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[HELP] Opening gate with ID from database


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Hello, I am trying to do a garage system that saves in mysql, and I got to the part where I need to make a command that opens the garage with a specific id from the database. The command should be something like: /opengarage [iD of garage]. It seems that I can't think today as I've spent 40 minutes on only this function:

function openGarageGate(thePlayer, cmd, dbid) 
    local easing = "OutBounce" 
    local time = 2000 
    local result = mysqlSystem:query_database("SELECT id, x, y, z, interior, dimension, rot1, rot2, rot3 FROM garages") 
    while true do 
        local row = mysqlSystem:fetch_rows(result) 
        if not (row) then break end 
        local garageID = row['id'] 
        local x = row['x'] 
        local y = row['y'] 
        local z = row['z'] 
        local int = row['interior'] 
        local dim = row['dimension'] 
        local rot1 = row['rot1'] 
        local rot2 = row['rot2'] 
        local rot3 = row['rot3'] 
        local value = exports.objectTables:getElement( "object", 17951 ) 
            if value then 
                local vx, vy, vz = getElementPosition(value) 
                local x, y, z = getElementPosition(thePlayer) 
                if getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(x, y, z, vx, vy, vz) <= 30 then -- Garage found 
                    local gate = getElementData(garageID, "garageGate") 
                    moveObject(gate, time, x+4.9, y+9.6, z, 0, 0, 0, easing) 
addCommandHandler("opengarage", openGarageGate) 

I know that this is a mess, but maybe it makes you an idea of what I want to do.


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I changed a function a bit and here is what I got:

local easing = "OutBounce" 
local time = 2000 
local open = false 
function openGarageGate(thePlayer, cmd, garageID) 
    if not garageID then 
        outputChatBox("SYNTAXA: /"..cmd.." [iD Garage]", thePlayer, 255, 255, 0) 
        local garageID = tonumber(garageID) 
        for i, v in ipairs (getElementsByType("object")) do 
            if (getElementModel(v) == 17950) then 
                local gate = getElementData(v, "poarta") 
                local dbid = tonumber(getElementData(v, "dbid")) 
                if (dbid == garageID) then 
                    local gateX, gateY, gateZ = getElementPosition(gate) 
                    --moveObject(gate, time, gateX+4.9, gateY+9.6, gateZ, 0, 0, 0, easing) 
                    moveObject(gate, 17951, 1588.5490234375, -1637.95546875, 16.446516990662, -90, 0, 0) 
                    outputChatBox("You have opened your garage!", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0) 
                    open = true 
                    outputChatBox("You are too far away from the garage!", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0) 
addCommandHandler("opengarage", openGarageGate) 

The problem is that it doesn't open the garage gate, I get like a small shake on my screen but that's all. It also gives me like 10 "your are too far away from the garage" messages, then at the end "you have opened your garage".

Any ideas?

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Idont know but isn't "You are too far away from the garage!" must be outputted if you are not too close for the garage that you are trying to open?

but what you did is loop for all objects with id 17950 and check if their id equal to id that you have wrote

else output "You are too far away from the garage!"

the object should move if "You have opened your garage!" have been outputted

because it's under the move object line

are sure the positions is not equal to the current object positions?

and have you checked if there's any erros on debugscript ?

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local easing = "OutBounce" 
local time = 2000 
local open = false 
function openGarageGate(thePlayer, cmd, garageID) 
    if not garageID then 
        outputChatBox("SYNTAXA: /"..cmd.." [iD Garage]", thePlayer, 255, 255, 0) 
        local garageID = tonumber(garageID) 
        for i, v in ipairs (getElementsByType("object")) do 
            if (getElementModel(v) == 17950) then 
                local gate = getElementData(v, "poarta") 
                local dbid = tonumber(getElementData(v, "dbid")) 
                if (dbid == garageID) then 
                    local gateX, gateY, gateZ = getElementPosition(v) 
                    --moveObject(v, time, gateX+4.9, gateY+9.6, gateZ, 0, 0, 0, easing) 
                    moveObject(v, 17951, 1588.5490234375, -1637.95546875, 16.446516990662, -90, 0, 0) 
                    outputChatBox("You have opened your garage!", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0) 
                    open = true 
                    outputChatBox("You are too far away from the garage!", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0) 
addCommandHandler("opengarage", openGarageGate) 

Try this. Also doing like that

open = true 

You are setting value of this variable to everyone in the server while you are using it s-side.

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local easing = "OutBounce" 
local time = 2000 
local open = false 
function openGarageGate(thePlayer, cmd, garageID) 
    if not garageID then 
        outputChatBox("SYNTAXA: /"..cmd.." [iD Garage]", thePlayer, 255, 255, 0) 
        local garageID = tonumber(garageID) 
        for i, v in ipairs (getElementsByType("object")) do 
            if (getElementModel(v) == 17950) then 
                local gate = getElementData(v, "poarta") 
                local dbid = tonumber(getElementData(v, "dbid")) 
                if (dbid == garageID) then 
                    local gateX, gateY, gateZ = getElementPosition(v) 
                    --moveObject(v, time, gateX+4.9, gateY+9.6, gateZ, 0, 0, 0, easing) 
                    moveObject(v, 17951, 1588.5490234375, -1637.95546875, 16.446516990662, -90, 0, 0) 
                    outputChatBox("You have opened your garage!", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0) 
                    open = true 
                    outputChatBox("You are too far away from the garage!", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0) 
addCommandHandler("opengarage", openGarageGate) 

Try this. Also doing like that

open = true 

You are setting value of this variable to everyone in the server while you are using it s-side.

This only creates lots of "You are too far away from the garage" messages...

