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[REL] ANTI-ADVERT V2 (Anti server advertisement)

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  • MTA Anti-Cheat Team


DOWNLOAD: https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&s=details&id=13376

Annoying huh, those players only joining your server to advertise another?

This resource prevents that by detecting server advertisements and blocks them from showing in chat.

Successor of my first anti-advert script on community.

Detected types of advert:

- IP adresses in chat

- Detection alghoritm for usual adverts (confirmed advertisement, results in auto-ban)

The detection alghoritm, when it triggers, indicates it's 100% sure an server advert and therefore will get auto-banned temporarily.

IP's can be shared into chat by players for several reasons, not only adverts.

So when this script detected an IP in chat, it will not auto-ban but notify all online admins/moderators by message, and log it to the server log.


It will appear as follows:

[sUSPECT-ADVERTISING] " NAME " (tried to) output: [suspect IP]

Then, the human eye can select whether it's an advertisement or not (or for example, internet radio station IP:port - not always server advertisements..)

You can then browse through your server log in all comfort, fishing out adverts that were logged to ban them. (or instantly if you're on as staff and get the alert)

Now the thing comes; this script will not only Detect advertisements and ban/log them, but also cancel the suspected advertisements. But this only works, if you don't have a separate chathandler running, like with some gamemodes such as Freeroam that do. Therefore you would need to modify or strip this; default Freeroam will for example not see these messages canceled because the chathandler interferes with this resource's stripping out of messages after detection.

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