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Blue synced to accomplish punching?

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hey , i am sorry if anyone else has mentioned this , but will blue be so synced that punching will now be possible? and also if someone is driving the car it wont shake and you can stand on the car while they are driving it?


keep the great job up! :D

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only way you can punch people atm is by using punching them with some weapon, its awesome when you punch someone with the stubby in a stubbywar and they die instantly :P although they still see you shoot them down on their screen.

Fist fights would be great :)

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are you normally able to kill someone with one shot then? It is called a glitch , and abusing glitches isnt very polite :D

ermm your taking this off topic :?

I don't see it as a glitch that players die by one shot with the stubby, I have no idea if its a glitch i just shoot them and sometimes they die by one shot.

can other experienced MTA players please confirm this?

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Stubby can kill in one shot yes, over distance the spread causes less bullets to hit and therefore damage is reduced. Hence it usually taking two. What your describing sounds like lag causing your view to be slightly closer than the other players, so your close enough to melee with your gun your end, but their end your a little further away and boom, shot dead, hardly somethign to consider glitching.

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yes, and that can also lead to a double shot when you do a melee attack with a gun and then shoot it, like bump said: 1 shots take practice, but they are very possible, as far as the punch while holding a gun is concerned, its not something people do on purpose.

bump, so how about it, punchin work? i know with other melee weapons the alternative animations were removed (actually if i'm correct, it uses the golf club animations for the katana) and there is only 1 working type of swing. my questions is: if punching works, to what extent? the wide punch, or do the kicks and headbutts work?

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hey , i am sorry if anyone else has mentioned this , but will blue be so synced that punching will now be possible?

I believe so, yes. I think there may have been another thread about this at some point.

and also if someone is driving the car it wont shake

Yep :D

and you can stand on the car while they are driving it?

Not sure about that. I think that would depend upon lag.

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i usually fall off when the driver goes mad (when i shoot the car and he drives insane) :P

but normal driving i never fall off, i guess because the velocity of the vehicle aint fast enough the cause the player to slide or something, whereas in MTA you usually always keep accelerating to full, so to sustain a fixed position on the vehicle aint possible.

- Bungle

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yeah i think you shouldnt worry about the standing on car feature since eAi and Kent already said that it will be included or possible via addon, ill definitely have it on some server when blue is out since its my #1 suggestion (and actually why ive joined the forum in the first place)

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