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if (!car == $3) {
   %b = $iif($4 isnum,$4,$mta.getid($1,$4))
   if ($4 !== $null) { 
     if ($mta.vehicle($1,%b).name != Unknown) mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,%b) is in/on $mta.vehicle($1,%b).name - Damage: $calc(100 - $mta.health($1,%b).vehicle) %manhunt %
     else mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,%b) is out of game! 
   else { 
     if ($mta.vehicle($1,$2).name != Unknown) mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,$2) is in/on $mta.vehicle($1,$2).name - Damage: $calc(100 - $mta.health($1,$2).vehicle) %manhunt %
     else mta.say $1 You are out of game!
if ($mta.name($1,%b).name == Unknown) mta.say $1 User ID Failed.

Why is it User ID Failed. not working ???

can somone fix it ?

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if ($3 == !car) {
%b = $iif($4 isnum,$4,$mta.getid($1,$4))
if ($4 !== $null) {
mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,%b) is in/on $mta.vehicle($1,%b).name Damage: $calc(100 - $mta.health($1,%b).vehicle) %manhunt %
elseif ($mta.vehicle($1,%b).name == Foot && Unknown) mta.say $1 Unable to get in what car $mta.name($1,%b) are in!
else {
mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,$2) is in/on $mta.vehicle($1,$2).name Damage: $calc(100 - $mta.health($1,$2).vehicle) %manhunt %
elseif ($mta.vehicle($1,$2).name == Foot && Unknown) mta.say $1 Unable to get in what car you are in!

Why is this don't work (car script edit)

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if ($3 == !car) {
   %b = $iif($4 isnum,$4,$mta.getid($1,$4))
   if ($4 !== $null) {
     if (($mta.vehicle($1,%b).name == Foot) || ($mta.vehicle($1,%b).name == Unknown)) mta.say $1 Unable to get in what car $mta.name($1,%b) are in!
     else mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,%b) is in/on $mta.vehicle($1,%b).name Damage: $calc(100 - $mta.health($1,%b).vehicle) %manhunt %
   else {
     if (($mta.vehicle($1,$2).name == Foot) || ($mta.vehicle($1,$2).name == Unknown)) mta.say $1 Unable to get in what car you are in.
     else mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,$2) is in/on $mta.vehicle($1,$2).name Damage: $calc(100 - $mta.health($1,$2).vehicle) %manhunt %

it's works :P

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 if ($3 == !car) {
   %b = $iif($4 isnum,$4,$mta.getid($1,$4))
   if ($4 !== $null) {
     if (($mta.vehicle($1,%b).name == Foot) || ($mta.vehicle($1,%b).name == Unknown)) mta.say $1 Unable to get in what car $mta.name($1,%b) are in!
if ($mta.name($1,%b).name == Unknown) mta.say $1 Failed ID.
     else mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,%b) is in/on $mta.vehicle($1,%b).name - Damage: $calc(100 - $mta.health($1,%b).vehicle) %manhunt %
   else {
     if (($mta.vehicle($1,$2).name == Foot) || ($mta.vehicle($1,$2).name == Unknown)) mta.say $1 Unable to get in what car u are in.
     else mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,$2) is in/on $mta.vehicle($1,$2).name - Damage: $calc(100 - $mta.health($1,$2).vehicle) %manhunt %

Why is that failed id not working ??

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 if ($3 == !car) {
   %b = $iif($4 isnum,$4,$mta.getid($1,$4))
   if ($4 !== $null) {
     if (($mta.vehicle($1,%b).name == Foot) || ($mta.vehicle($1,%b).name == Unknown)) mta.say $1 Unable to get in what car $mta.name($1,%b) are in!
if ($mta.name($1,%b).name == Unknown) mta.say $1 Failed ID.
     else mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,%b) is in/on $mta.vehicle($1,%b).name - Damage: $calc(100 - $mta.health($1,%b).vehicle) %manhunt %
   else {
     if (($mta.vehicle($1,$2).name == Foot) || ($mta.vehicle($1,$2).name == Unknown)) mta.say $1 Unable to get in what car u are in.
     else mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,$2) is in/on $mta.vehicle($1,$2).name - Damage: $calc(100 - $mta.health($1,$2).vehicle) %manhunt %

Why is that failed id not working ??

Try this:

if ($3 == !car) {
 %b = $iif($4 isnum,$4,$mta.getid($1,$4))
 if ($4 != $null) {
   if ($mta.name($1,%b) == Unknown) mta.say $1 Failed ID.
   elseif (($mta.vehicle($1,%b).name == Foot) || ($mta.vehicle($1,%b).name == Unknown)) mta.say $1 Unable to get in what car $mta.name($1,%b) is in!
   else mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,%b) is in/on $mta.vehicle($1,%b).name - Damage: $calc(100 - $mta.health($1,%b).vehicle)
 else {
   if (($mta.vehicle($1,$2).name == Foot) || ($mta.vehicle($1,$2).name == Unknown)) mta.say $1 Unable to get in what car you are in.
   else mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,$2) is in/on $mta.vehicle($1,$2).name - Damage: $calc(100 - $mta.health($1,$2).vehicle)

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