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Gangwar Mode


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hiiiie like kfc cheated and kicked jani for having a cracked client ROFL! and jani u sum what support camaro u r dumb tralalala. Kung rofl hahahaha! lol chronic im a idiot right lol? lol im not the 1 wearing a NYC hat thats 2 years old and dirty wlaking on the streets thinkin im big and i run things u just another kfc fag :) may i say more faggets its good eh when we hacked your forums alst time and u clanbanned us and now sexyb just pwned u so hard like u cant imagine and u cant admit to it. NIGGAS and p.s u suck more D* that any clan cause u ban ppl for the cheats now we ban u ok ?fuck u 2 friend go suck your daddys pee pee now :)TRALALALALALA

__afr0 aka afr(())

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I don't mind if KFC keeps there breach up but i would request to keep the

usage of the altered files limited to a PRIVATE server, never cheat on public servers or in gang wars.

I appreciate that and I will make sure any further testing is on a private

passworded server that doesn't show up in ASE.

However, I (and any other testers) would be much more comfortable using

an officially sanctioned client to develop/test the gangwar mode idea.

Here is a suggestion:

- Make a special version of the 0.4.1 client that supports the gangwar

mode, and doesn't crc check the mtag.scm or american.gxt files. Make

the client ONLY work with a special version of the Linux server that

supports this mode, so it cannot possibly be used on normal servers.

- Give me (and only me) the special server version so there will only ever

be one instance of it for testing purposes.

- Preferably the special client and server would sync all possible weapons

that currently work (including teargas and minigun). There are weapons

that are undesirable in deathmatch that could be used effectively in a

managed gangwar environment.

This would avoid the need for altered clients while still limiting it to a

single testing server so it doesn't impact everyone else. It would also

result in a scm based on the current 4.x engine instead of the obsolete


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rofl lol nutz said it wasnt being ddosed u nub. U r so dumb! its un imaginable u think u r a programmer pfft.

By what everything was sounding, it sounded like he was being DDoSed. You're fucking dumb yourself, you can't even spell. And... I am a programmer... Need me to send you some of my work? Why would I fake it? I have no reason to. :roll:

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