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[ANNOUNCE] GTAWO Co-Op : I Have to meet IJsVogel

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I've got 60% of the specification of linking the game in mind.

Tonton has 95% of specification of client/server in mind.

We can say client/server is at least 15% done (main part works, data is/isn't compressed i forgot to ask). Perhaps more. I know a little of compression algorythming.

I've the two game. :P

All what i haven't got is IJsVogel's eMail or something to progress (if you have it, DON'T POST IT HERE !). As i said to a member of your team, i've got a 2.69 ko mail to give him (not a main.scm... :x )

I've got to meet IJsVogel as fast as possible. It should be great today until 2pm at gmt+1 or sunday all the day after 2pm to explain.

Pass your mail to redspike, he'll fwd me (or i'll ask him, but it seems everybody must have your permission...)

Yakuzzza 8)

TO ADMINS : Please delete this thread after he's aware of it. Real thanks ! (all proof must be destroyed... ;) )

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