Matiiaas97 Posted March 14, 2015 Share Posted March 14, 2015 (edited) I downloaded the resource bodyguard with the Slothbot also. The resource works very good but the aim of the bots is too bad. I want to know how can i fix this problem. Edited April 2, 2015 by Guest Link to comment
jingzhi Posted March 25, 2015 Share Posted March 25, 2015 Matiiaas97 said: I downloaded the resource bodyguard with the Slothbot also. The resource works very good but the aim of the bots is too bad. I want to know how can i fix this problem. I have saw this slothbot resource, and i have read its code. He added some delay to the aiming of his bot to be realistic, maybe he added too much delay so now it's bad. So try to reduce the delay and see if it works. I have made my own bot without delay, and it aims perfectly. Link to comment
Matiiaas97 Posted March 29, 2015 Author Share Posted March 29, 2015 jingzhi said: Matiiaas97 said: I downloaded the resource bodyguard with the Slothbot also. The resource works very good but the aim of the bots is too bad. I want to know how can i fix this problem. I have saw this slothbot resource, and i have read its code. He added some delay to the aiming of his bot to be realistic, maybe he added too much delay so now it's bad. So try to reduce the delay and see if it works. I have made my own bot without delay, and it aims perfectly. Thanks you, but how can i reduce the delay ? I know about scripts but i'm not a expert Link to comment
jingzhi Posted March 29, 2015 Share Posted March 29, 2015 Matiiaas97 said: jingzhi said: Matiiaas97 said: I downloaded the resource bodyguard with the Slothbot also. The resource works very good but the aim of the bots is too bad. I want to know how can i fix this problem. I have saw this slothbot resource, and i have read its code. He added some delay to the aiming of his bot to be realistic, maybe he added too much delay so now it's bad. So try to reduce the delay and see if it works. I have made my own bot without delay, and it aims perfectly. Thanks you, but how can i reduce the delay ? I know about scripts but i'm not a expert I think he have put explanation in the script, try to find the line "put a little delay to be realistic" Link to comment
Matiiaas97 Posted March 29, 2015 Author Share Posted March 29, 2015 Quote Thanks you, but how can i reduce the delay ? I know about scripts but i'm not a expertI think he have put explanation in the script, try to find the line "put a little delay to be realistic" I want that the bot don't be realistic and he can give all bullets. Link to comment
Addlibs Posted March 29, 2015 Share Posted March 29, 2015 Open the script, Ctrl+F > "delay", and change the line accordingly. Link to comment
Matiiaas97 Posted March 30, 2015 Author Share Posted March 30, 2015 MrTasty said: Open the script, Ctrl+F > "delay", and change the line accordingly. I searched the word: "delay" but it isn't in the script, could be other word ? Link to comment
Matiiaas97 Posted April 2, 2015 Author Share Posted April 2, 2015 MrTasty said: Open the script, Ctrl+F > "delay", and change the line accordingly. The word "delay" isn't in the script Link to comment
Mr.unpredictable. Posted April 2, 2015 Share Posted April 2, 2015 Can any one tell me what a slothbot is ? I saw a lot of people asking help regarding that. Link to comment
WhoAmI Posted April 2, 2015 Share Posted April 2, 2015 unpredictable said: Can any one tell me what a slothbot is ?I saw a lot of people asking help regarding that. Link to comment
Mr.unpredictable. Posted April 2, 2015 Share Posted April 2, 2015 WhoAmI said: unpredictable said: Can any one tell me what a slothbot is ?I saw a lot of people asking help regarding that. ahh thanks Link to comment
