Dimos7 Posted May 4, 2015 Share Posted May 4, 2015 Hello guys for fix a chat where only a country see on chat and player on that country can see only i need is getPlayerIP ? Link to comment
Walid Posted May 4, 2015 Share Posted May 4, 2015 Hello guys for fix a chat where only a country see on chat and player on that country can see only i need is getPlayerIP ? Yeh exactly Link to comment
xXMADEXx Posted May 4, 2015 Share Posted May 4, 2015 No. The default admin resource that comes with the default MTA server has an exported function getPlayerCountry. Link to comment
Walid Posted May 4, 2015 Share Posted May 4, 2015 No.The default admin resource that comes with the default MTA server has an exported function getPlayerCountry. the whole resource based on getPlayerIp() as i can see here function getPlayerCountry ( player ) return getIpCountry ( getPlayerIP ( player ) ) end function getIpCountry ( ip ) local ip_group = tonumber ( gettok ( ip, 1, 46 ) ) local ip_code = ( gettok ( ip, 1, 46 ) * 16777216 ) + ( gettok ( ip, 2, 46 ) * 65536 ) + ( gettok ( ip, 3, 46 ) * 256 ) + ( gettok ( ip, 4, 46 ) ) if ( #aCountries == 0 ) then loadIPGroups () end if ( not aCountries[ip_group] ) then aCountries[ip_group] = {} end for id, group in ipairs ( aCountries[ip_group] ) do if ( ( group.rstart <= ip_code ) and ( ip_code <= group.rend ) ) then return group.rcountry end end return false end Link to comment
Dimos7 Posted May 4, 2015 Author Share Posted May 4, 2015 for example i want make it if its from germany say the germany in chat so i need do is if getPlayerCountry(player) == "germany"? Link to comment
WhoAmI Posted May 4, 2015 Share Posted May 4, 2015 addEventHandler ("onPlayerJoin", root, function () local country = exports.admin:getPlayerCountry (source) outputChatBox ("Player entered from "..country) end) Link to comment
Walid Posted May 4, 2015 Share Posted May 4, 2015 for example i want make it if its from germany say the germany in chat so i need do is if getPlayerCountry(player) == "germany"? local countryCode = getPlayerCountry(player) if countryCode then if countryCode == "DE" then -- Your code end end Link to comment
WhoAmI Posted May 4, 2015 Share Posted May 4, 2015 You can also do like that countriesName = { ["DE"] = "Geremany", ["PL"] = "Poland", ["RU"] = "Russia", ... } addEventHandler ( "onPlayerJoin", root, function ( ) local countryShort = exports.admin:getPlayerCountry ( source ) local countryName = countriesName [ countryShort ] and countriesName [ countryShort ] or "Unknown"; if ( countryName ) then outputChatBox ( "* " .. getPlayerName ( source ) .. " has joined the game from " .. countryName, root, 255, 255, 255, true ); end end ); Link to comment
Dimos7 Posted May 4, 2015 Author Share Posted May 4, 2015 with that you have whoiam will show unknow the greece for example or need write every country has? Link to comment
WhoAmI Posted May 4, 2015 Share Posted May 4, 2015 You have to insert in table every country. Maybe there is some other faster way to do this, but that's only my way. Link to comment
