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Random Radio Station Start Times


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OK, ive been playing MTA and VC for over 18 months now... and every time i get in a car.. i hear the same tunes on the radio over and over and over again..

Now there are tunes on the VC radio system whihc i love.. but i NEVER get to hear cause by the time i get to em ill have had a crash and the radio will restart..

So i thought.. what about it selecting a random place to start the radio from on start game.. and hence u would hear a more varied set of tunes..

what do ya think?

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i was hoping synced time would have meant synced radio, but alas, it was not to be. so now i play without a radio at all. the music i listen to is the horrible sounds of me crushing my opponent....how sweet it is :twisted:\:D/:-({|=

just to clarify, we are talking about radio stations not starting up at the same point every time, not having it synced between passengers, right? cause i see that causing problems (some people just don't like k jah as much as i do)

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just to clarify, we are talking about radio stations not starting up at the same point every time, not having it synced between passengers, right? cause i see that causing problems (some people just don't like k jah as much as i do)

That would be hilarious - having radio fights... just like in real life :D

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just to clarify, we are talking about radio stations not starting up at the same point every time, not having it synced between passengers, right? cause i see that causing problems (some people just don't like k jah as much as i do)
well i didnt mean synced radio between passangers, i meant we cud sing along together with synced radio time
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