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i wonder what comes after san andreas!

Guest sp-static

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- More FPS than 4, and a resolution higher than 15 x 11.

- Loading times reduction of about 9000 %

- Full character customization, long grey hair , bearded lady , whatever I want.

- 100 % co-op mode, not the 5 % symbolic pos

- Roller blading and/or skateboarding

- Emotes , joe-pesci-what-the-fuck-is-so-funny-about-me face(s), giving the finger that sort of thing. Hotkey linking it, so in example you´d press 4 to tell someone to stfu.

- Taunts, kind of the same thing

- Non-combat activities , lighting a cig, sitting down , drinking a coke while walking etc.

- Object interaction, kicking/punching or throwing bottles, trashcans, knifes, rocks, chairs, lamps, VCRs etc.

- Flashbang nades' , wee

- Better system for the NPCs that help you, I am thinking Freedom fighters if you ever played that.

- More buildings for sale

- Careers or jobs instead of just missions, I am thinking that wearing cop clothes and driving a cop car should give me certain privileges

->Beverly hills<-

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As much as i hate to say this , I pretty much think its over for the GTA series, (not counting Side games such as PSP and GBA)

But of course R* wount just quit,

Im sure if this happened they would start another serie very simular to GTA.

Or They stop making GTA's for now and launch a ground breaking one in like 2-4 years ...

Anyways , just ideas lets look for the best and keep GTA:SA PC alive as long as we can just in case :wink:

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Ye or a nice gta version for Ps3, But with all the games i have played the series ended once there was no "new stuff" to make like , they reached the max graphics/model detail that the technology can handle and it just iddles there. And if they take the chance of making another game there is a big chance of it comming out bad.. So thats why most game designing companies retire series.

^^at least part of this is right , correct me if im wrong, this is my theory that is..

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Thats why rockstar wanted to be creative and set each game at a different time so it wouldn't feel the same. They did the 80's 90's and 2001. They should not go to the 70's. What they should do is make a sequel to one of the three but on a different map but the problem is that they put almost everything in SA. But they can focus more on what they can put in the game since the PS3 will have the blu-ray disc which will have more than enough space to put whatever they couldn't put in the other games.

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I think that the GTA: IV in London is mostly true.

At start there was Liberty City, Vice City and San Andreas in GTA1. Then the GTA: London came, and it was EXPASION PACK, what means, that GTA1 had 4 cities: Liberty City, Vice City, San Andreas and London.

Thats my opinion.

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