WhoAmI Posted May 4, 2015 Share Posted May 4, 2015 I've found PHP array which contain all countries name and I converted it to LUA countriesName = { ["AF"] = "Afghanistan", ["AX"] = "Aland Islands", ["AL"] = "Albania", ["DZ"] = "Algeria", ["AS"] = "American Samoa", ["AD"] = "Andorra", ["AO"] = "Angola", ["AI"] = "Anguilla", ["AQ"] = "Antarctica", ["AG"] = "Antigua And Barbuda", ["AR"] = "Argentina", ["AM"] = "Armenia", ["AW"] = "Aruba", ["AU"] = "Australia", ["AT"] = "Austria", ["AZ"] = "Azerbaijan", ["BS"] = "Bahamas", ["BH"] = "Bahrain", ["BD"] = "Bangladesh", ["BB"] = "Barbados", ["BY"] = "Belarus", ["BE"] = "Belgium", ["BZ"] = "Belize", ["BJ"] = "Benin", ["BM"] = "Bermuda", ["BT"] = "Bhutan", ["BO"] = "Bolivia", ["BA"] = "Bosnia And Herzegovina", ["BW"] = "Botswana", ["BV"] = "Bouvet Island", ["BR"] = "Brazil", ["IO"] = "British Indian Ocean Territory", ["BN"] = "Brunei Darussalam", ["BG"] = "Bulgaria", ["BF"] = "Burkina Faso", ["BI"] = "Burundi", ["KH"] = "Cambodia", ["CM"] = "Cameroon", ["CA"] = "Canada", ["CV"] = "Cape Verde", ["KY"] = "Cayman Islands", ["CF"] = "Central African Republic", ["TD"] = "Chad", ["CL"] = "Chile", ["CN"] = "China", ["CX"] = "Christmas Island", ["CC"] = "Cocos (Keeling) Islands", ["CO"] = "Colombia", ["KM"] = "Comoros", ["CG"] = "Congo", ["CD"] = "Congo, Democratic Republic", ["CK"] = "Cook Islands", ["CR"] = "Costa Rica", ["CI"] = "Cote D'Ivoire", ["HR"] = "Croatia", ["CU"] = "Cuba", ["CY"] = "Cyprus", ["CZ"] = "Czech Republic", ["DK"] = "Denmark", ["DJ"] = "Djibouti", ["DM"] = "Dominica", ["DO"] = "Dominican Republic", ["EC"] = "Ecuador", ["EG"] = "Egypt", ["SV"] = "El Salvador", ["GQ"] = "Equatorial Guinea", ["ER"] = "Eritrea", ["EE"] = "Estonia", ["ET"] = "Ethiopia", ["FK"] = "Falkland Islands (Malvinas)", ["FO"] = "Faroe Islands", ["FJ"] = "Fiji", ["FI"] = "Finland", ["FR"] = "France", ["GF"] = "French Guiana", ["PF"] = "French Polynesia", ["TF"] = "French Southern Territories", ["GA"] = "Gabon", ["GM"] = "Gambia", ["GE"] = "Georgia", ["DE"] = "Germany", ["GH"] = "Ghana", ["GI"] = "Gibraltar", ["GR"] = "Greece", ["GL"] = "Greenland", ["GD"] = "Grenada", ["GP"] = "Guadeloupe", ["GU"] = "Guam", ["GT"] = "Guatemala", ["GG"] = "Guernsey", ["GN"] = "Guinea", ["GW"] = "Guinea-Bissau", ["GY"] = "Guyana", ["HT"] = "Haiti", ["HM"] = "Heard Island & Mcdonald Islands", ["VA"] = "Holy See (Vatican City State)", ["HN"] = "Honduras", ["HK"] = "Hong Kong", ["HU"] = "Hungary", ["IS"] = "Iceland", ["IN"] = "India", ["ID"] = "Indonesia", ["IR"] = "Iran, Islamic Republic Of", ["IQ"] = "Iraq", ["IE"] = "Ireland", ["IM"] = "Isle Of Man", ["IL"] = "Israel", ["IT"] = "Italy", ["JM"] = "Jamaica", ["JP"] = "Japan", ["JE"] = "Jersey", ["JO"] = "Jordan", ["KZ"] = "Kazakhstan", ["KE"] = "Kenya", ["KI"] = "Kiribati", ["KR"] = "Korea", ["KW"] = "Kuwait", ["KG"] = "Kyrgyzstan", ["LA"] = "Lao People's Democratic