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[HELP] Problem with the Slothbot


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Hi all.

I downloaded the resource bodyguard with the Slothbot also. The resource works very good but the aim of the bots is too bad. I want to know how can i fix this problem.

Players told me that i must to change the line of "delay" in the script but i don't find it.

Please help me

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In sbclient.lua you'll see it has a lot of this code:

setTimer ( chase_aim, 80, 1, ped, player ) 

This is what the script is using to aim the bots. It means every 80 milliseconds, update the aim. You can decrease the 80 to 50 so it updates every 50MS (the minimum times can have is 50MS) but it will have next to no effect, because 30MS is basically nothing.

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In sbclient.lua you'll see it has a lot of this code:
setTimer ( chase_aim, 80, 1, ped, player ) 

This is what the script is using to aim the bots. It means every 80 milliseconds, update the aim. You can decrease the 80 to 50 so it updates every 50MS (the minimum times can have is 50MS) but it will have next to no effect, because 30MS is basically nothing.

I did it and they have a nice aim but they fail some shots yet.

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