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local easing = "OutBounce" 
local time = 2000 
local open = false 
local distance = 50 
function openGarageGate(thePlayer, cmd, garageID) 
    if not garageID then 
        outputChatBox("SYNTAXA: /"..cmd.." [iD Garage]", thePlayer, 255, 255, 0) 
        local garageID = tonumber(garageID) 
        local found = false 
        for i, v in ipairs (getElementsByType("object")) do 
            if (getElementModel(v) == 17950) then 
                local gate = getElementData(v, "poarta") 
                local dbid = tonumber(getElementData(v, "dbid")) 
                if (dbid == garageID) then 
                    if getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(getElementPosition(v),getElementPosition(thePlayer)) <= distance then 
                        local gateX, gateY, gateZ = getElementPosition(gate) 
                        --moveObject(gate, time, gateX+4.9, gateY+9.6, gateZ, 0, 0, 0, easing) 
                        moveObject(gate, 17951, 1588.5490234375, -1637.95546875, 16.446516990662, -90, 0, 0) 
                        outputChatBox("You have opened your garage!", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0) 
                        found = true 
                        outputChatBox("You are too far away from the garage!", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0) 
        if found == false then 
        outputChatBox("There's no garage with this ID!", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0) 
addCommandHandler("opengarage", openGarageGate) 

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local easing = "OutBounce" 
local time = 2000 
local open = false 
local distance = 50 
function openGarageGate(thePlayer, cmd, garageID) 
    if not garageID then 
        outputChatBox("SYNTAXA: /"..cmd.." [iD Garage]", thePlayer, 255, 255, 0) 
        local garageID = tonumber(garageID) 
        local found = false 
        for i, v in ipairs (getElementsByType("object")) do 
            if (getElementModel(v) == 17950) then 
                local gate = getElementData(v, "poarta") 
                local dbid = tonumber(getElementData(v, "dbid")) 
                if (dbid == garageID) then 
                    if getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(getElementPosition(v),getElementPosition(thePlayer)) <= distance then 
                        local gateX, gateY, gateZ = getElementPosition(gate) 
                        --moveObject(gate, time, gateX+4.9, gateY+9.6, gateZ, 0, 0, 0, easing) 
                        moveObject(gate, 17951, 1588.5490234375, -1637.95546875, 16.446516990662, -90, 0, 0) 
                        outputChatBox("You have opened your garage!", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0) 
                        found = true 
                        outputChatBox("You are too far away from the garage!", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0) 
        if found == false then 
        outputChatBox("There's no garage with this ID!", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0) 
addCommandHandler("opengarage", openGarageGate) 


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local easing = "OutBounce" 
local time = 2000 
local open = false 
local distance = 50 
function openGarageGate(thePlayer, cmd, garageID) 
    if not garageID then 
        outputChatBox("SYNTAXA: /"..cmd.." [iD Garage]", thePlayer, 255, 255, 0) 
        local garageID = tonumber(garageID) 
        local found = false 
        for i, v in ipairs (getElementsByType("object")) do 
            if (getElementModel(v) == 17950) then 
                local gate = getElementData(v, "poarta") 
                local dbid = tonumber(getElementData(v, "dbid")) 
                if (dbid == garageID) then 
                    local px,py,pz = getElementPosition(thePlayer) 
                    local ox,oy,oz = getElementPosition(v) 
                    if getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(ox,oy,oz,px,py,pz) <= distance then 
                        local gateX, gateY, gateZ = getElementPosition(gate) 
                        --moveObject(gate, time, gateX+4.9, gateY+9.6, gateZ, 0, 0, 0, easing) 
                        moveObject(gate, 17951, 1588.5490234375, -1637.95546875, 16.446516990662, -90, 0, 0) 
                        outputChatBox("You have opened your garage!", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0) 
                        found = true 
                        outputChatBox("You are too far away from the garage!", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0) 
        if found == false then 
        outputChatBox("There's no garage with this ID!", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0) 
addCommandHandler("opengarage", openGarageGate) 

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Yes, I am sure.. :P

local gateX, gateY, gateZ = getElementPosition(gate) 
 moveObject(gate, 17951, gateX, gateY, gateZ+3, -90, 0, 0) 


When I made a separate gate, it moves and everything works. Also, the script is getting the possition of the gate. Is it maybe because the gate is attached to the garage using attachElement and I somehow need to update the possition from attachElement?

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So, instead of moveObject I decided to go with setElementAttachedOffsets but the gate just disappears...

if getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(ox,oy,oz,px,py,pz) <= distance then 
                        local gateX, gateY, gateZ = getElementPosition(gate) 
                        local rotX, roxY, rotZ = getElementRotation(gate) 
                        setElementAttachedOffsets(gate, gateX, gateY+2, gateZ+2, rotX, -90, rotZ) 
                        --moveObject(gate, 2000, gateX+4.9, gateY+9.6, gateZ, 0, 0, 0) 
                      --  moveObject(gate1, 17951, gateX, gateY, gateZ+3, -90, 0, 0) 
                        outputChatBox("You have opened your garage!", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0) 
                        found = true 
                        outputChatBox("You are too far away from the garage!", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0) 

Any ideas?

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            if getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(ox,oy,oz,px,py,pz) <= distance then 
                        local gateX, gateY, gateZ, rotX, roxY, rotZ = getElementAttachedOffsets(gate) 
                        setElementAttachedOffsets(gate, gateX, gateY+2, gateZ+2, rotX, -90, rotZ) 
                        --moveObject(gate, 2000, gateX+4.9, gateY+9.6, gateZ, 0, 0, 0) 
                      --  moveObject(gate1, 17951, gateX, gateY, gateZ+3, -90, 0, 0) 
                        outputChatBox("You have opened your garage!", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0) 
                        found = true 
                        outputChatBox("You are too far away from the garage!", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0) 

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