Republic", ["LV"] = "Latvia", ["LB"] = "Lebanon", ["LS"] = "Lesotho", ["LR"] = "Liberia", ["LY"] = "Libyan Arab Jamahiriya", ["LI"] = "Liechtenstein", ["LT"] = "Lithuania", ["LU"] = "Luxembourg", ["MO"] = "Macao", ["MK"] = "Macedonia", ["MG"] = "Madagascar", ["MW"] = "Malawi", ["MY"] = "Malaysia", ["MV"] = "Maldives", ["ML"] = "Mali", ["MT"] = "Malta", ["MH"] = "Marshall Islands", ["MQ"] = "Martinique", ["MR"] = "Mauritania", ["MU"] = "Mauritius", ["YT"] = "Mayotte", ["MX"] = "Mexico", ["FM"] = "Micronesia, Federated States Of", ["MD"] = "Moldova", ["MC"] = "Monaco", ["MN"] = "Mongolia", ["ME"] = "Montenegro", ["MS"] = "Montserrat", ["MA"] = "Morocco", ["MZ"] = "Mozambique", ["MM"] = "Myanmar", ["NA"] = "Namibia", ["NR"] = "Nauru", ["NP"] = "Nepal", ["NL"] = "Netherlands", ["AN"] = "Netherlands Antilles", ["NC"] = "New Caledonia", ["NZ"] = "New Zealand", ["NI"] = "Nicaragua", ["NE"] = "Niger", ["NG"] = "Nigeria", ["NU"] = "Niue", ["NF"] = "Norfolk Island", ["MP"] = "Northern Mariana Islands", ["NO"] = "Norway", ["OM"] = "Oman", ["PK"] = "Pakistan", ["PW"] = "Palau", ["PS"] = "Palestinian Territory, Occupied", ["PA"] = "Panama", ["PG"] = "Papua New Guinea", ["PY"] = "Paraguay", ["PE"] = "Peru", ["PH"] = "Philippines", ["PN"] = "Pitcairn", ["PL"] = "Poland", ["PT"] = "Portugal", ["PR"] = "Puerto Rico", ["QA"] = "Qatar", ["RE"] = "Reunion", ["RO"] = "Romania", ["RU"] = "Russian Federation", ["RW"] = "Rwanda", ["BL"] = "Saint Barthelemy", ["SH"] = "Saint Helena", ["KN"] = "Saint Kitts And Nevis", ["LC"] = "Saint Lucia", ["MF"] = "Saint Martin", ["PM"] = "Saint Pierre And Miquelon", ["VC"] = "Saint Vincent And Grenadines", ["WS"] = "Samoa", ["SM"] = "San Marino", ["ST"] = "Sao Tome And Principe", ["SA"] = "Saudi Arabia", ["SN"] = "Senegal", ["RS"] = "Serbia", ["SC"] = "Seychelles", ["SL"] = "Sierra Leone", ["SG"] = "Singapore", ["SK"] = "Slovakia", ["SI"] = "Slovenia", ["SB"] = "Solomon Islands", ["SO"] = "Somalia", ["ZA"] = "South Africa", ["GS"] = "South Georgia And Sandwich Isl.", ["ES"] = "Spain", ["LK"] = "Sri Lanka", ["SD"] = "Sudan", ["SR"] = "Suriname", ["SJ"] = "Svalbard And Jan Mayen", ["SZ"] = "Swaziland", ["SE"] = "Sweden", ["CH"] = "Switzerland", ["SY"] = "Syrian Arab Republic", ["TW"] = "Taiwan", ["TJ"] = "Tajikistan", ["TZ"] = "Tanzania", ["TH"] = "Thailand", ["TL"] = "Timor-Leste", ["TG"] = "Togo", ["TK"] = "Tokelau", ["TO"] = "Tonga", ["TT"] = "Trinidad And Tobago", ["TN"] = "Tunisia", ["TR"] = "Turkey", ["TM"] = "Turkmenistan", ["TC"] = "Turks And Caicos Islands", ["TV"] = "Tuvalu", ["UG"] = "Uganda", ["UA"] = "Ukraine", ["AE"] = "United Arab Emirates", ["GB"] = "United Kingdom", ["US"] = "United States", ["UM"] = "United States Outlying Islands", ["UY"] = "Uruguay", ["UZ"] = "Uzbekistan", ["VU"] = "Vanuatu", ["VE"] = "Venezuela", ["VN"] = "Viet Nam", ["VG"] = "Virgin Islands, British", ["VI"] = "Virgin Islands, U.S.", ["WF"] = "Wallis And Futuna", ["EH"] = "Western Sahara", ["YE"] = "Yemen", ["ZM"] = "Zambia", ["ZW"] = "Zimbabwe", } Link to comment