Matiiaas97 Posted April 2, 2015 Author Share Posted April 2, 2015 Matiiaas97 said: I downloaded the resource bodyguard with the Slothbot also. The resource works very good but the aim of the bots is too bad. I want to know how can i fix this problem. Please somebody answer to my question. I don't find the word: "Delay" in the script, What line must i change to the bot don't fail the shots ? Link to comment
Matiiaas97 Posted April 3, 2015 Author Share Posted April 3, 2015 Matiiaas97 said: I downloaded the resource bodyguard with the Slothbot also. The resource works very good but the aim of the bots is too bad. I want to know how can i fix this problem. I need that a professional scripter reply me, please. Link to comment
Matiiaas97 Posted April 5, 2015 Author Share Posted April 5, 2015 Matiiaas97 said: I downloaded the resource bodyguard with the Slothbot also. The resource works very good but the aim of the bots is too bad. I want to know how can i fix this problem. Here is a part of the script but i don't know what line must i change and how. --CLIENT STUFF --detects when a bot changes status and starts the new behaviour function changestatus (dataName) if getElementType ( source ) == "ped" and dataName == "status" and (getElementData (source, "slothbot") == true) then if (getElementData ( source, "status" ) == "chasing" ) then local player = getElementData ( source, "target" ) local oldTx, oldTy, oldTz = getElementPosition( player ) local oldPx, oldPy, oldPz = getElementPosition( source ) setTimer ( chase_aim, 80, 1, source) setTimer ( chase_move, 700, 1, source, oldTx, oldTy, oldTz, oldPx, oldPy, oldPz ) setTimer ( chase_shoot, 1500, 1, source ) elseif (getElementData ( source, "status" ) == "hunting" ) then local oldPx, oldPy, oldPz = getElementPosition( source ) setTimer ( enemy_check, 600 ,1 , source )-- starts scanning for enemies setTimer ( hunt_move, 800, 1, source, oldPx, oldPy, oldPz, oldPx, oldPy, oldPz ) elseif (getElementData ( source, "status" ) == "following" ) then local player = getElementData ( source, "leader" ) local oldTx, oldTy, oldTz = getElementPosition( player ) local oldPx, oldPy, oldPz = getElementPosition( source ) setTimer ( follow_enemy_check, 500 ,1 , source ) setTimer ( follow_move, 800, 1, source, oldPx, oldPy, oldPz, oldPx, oldPy, oldPz ) elseif (getElementData ( source, "status" ) == "waiting" ) then setTimer ( wait_enemy_check, 500 ,1 , source ) elseif (getElementData ( source, "status" ) == "guarding" ) then setTimer ( guard_enemy_check, 800 ,1 , source )-- starts scanning for enemies setTimer ( guard_move, 400 ,1 , source ) end end end addEventHandler( "onClientElementDataChange", getRootElement(), changestatus ) --keeps the bot's aim slightly lagged function chase_aim(ped) if (isElement(ped)) then local player = getElementData ( ped, "target" ) if (getElementData ( ped, "status" ) == "chasing" ) and (isElement(player)) and (getElementData (ped, "slothbot") == true) then if getElementType(player) == "player" then local pedhp = getElementHealth ( ped ) if pedhp > 0 and (isPlayerDead(player) == false) then local x,y,z = getElementPosition( player ) local ex,ey,ez = getElementPosition( ped ) local isclear = isLineOfSightClear (ex, ey, ez+.6, x, y, z+.6, true, false, false, true, false, false, false) if (isclear == true) then -- if the player target is in sight if isPedDucked(player) then setPedAimTarget ( ped, x, y, z-.5 ) else setPedAimTarget ( ped, x, y, z ) end end setTimer ( chase_aim, 80, 1, ped, player ) end elseif getElementType(player) == "ped" then local pedhp = getElementHealth ( ped ) if pedhp > 0 and (getElementHealth(player) > 0) then local x,y,z = getElementPosition( player ) local ex,ey,ez = getElementPosition( ped ) local isclear = isLineOfSightClear (ex, ey, ez+.6, x, y, z+.6, true, false, false, true, false, false, false) if (isclear == true) then -- if the player target is in sight if isPedDucked(player) then setPedAimTarget ( ped, x, y, z-.5 ) else setPedAimTarget ( ped, x, y, z ) end end setTimer ( chase_aim, 80, 1, ped, player ) end end end end end --bot behaviour while in chase mode function chase_move (ped, oldTx, oldTy, oldTz, oldPx, oldPy, oldPz) if (isElement(ped)) then local thetarget = getElementData ( ped, "target" ) if (getElementData ( ped, "status" ) == "chasing" ) and (isElement(thetarget)) and (getElementData (ped, "slothbot") == true) then local pedhp = getElementHealth ( ped ) local tarhp = getElementHealth ( thetarget ) if pedhp > 0 and tarhp > 0 then local tx,ty,tz = getElementPosition( thetarget ) local px,py,pz = getElementPosition( ped ) local isclear = isLineOfSightClear (px, py, pz+.6, tx, ty, tz+.6, true, false, false, true, false, false, false) local angle = ( 360 - math.deg ( math.atan2 ( ( tx - px ), ( ty - py ) ) ) ) % 360 --set the peds angle to the target setPedRotation( ped, angle ) if (isclear == true) then -- if the ped can see the target local angle = ( 360 - math.deg ( math.atan2 ( ( tx - px ), ( ty - py ) ) ) ) % 360 --set the peds angle to the target setPedRotation( ped, angle ) setElementData ( ped, "seestarget", true ) setTimer ( chase_move, 700, 1, ped, tx, ty, tz, px, py, pz) else local angle = ( 360 - math.deg ( math.atan2 ( ( oldTx - px ), ( oldTy - py ) ) ) ) % 360 --set the peds angle to the target setPedRotation( ped, angle ) setElementData ( ped, "seestarget", false ) setTimer ( chase_move, 700, 1, ped, oldTx, oldTy, oldTz, px, py, pz) end end end end end --tells the bot when to fire its gun. (only run by the peds controller) function chase_shoot(ped) if (isElement(ped)) then local player = getElementData ( ped, "target" ) if (isElement(player)) and (getElementData (ped, "slothbot") == true) then if (getElementType(player) == "ped") or (getElementType(player) == "player") then if (getElementData ( ped, "status" ) == "chasing" ) and (isElement(player)) then if (getElementHealth(ped)>0) and (getElementHealth(player)>0) and (getElementData ( ped, "controller" ) == getLocalPlayer()) then local x,y,z = getElementPosition( player ) local ex,ey,ez = getElementPosition( ped ) local isclear = isLineOfSightClear (ex, ey, ez+1, x, y, z+1, true, false, false, true, false, false, false) if isclear == true then -- if the ped can see the local player local distance = (getDistanceBetweenPoints3D (ex, ey, ez, x, y, z)) if (getPedWeapon(ped) < 19) and (getPedWeapon(ped) ~= 9) then -- if its a melee weapon hat isnt a chainsaw if (distance < 2 ) then triggerServerEvent ( "pedShootTrigger", ped, "melee" ) setTimer ( chase_shoot, 2300, 1, ped, player ) else setTimer ( chase_shoot, 1500 ,1 , ped, player ) end elseif (getPedWeapon(ped) == 9) then -- if it is a chainsaw (watch out, the peds are deadly with these) if (distance < 2 ) then local length = 1500 triggerServerEvent ( "pedShootTrigger", ped, "chainsawA", length ) setTimer ( chase_shoot, 6000, 1, ped, player ) else local length = math.random( 2100, 5500 ) triggerServerEvent ( "pedShootTrigger", ped, "chainsawB", length ) setTimer ( chase_shoot, length+900 ,1 , ped, player ) end elseif (getPedWeapon(ped) == 22) then if (distance < 35 ) then local length = math.random( 2100, 5500 ) triggerServerEvent ( "pedShootTrigger", ped, "gun", length ) setTimer ( chase_shoot, length+500 ,1 , ped, player ) else setTimer ( chase_shoot, 1500 ,1 , ped, player ) end elseif (getPedWeapon(ped) == 23) then if (distance < 35 ) then local length = math.random( 2000, 5500 ) triggerServerEvent ( "pedShootTrigger", ped, "gun", length ) setTimer ( chase_shoot, length+400 ,1 , ped, player ) else setTimer ( chase_shoot, 1500 ,1 , ped, player ) end elseif (getPedWeapon(ped) == 24) then if (distance < 35 ) then local length = math.random( 2000, 5500 ) triggerServerEvent ( "pedShootTrigger", ped, "gun", length ) setTimer ( chase_shoot, length+400 ,1 , ped, player ) else setTimer ( chase_shoot, 1500 ,1 , ped, player ) end elseif (getPedWeapon(ped) == 25) then if (distance < 27 ) then local length = 300 triggerServerEvent ( "pedShootTrigger", ped, "gun", length) setTimer ( chase_shoot, 1400 ,1 , ped, player ) else setTimer ( chase_shoot, 1500 ,1 , ped, player ) end elseif (getPedWeapon(ped) == 26) then if (distance < 20 ) then local length = 1200 triggerServerEvent ( "pedShootTrigger", ped, "gun", length) setTimer ( chase_shoot, 800 ,1 , ped, player ) else setTimer ( chase_shoot, 1500 ,1 , ped, player ) end elseif (getPedWeapon(ped) == 27) then if (distance < 25 ) then local length = 1200 triggerServerEvent ( "pedShootTrigger", ped, "gun", length) setTimer ( chase_shoot, 1800 ,1 , ped, player ) else setTimer ( chase_shoot, 1500 ,1 , ped, player ) end elseif (getPedWeapon(ped) == 28) then if (distance < 40 ) then local length = math.random( 2100, 5500 ) triggerServerEvent ( "pedShootTrigger", ped, "gun", length ) setTimer ( chase_shoot, length+500 ,1 , ped, player ) else setTimer ( chase_shoot, 1500 ,1 , ped, player ) end elseif (getPedWeapon(ped) == 29) then if (distance < 55 ) then local length = math.random( 2000, 5500 ) triggerServerEvent ( "pedShootTrigger", ped, "gun", length ) setTimer ( chase_shoot, length+1500 ,1 , ped, player ) else setTimer ( chase_shoot, 1500 ,1 , ped, player ) end elseif (getPedWeapon(ped) == 30) then if (distance < 60 ) then local length = math.random( 2000, 5500 ) triggerServerEvent ( "pedShootTrigger", ped, "gun", length ) setTimer ( chase_shoot, length+1500 ,1 , ped, player ) else setTimer ( chase_shoot, 1500 ,1 , ped, player ) end elseif (getPedWeapon(ped) == 31) then if (distance < 60 ) then local length = 700 triggerServerEvent ( "pedShootTrigger", ped, "gun", length) setTimer ( chase_shoot, 1200 ,1 , ped, player ) else setTimer ( chase_shoot, 1500 ,1 , ped, player ) end elseif (getPedWeapon(ped) == 32) then if (distance < 30 ) then local length = math.random( 2000, 5500 ) triggerServerEvent ( "pedShootTrigger", ped, "gun", length ) setTimer ( chase_shoot, length+600 ,1 , ped, player ) else setTimer ( chase_shoot, 1500 ,1 , ped, player ) end elseif (getPedWeapon(ped) == 33) then if (distance < 75 ) then local length = 400 triggerServerEvent ( "pedShootTrigger", ped, "gun", length) setTimer ( chase_shoot, 1600 ,1 , ped, player ) else setTimer ( chase_shoot, 1500 ,1 , ped, player ) end elseif (getPedWeapon(ped) == 34) then if (distance < 75 ) then triggerServerEvent ( "pedShootTrigger", ped, "sniper") setTimer ( chase_shoot, 2000 ,1 , ped, player ) else setTimer ( chase_shoot, 1500 ,1 , ped, player ) end elseif (getPedWeapon(ped) == 37) then if (distance < 15 ) then local length = math.random( 2000, 5500 ) triggerServerEvent ( "pedShootTrigger", ped, "gun", length ) setTimer ( chase_shoot, length+900 ,1 , ped, player ) else setTimer ( chase_shoot, 1500 ,1 , ped, player ) end elseif (getPedWeapon(ped) == 38) then if (distance < 65 ) then local length = math.random( 2000, 5500 ) triggerServerEvent ( "pedShootTrigger", ped, "gun", length ) setTimer ( chase_shoot, length+900 ,1 , ped, player ) else setTimer ( chase_shoot, 1500 ,1 , ped, player ) end elseif (getPedWeapon(ped) == 41) then if (distance < 4 ) then Link to comment
jingzhi Posted April 14, 2015 Share Posted April 14, 2015 Matiiaas97 said: Matiiaas97 said: I downloaded the resource bodyguard with the Slothbot also. The resource works very good but the aim of the bots is too bad. I want to know how can i fix this problem. Here is a part of the script but i don't know what line must i change and how. --CLIENT STUFF --detects when a bot changes status and starts the new behaviour function changestatus (dataName) if getElementType ( source ) == "ped" and dataName == "status" and (getElementData (source, "slothbot") == true) then if (getElementData ( source, "status" ) == "chasing" ) then local player = getElementData ( source, "target" ) local oldTx, oldTy, oldTz = getElementPosition( player ) local oldPx, oldPy, oldPz = getElementPosition( source ) setTimer ( chase_aim, 80, 1, source) setTimer ( chase_move, 700, 1, source, oldTx, oldTy, oldTz, oldPx, oldPy, oldPz ) setTimer ( chase_shoot, 1500, 1, source ) elseif (getElementData ( source, "status" ) == "hunting" ) then local oldPx, oldPy, oldPz = getElementPosition( source ) setTimer ( enemy_check, 600 ,1 , source )-- starts scanning for enemies setTimer ( hunt_move, 800, 1, source, oldPx, oldPy, oldPz, oldPx, oldPy, oldPz ) elseif (getElementData ( source, "status" ) == "following" ) then local player = getElementData ( source, "leader" ) local oldTx, oldTy, oldTz = getElementPosition( player ) local oldPx, oldPy, oldPz = getElementPosition( source ) setTimer ( follow_enemy_check, 500 ,1 , source ) setTimer ( follow_move, 800, 1, source, oldPx, oldPy, oldPz, oldPx, oldPy, oldPz ) elseif (getElementData ( source, "status" ) == "waiting" ) then setTimer ( wait_enemy_check, 500 ,1 , source ) elseif (getElementData ( source, "status" ) == "guarding" ) then setTimer ( guard_enemy_check, 800 ,1 , source )-- starts scanning for enemies setTimer ( guard_move, 400 ,1 , source ) end end end addEventHandler( "onClientElementDataChange", getRootElement(), changestatus ) --keeps the bot's aim slightly lagged function chase_aim(ped) if (isElement(ped)) then local player = getElementData ( ped, "target" ) if (getElementData ( ped, "status" ) == "chasing" ) and (isElement(player)) and (getElementData (ped, "slothbot") == true) then if getElementType(player) == "player" then local pedhp = getElementHealth ( ped ) if pedhp > 0 and (isPlayerDead(player) == false) then local x,y,z = getElementPosition( player ) local ex,ey,ez = getElementPosition( ped ) local isclear = isLineOfSightClear (ex, ey, ez+.6, x, y, z+.6, true, false, false, true, false, false, false) if (isclear == true) then -- if the player target is in sight if isPedDucked(player) then setPedAimTarget ( ped, x, y, z-.5 ) else setPedAimTarget ( ped, x, y, z ) end end setTimer ( chase_aim, 80, 1, ped, player ) end elseif getElementType(player) == "ped" then local pedhp = getElementHealth ( ped ) if pedhp > 0 and (getElementHealth(player) > 0) then local x,y,z = getElementPosition( player ) local ex,ey,ez = getElementPosition( ped ) local isclear = isLineOfSightClear (ex, ey, ez+.6, x, y, z+.6, true, false, false, true, false, false, false) if (isclear == true) then -- if the player target is in sight if isPedDucked(player) then setPedAimTarget ( ped, x, y, z-.5 ) else setPedAimTarget ( ped, x, y, z ) end end setTimer ( chase_aim, 80, 1, ped, player ) end end end end end --bot behaviour while in chase mode function chase_move (ped, oldTx, oldTy, oldTz, oldPx, oldPy, oldPz) if (isElement(ped)) then local thetarget = getElementData ( ped, "target" ) if (getElementData ( ped, "status" ) == "chasing" ) and (isElement(thetarget)) and (getElementData (ped, "slothbot") == true) then local pedhp = getElementHealth ( ped ) local tarhp = getElementHealth ( thetarget ) if pedhp > 0 and tarhp > 0 then local tx,ty,tz = getElementPosition( thetarget ) local px,py,pz = getElementPosition( ped ) local isclear = isLineOfSightClear (px, py, pz+.6, tx, ty, tz+.6, true, false, false, true, false, false, false) local angle = ( 360 - math.deg ( math.atan2 ( ( tx - px ), ( ty - py ) ) ) ) % 360 --set the peds angle to the target setPedRotation( ped, angle ) if (isclear == true) then -- if the ped can see the target local angle = ( 360 - math.deg ( math.atan2 ( ( tx - px ), ( ty - py ) ) ) ) % 360 --set the peds angle to the target setPedRotation( ped, angle ) setElementData ( ped, "seestarget", true ) setTimer ( chase_move, 700, 1, ped, tx, ty, tz, px, py, pz) else