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Kill timer


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Hello I'm trying to kill the timer but doesn't work

client side

function setTimerOnWasted() 
--- the place i kill the timer with 

And yeah I want to ask when player dies will the timer be set for the dead player?


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This is working 100%

local timers = {} 
    function setTimerOnWasted() 
    if isTimer(timers) then killTime(timers) end 
    timers = setTimer( 
          guiSetVisible(deathWin, true) 
          for k,v in ipairs(timers) do if isTimer(v) then killTimer(v) end end 
    addEventHandler("onClientPlayerWasted", getLocalPlayer(), setTimerOnWasted) 

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@#meS Line 11, a timer isn't the same as a function.

@Rob A table isn't the same as a timer and a typo on line 3.

Only Dimos7 code might work if you(#meS) add the event onClientGUIClick + killTimer part. Which you still haven't posted yet, it is stupid to say that it isn't working when you are not showing everything that is required to finish the code.

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@#meS Line 11, a timer isn't the same as a function.

@Rob A table isn't the same as a timer and a typo on line 3.

Only Dimos7 code might work if you(#meS) add the event onClientGUIClick + killTimer part. Which you still haven't posted yet, it is stupid to say that it isn't working when you are not showing everything that is required to finish the code.

yeah sorry it worked but i want to ask it will be removed for the clicked element?

function revPlayer() 
local playerHealthC = getElementHealth ( clickedElement ) 
if source == CLP.label[3] then 
if playerHealthC == 0 then 
outputChatBox("You Revived "..getPlayerName(clickedElement).." !",255,0,0) 

( not the full code don't say clicked element is not defined it's already definded ) :)

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The element(timer) will be destroyed.

But the variable will still contain the userdata of the element(timer), which is invalid and can't be considered as a reference to an element.

For example: (execute these lines in your code)

-- We start a timer: 
local timer = setTimer(function()end,1000,1)  
-- We check the timer: 
outputChatBox("The userdata of the timer: " .. tostring(timer) .. ", is the timer an element: " ..  (isTimer(timer) and "yes" or "no") .. "." ) 
-- Now we destroy it: 
-- And now we check the timer again: 
outputChatBox("The userdata of the timer: " .. tostring(timer) .. ", is the timer an element: " ..  (isTimer(timer) and "yes" or "no") .. "." ) 

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-- go step by step 
function setTimerOnWasted()    -- the [u][b]function[/b][/u] is named [b]setTimerOnWasted[/b] 
  setTimer(                    -- creating a timer without variable 
    end, 30000, 0) 
addEventHandler("onPlayerWasted", getLocalPlayer(), setTimerOnWasted) -- Timer is created [u][b]when a player wasted[/b][/u] 
-- Timer, destroyed at the start of resources - immediately. 
-- But timer created when the player wasted. 
-- Moreover, you try not to destroy the timer. 
-- You try to destroy the function. 
-- Generally, you need immediately after wasted the player to open the window. 
-- And after 30 seconds to close. 
-- Below is the corrected version of your script. 
-- But do not think that's what you need. 

timer_Varible = nil 
function setTimerOnWasted()          -- When a player wasted execute the function. 
  guiSetVisible(deathWin, true)      -- Open the window immediately. 
  if timer_Varible then 
     timer_Varible = nil 
  timer_Varible =  setTimer(         -- Create a timer that closes in 30 seconds. 
      guiSetVisible(deathWin, false) 
      timer_Varible = nil 
    end, 30000, 1)                   -- After 30,000 milliseconds performed close the window 1 times. If 0, then the eternally every 30,000 milliseconds. 
addEventHandler("onPlayerWasted", getLocalPlayer(), setTimerOnWasted)  

Sorry for my English.

It's all Google translator.

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onPlayerWasted is server side..

Ohhh... Realy.

Then... onClientPlayerWasted

timer_Varible = nil 
function setTimerOnWasted() 
  guiSetVisible(deathWin, true) 
  if timer_Varible then 
     timer_Varible = nil 
  timer_Varible = setTimer( 
      guiSetVisible(deathWin, false) 
      timer_Varible = nil 
    end, 30000, 1) 
addEventHandler("on[b]Client[/b]PlayerWasted", getLocalPlayer(), setTimerOnWasted)  

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