Blaawee Posted May 4, 2015 Share Posted May 4, 2015 might this help you countryNames = { ['AD'] = 'Andorra', ['AE'] = 'United Arab Emirates', ['AF'] = 'Afghanistan', ['AG'] = 'Antigua and Barbuda', ['AI'] = 'Anguilla', ['AL'] = 'Albania', ['AM'] = 'Armenia', ['AO'] = 'Angola', ['AP'] = 'ARIPO', ['AR'] = 'Argentina', ['AT'] = 'Austria', ['AU'] = 'Australia', ['AW'] = 'Aruba', ['AZ'] = 'Azerbaijan', ['BA'] = 'Bosnia and Herzegovina', ['BB'] = 'Barbados', ['BD'] = 'Bangladesh', ['BE'] = 'Belgium', ['BF'] = 'Burkina Faso', ['BG'] = 'Bulgaria', ['BH'] = 'Bahrain', ['BI'] = 'Burundi', ['BJ'] = 'Benin', ['BM'] = 'Bermuda', ['BN'] = 'Brunei Darussalam', ['BO'] = 'Bolivia', ['BQ'] = 'Bonaire', ['BR'] = 'Brazil', ['BS'] = 'Bahamas', ['BT'] = 'Bhutan', ['BV'] = 'Bouvet Island', ['BW'] = 'Botswana', ['BY'] = 'Belarus', ['BZ'] = 'Belize', ['CA'] = 'Canada', ['CD'] = 'Congo', ['CF'] = 'Central African Republic', ['CG'] = 'Congo', ['CH'] = 'Switzerland', ['CI'] = 'Cote d?Ivoire', ['CK'] = 'Cook Islands', ['CL'] = 'Chile', ['CM'] = 'Cameroon', ['CN'] = 'China', ['CO'] = 'Colombia', ['CR'] = 'Costa Rica', ['CU'] = 'Cuba', ['CV'] = 'Cape Verde', ['CW'] = 'Curacao', ['CY'] = 'Cyprus', ['CZ'] = 'Czech Republic', ['DE'] = 'Germany', ['DJ'] = 'Djibouti', ['DK'] = 'Denmark', ['DM'] = 'Dominica', ['DO'] = 'Dominican Republic', ['DZ'] = 'Algeria', ['EC'] = 'Ecuador', ['EE'] = 'Estonia', ['EG'] = 'Egypt', ['EH'] = 'Western Sahara', ['ER'] = 'Eritrea', ['ES'] = 'Spain', ['ET'] = 'Ethiopia', ['FI'] = 'Finland', ['FJ'] = 'Fiji', ['FK'] = 'Malvinas', ['FO'] = 'Faroe Islands', ['FR'] = 'France', ['GA'] = 'Gabon', ['GB'] = 'United Kingdom', ['GD'] = 'Grenada', ['GE'] = 'Georgia', ['GG'] = 'Guernsey', ['GH'] = 'Ghana', ['GI'] = 'Gibraltar', ['GL'] = 'Greenland', ['GM'] = 'Gambia', ['GN'] = 'Guinea', ['GQ'] = 'Equatorial Guinea', ['GR'] = 'Greece', ['GT'] = 'Guatemala', ['GW'] = 'Guinea-Bissau', ['GY'] = 'Guyana', ['HN'] = 'Honduras', ['HR'] = 'Croatia', ['HT'] = 'Haiti', ['HU'] = 'Hungary', ['ID'] = 'Indonesia', ['IE'] = 'Ireland', ['IL'] = 'Palestine', ['IM'] = 'Isle of Man', ['IN'] = 'India', ['IQ'] = 'Iraq', ['IR'] = 'Iran', ['IS'] = 'Iceland', ['IT'] = 'Italy', ['JE'] = 'Jersey', ['JM'] = 'Jamaica', ['JO'] = 'Jordan', ['JP'] = 'Japan', ['KE'] = 'Kenya', ['KG'] = 'Kyrgyzstan', ['KH'] = 'Cambodia', ['KI'] = 'Kiribati', ['KM'] = 'Comoros', ['KN'] = 'Saint Kitts and Nevis', ['KP'] = 'Korea', ['KR'] = 'Korea', ['KW'] = 'Kuwait', ['KY'] = 'Cayman Islands', ['KZ'] = 'Kazakhstan', ['LA'] = 'Lao People?s Republic', ['LB'] = 'Lebanon', ['LC'] = 'Saint Lucia', ['LI'] = 'Liechtenstein', ['LK'] = 'Sri Lanka', ['LR'] = 'Liberia', ['LS'] = 'Lesotho', ['LT'] = 'Lithuania', ['LU'] = 'Luxembourg', ['LV'] = 'Latvia', ['LY'] = 'Libyan Arab Jamahiriya', ['MA'] = 'Morocco', ['MC'] = 'Monaco', ['MD'] = 'Moldova', ['ME'] = 'Montenegro', ['MG'] = 'Madagascar', ['MK'] = 'Macedonia', ['ML'] = 'Mali', ['MM'] = 'Myanmar', ['MN'] = 'Mongolia', ['MO'] = 'Macao', ['MP'] = 'Northern Mariana