

PS: This is just one part of the code (only for WinStreak of 2) but others are the same so I don't think they're needed here. Also I don't know if this should be added to update in one of the other files of the resource as well. That's why I need someone with a bit more knowledge to try help me out :)

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