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[HELP] guiGetScreenSize problem


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Hello guys, I am trying to make a small image in the middle right part of the screen, but I keep bumping on an issue. The image is fine for me, but for a friend with a bigger resolution, he gets it more to the left and a bit longer to the right :P

Any ideas?

local x, y = guiGetScreenSize() 
currencyWindow = guiCreateStaticImage(x/2 + 370, y/2, x/7.2, y/7, ":guieditor/images/examples/fereastra.png", false) 

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Try using this:

local screenW, screenH = guiGetScreenSize() 
function centerWindow(window_element) 
    local windowW,windowH=guiGetSize(window_element,false) 
    local x,y = (screenW-windowW)/2,(screenH-windowH)/2 

Call the function with


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[quote name=..:D&G:..]Hello guys, I am trying to make a small image in the middle right part of the screen, but I keep bumping on an issue. The image is fine for me, but for a friend with a bigger resolution, he gets it more to the left and a bit longer to the right :P

Any ideas?

local x, y = guiGetScreenSize() 

to make any dx element fixed for all screens do that.. for more information go to tutorials forum and look at my dx tutorial..

local sw, sh = guiGetScreenSize() -- get the screen size of the player... 
local x,y = (sw/1280),(sh/768) -- my resolution is 1280x768 so that is what i do... i do / my screen width and / my screen height ... use yours 
function draw () 
-- ur image  positions without any math stuff... 
currencyWindow = guiCreateStaticImage(x*postionOne, y*positionTwo, x*positionThree, y*positionFour, ":guieditor/images/examples/fereastra.png", false) 
-- now all people will see the image like u see it.. any one except the very low resolution ones there will be a small defferance... 

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Try using this:
local screenW, screenH = guiGetScreenSize() 
function centerWindow(window_element) 
    local windowW,windowH=guiGetSize(window_element,false) 
    local x,y = (screenW-windowW)/2,(screenH-windowH)/2 

Call the function with


I did this:

function centerWindow(window_element) 
    local windowW,windowH = guiGetSize(window_element,false) 
    local x, y = (screenW-windowW)/2, (screenH-windowH)/2 
    guiSetPosition(window_element, x+440, y, false) 

With the size of the gui element beeing this: 141, 121

the x+440 made the guy element perfect on the middle right side of the screen, but my friend with a higher resolution still seens the gui element more to the left, away from the right side of the screen..


to make any dx element fixed for all screens do that.. for more information go to tutorials forum and look at my dx tutorial..

local sw, sh = guiGetScreenSize() -- get the screen size of the player... 
local x,y = (sw/1280),(sh/768) -- my resolution is 1280x768 so that is what i do... i do / my screen width and / my screen height ... use yours 
function draw () 
-- ur image  positions without any math stuff... 
currencyWindow = guiCreateStaticImage(x*postionOne, y*positionTwo, x*positionThree, y*positionFour, ":guieditor/images/examples/fereastra.png", false) 
-- now all people will see the image like u see it.. any one except the very low resolution ones there will be a small defferance... 

The problem is I don't use DX. I have too many small elements that I can't take my time with, so I make them a child of the bigger element (window image)...

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Better to use dx This is an example with center :

local x, y = guiGetScreenSize() 
local rx, ry = (x/800), (y/600)  
function dx ()  
dxDrawLine(rx*473 - 1, ry*137 - 1, rx*473 - 1, ry*577, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 255), 1, false) 
dxDrawLine(rx*811, ry*137 - 1, rx*473 - 1, ry*137 - 1, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 255), 1, false) 
dxDrawLine(rx*473 - 1, ry*577, rx*811, ry*577, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 255), 1, false) 
dxDrawLine(rx*811, ry*577, rx*811, ry*137 - 1, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 255), 1, false) 
dxDrawRectangle(rx*473, ry*137, rx*338, ry*440, tocolor(127, 126, 126, 170), false) 

It's not difficult they are easy to use , and I advise you I will help you in the piece

Any Problem ?

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Better to use dx This is an example with center :
local x, y = guiGetScreenSize() 
local rx, ry = (x/800), (y/600)  
function dx ()  
dxDrawLine(rx*473 - 1, ry*137 - 1, rx*473 - 1, ry*577, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 255), 1, false) 
dxDrawLine(rx*811, ry*137 - 1, rx*473 - 1, ry*137 - 1, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 255), 1, false) 
dxDrawLine(rx*473 - 1, ry*577, rx*811, ry*577, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 255), 1, false) 
dxDrawLine(rx*811, ry*577, rx*811, ry*137 - 1, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 255), 1, false) 
dxDrawRectangle(rx*473, ry*137, rx*338, ry*440, tocolor(127, 126, 126, 170), false) 

It's not difficult they are easy to use , and I advise you I will help you in the piece

Any Problem ?

Oh, I get it now. I only have to add "rx*" to the size and possition of the dx on my resolution xD Didn't know it was that easy, thanks a lot !

But I got another problem. The dx elements only render when I use "onClientRender". I used to use "onClientResourceStart" but the dx appears for only 1 seconds and disappears... Any ideas?



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Um... I just bumped into an issue again...

On my screen (1024x768) I see it perfect, like this:


And my friend, with a resolution of 1440x900 sees it like this:


local x, y = guiGetScreenSize() 
        local rx, ry = (x/1024), (y/768) 
        dxDrawRectangle(rx*883, ry*285, rx*141, ry*121, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 150), false) 
        dxDrawImage(rx*886, rx*329, rx*30, rx*34, "images/dollar.png", 0, 0, 0, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), false) 
         dxDrawText(playerEurosValue, rx*922 - 1, rx*300 - 1, rx*1007 - 1, rx*318 - 1, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 255), 1.30, "default-bold", "left", "top", false, false, false, false, false) 

Any ideas?

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Good ,

and Add function and


be #

local x, y = guiGetScreenSize() 
        local rx, ry = (x/1024), (y/768) 
     function () 
        dxDrawRectangle(rx*883, ry*285, rx*141, ry*121, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 150), false) 
        dxDrawImage(rx*886, rx*329, rx*30, rx*34, "images/dollar.png", 0, 0, 0, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), false) 
         dxDrawText(playerEurosValue, rx*922 - 1, rx*300 - 1, rx*1007 - 1, rx*318 - 1, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 255), 1.30, "default-bold", "left", "top", false, false, false, false, false) 

Any Problem ?

Skype : abdallah_2091

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Good ,

and Add function and


be #

local x, y = guiGetScreenSize() 
        local rx, ry = (x/1024), (y/768) 
     function () 
        dxDrawRectangle(rx*883, ry*285, rx*141, ry*121, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 150), false) 
        dxDrawImage(rx*886, rx*329, rx*30, rx*34, "images/dollar.png", 0, 0, 0, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), false) 
         dxDrawText(playerEurosValue, rx*922 - 1, rx*300 - 1, rx*1007 - 1, rx*318 - 1, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 255), 1.30, "default-bold", "left", "top", false, false, false, false, false) 

Any Problem ?

Skype : abdallah_2091

You don't get it xD I managed to make it work, but me and my friend have different resolutions, and he sees it in a different way than me... I added you on skype btw

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