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What causes user lag?


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Three questions about internet lag...

Do 50 peds in one corner of the server lag a user in the other corner as much as though they were next to them?

Same for vehicles... Do 50 cars lag you wherever they are? Even if they are frozen?

Yes, It will depend on the capacity of your machine.

weak = lag

medium = maybe lag

strong = no lag

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1 and 2) No. I don't know the details, but I am certain that MTA server does not send so detailed data (e.g bullet coordinates) about players who are far away.

So (still guessing) indeed 50 players together would cause more data to be sent from server to each of these players if they are nearby.

Odds are that rendering these 50 vehicles/peds/whatever could be problematic for player's computer so lag wouldn't be the first problem anymore.

3) Don't know about that, as it's very much implementation specific. I would guess that MTA sends diffs with previous coordinates (instead of full coordinates) just to have a shorter package, so if something is standing still there would be less data, but perhaps I'm wrong.

But as usual, questions start from a problem - did you have some? Or are just curious?

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Thanks, I'll hope for more absolute answers if anyone has tested lag causes. I think all our users would benefit from a better understanding of what makes them lag.

I ask about lag because I am trying to resolve user lag that I see on my server as well as on my own machine (i7-4790 GTX760 Win10) as well as not create new projects that create more lag. I frequently am seeing 'streamed in lag' and worry too many cars or peds lag users all over the server and not just those nearby, but this is just a worry, i have no fact supporting this.

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I have some experience and experiments regarding to lag as I played MTA SA in a low-end computer i.e. notebook, which has only 1 GB ram, 1.6 GHz cpu processor, windows xp and cherry on the cake, a slow internet connection.

I don't have much knowledge about it but I may say lag is related to internet speed as well hardware, which you guys may already know.

I have a visited a server which has huge graphical things like sharders, car models, etc...

So whenever I see at long distance, maybe a car few meters away from me, I lagged and when I stared myself at a particular thing and not so many such as only a wall, road, sky, etc.. my lag decreases and my fps increases. The difference is from 5 FPS to 30 FPS. This is one of the way to increase your flips and reduce lag though you will not be able to play or enjoy your game but can chat with your friends without these 'timed out' messages and computer freezing issues.

Secondly, I have also discovered that entering a interior does also reduce lag.

And thirdly, whenever there is a crowd of vehicles(not sure about peds/players), particularly in freeroams where trollsplayers spawns lots of vehicles at spawn points, gets pretty laggy and sometimes even computer froze for second together. The lag reduces as you walked away from the crowded area, proportional to the distance between you and the crowded area.

Finally, whenever I used to join a server which has huge player base i.e >100 such as SAUR, there was a frequent lag. The proof for this is the player fault and not the server is that I join the server once when it has less than 50 players in it and the lag was disappear.

Not sure about the players/peds but yes, 50 cars on same spot at same time at same place as you, may lag you or freeze,crash,'timed out' your computer as per my experience.

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Great account of lag. Thanks.

I'm finding streamed in objects to be the issue i am causing lag with. Yet on 1.4 this was never a problem I had noticed. Maybe just didn't see it back then. But it is as plain as day now. Any collection of objects big enough to be something cool causes a lot of lag on draw, and i've no such problems with my set up. 42ms ping time on 5mb dsl, server 11 miles way, i7-4790 GTX760 SSDs Passmark System Score: 5150 plays San Andreas, not to mention GTA V just fine.

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