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[SELL] Weapon skill training


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Hello mta players,

Hereby I'm giving away a script which is about training the weapon skills of players. The script is really good for use of RPG servers. In the script I'm giving away : my own made script which trains the level of the skill weapon.

Some stuff about the script :

-With this script you can train the weapon skill by hitting people with that weapon which you want to train (e.g. I have equiped a UZI and I'm hitting someone else (which isn't in the same team) and if that UZI skill is full trained, then you will equip 2 uzi's. The script counts for every weapon except melee weapons and such.

some screens:









I hope that I've informed you guys very well. For more information PM me.

Kind regards,


Edited by Guest
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Still seems a bit odd to try and sell a script like this, it's not really something that would take a lot of time to create - but hey, it's your script, not mine.

What I will say though, do you have Banex's permission to sell this bundled together with his script?

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