Islands', ['MR'] = 'Mauritania', ['MS'] = 'Montserrat', ['MT'] = 'Malta', ['MU'] = 'Mauritius', ['MV'] = 'Maldives', ['MW'] = 'Malawi', ['MX'] = 'Mexico', ['MY'] = 'Malaysia', ['MZ'] = 'Mozambique', ['NA'] = 'Namibia', ['NE'] = 'Niger', ['NG'] = 'Nigeria', ['NI'] = 'Nicaragua', ['NL'] = 'Netherlands', ['NO'] = 'Norway', ['NP'] = 'Nepal', ['NR'] = 'Nauru', ['NZ'] = 'New Zealand', ['OM'] = 'Oman', ['PA'] = 'Panama', ['PE'] = 'Peru', ['PG'] = 'Papua New Guinea', ['PH'] = 'Philippines', ['PK'] = 'Pakistan', ['PL'] = 'Poland', ['PT'] = 'Portugal', ['PW'] = 'Palau', ['PY'] = 'Paraguay', ['QA'] = 'Qatar', ['RO'] = 'Romania', ['RS'] = 'Serbia', ['RU'] = 'Russian Federation', ['RW'] = 'Rwanda', ['SA'] = 'Saudi Arabia', ['SB'] = 'Solomon Islands', ['SC'] = 'Seychelles', ['SD'] = 'Sudan', ['SE'] = 'Sweden', ['SG'] = 'Singapore', ['SH'] = 'Saint Helena', ['SI'] = 'Slovenia', ['SK'] = 'Slovakia', ['SL'] = 'Sierra Leone', ['SM'] = 'San Marino', ['SN'] = 'Senegal', ['SO'] = 'Somalia', ['SR'] = 'Suriname', ['ST'] = 'Sao Tome and Principe', ['SV'] = 'Salvador', ['SX'] = 'Sint Maarten (Dutch part)', ['SY'] = 'Syrian Arab Republic', ['SZ'] = 'Swaziland', ['TC'] = 'Turks and Caicos Islands', ['TD'] = 'Chad', ['TG'] = 'Togo', ['TH'] = 'Thailand', ['TJ'] = 'Tajikistan', ['TL'] = 'Timor?Leste', ['TM'] = 'Turkmenistan', ['TN'] = 'Tunisia', ['TO'] = 'Tonga', ['TR'] = 'Turkey', ['TT'] = 'Trinidad and Tobago', ['TV'] = 'Tuvalu', ['TW'] = 'Taiwan', ['TZ'] = 'Tanzania', ['UA'] = 'Ukraine', ['UG'] = 'Uganda', ['US'] = 'United States of America', ['UY'] = 'Uruguay', ['UZ'] = 'Uzbekistan', ['VA'] = 'Holy See', ['VC'] = 'Saint Vincent', ['VE'] = 'Venezuela', ['VG'] = 'Virgin Islands', ['VN'] = 'Viet Nam', ['VU'] = 'Vanuatu', ['WS'] = 'Samoa', ['YE'] = 'Yemen', ['ZA'] = 'South Africa', ['ZZ'] = 'N/A', ['ZM'] = 'Zambia', ['ZW'] = 'Zimbabwe', }; function countryChat( thePlayer, cmd, ... ) local msg = table.concat( { ... }, ' ' ); for _, players in ipairs( getElementsByType( 'player' ) ) do local myCountry = exports['admin']:getPlayerCountry( thePlayer ); local playersInMyCountry = exports['admin']:getPlayerCountry( players ); if ( playersInMyCountry == myCountry and msg and msg ~= '' ) then outputChatBox( countryNames[ myCountry ].. ' : '..getPlayerName( thePlayer )..': #FFFFFF'..msg..'', players, 255, 255, 255, true ); end end end addCommandHandler( 'country', countryChat ); addEventHandler( 'onPlayerJoin',root, function( ) bindKey( source, 'l', 'down', 'chatbox', 'country' ); end ); addEventHandler( 'onResourceStart', resourceRoot, function ( ) for _, player in ipairs( getElementsByType( 'player' ) ) do bindKey( player, 'l', 'down', 'chatbox', 'country' ); end end ); Link to comment
WhoAmI Posted May 4, 2015 Share Posted May 4, 2015 Also there is JSON array http://country.io/names.json You can get all of them using callRemote and convert it to table using fromJSON and then look for long country's name. Link to comment
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