local angle = ( 360 - math.deg ( math.atan2 ( ( oldTx - px ), ( oldTy - py ) ) ) ) % 360 --set the peds angle to the target setPedRotation( ped, angle ) setElementData ( ped, "seestarget", false ) setTimer ( chase_move, 700, 1, ped, oldTx, oldTy, oldTz, px, py, pz) end end end end end --tells the bot when to fire its gun. (only run by the peds controller) function chase_shoot(ped) if (isElement(ped)) then local player = getElementData ( ped, "target" ) if (isElement(player)) and (getElementData (ped, "slothbot") == true) then if (getElementType(player) == "ped") or (getElementType(player) == "player") then if (getElementData ( ped, "status" ) == "chasing" ) and (isElement(player)) then if (getElementHealth(ped)>0) and (getElementHealth(player)>0) and (getElementData ( ped, "controller" ) == getLocalPlayer()) then local x,y,z = getElementPosition( player ) local ex,ey,ez = getElementPosition( ped ) local isclear = isLineOfSightClear (ex, ey, ez+1, x, y, z+1, true, false, false, true, false, false, false) if isclear == true then -- if the ped can see the local player local distance = (getDistanceBetweenPoints3D (ex, ey, ez, x, y, z)) if (getPedWeapon(ped) < 19) and (getPedWeapon(ped) ~= 9) then -- if its a melee weapon hat isnt a chainsaw if (distance < 2 ) then triggerServerEvent ( "pedShootTrigger", ped, "melee" ) setTimer ( chase_shoot, 2300, 1, ped, player ) else setTimer ( chase_shoot, 1500 ,1 , ped, player ) end elseif (getPedWeapon(ped) == 9) then -- if it is a chainsaw (watch out, the peds are deadly with these) if (distance < 2 ) then local length = 1500 triggerServerEvent ( "pedShootTrigger", ped, "chainsawA", length ) setTimer ( chase_shoot, 6000, 1, ped, player ) else local length = math.random( 2100, 5500 ) triggerServerEvent ( "pedShootTrigger", ped, "chainsawB", length ) setTimer ( chase_shoot, length+900 ,1 , ped, player ) end elseif (getPedWeapon(ped) == 22) then if (distance < 35 ) then local length = math.random( 2100, 5500 ) triggerServerEvent ( "pedShootTrigger", ped, "gun", length ) setTimer ( chase_shoot, length+500 ,1 , ped, player ) else setTimer ( chase_shoot, 1500 ,1 , ped, player ) end elseif (getPedWeapon(ped) == 23) then if (distance < 35 ) then local length = math.random( 2000, 5500 ) triggerServerEvent ( "pedShootTrigger", ped, "gun", length ) setTimer ( chase_shoot, length+400 ,1 , ped, player ) else setTimer ( chase_shoot, 1500 ,1 , ped, player ) end elseif (getPedWeapon(ped) == 24) then if (distance < 35 ) then local length = math.random( 2000, 5500 ) triggerServerEvent ( "pedShootTrigger", ped, "gun", length ) setTimer ( chase_shoot, length+400 ,1 , ped, player ) else setTimer ( chase_shoot, 1500 ,1 , ped, player ) end elseif (getPedWeapon(ped) == 25) then if (distance < 27 ) then local length = 300 triggerServerEvent ( "pedShootTrigger", ped, "gun", length) setTimer ( chase_shoot, 1400 ,1 , ped, player ) else setTimer ( chase_shoot, 1500 ,1 , ped, player ) end elseif (getPedWeapon(ped) == 26) then if (distance < 20 ) then local length = 1200 triggerServerEvent ( "pedShootTrigger", ped, "gun", length) setTimer ( chase_shoot, 800 ,1 , ped, player ) else setTimer ( chase_shoot, 1500 ,1 , ped, player ) end elseif (getPedWeapon(ped) == 27) then if (distance < 25 ) then local length = 1200 triggerServerEvent ( "pedShootTrigger", ped, "gun", length) setTimer ( chase_shoot, 1800 ,1 , ped, player ) else setTimer ( chase_shoot, 1500 ,1 , ped, player ) end elseif (getPedWeapon(ped) == 28) then if (distance < 40 ) then local length = math.random( 2100, 5500 ) triggerServerEvent ( "pedShootTrigger", ped, "gun", length ) setTimer ( chase_shoot, length+500 ,1 , ped, player ) else setTimer ( chase_shoot, 1500 ,1 , ped, player ) end elseif (getPedWeapon(ped) == 29) then if (distance < 55 ) then local length = math.random( 2000, 5500 ) triggerServerEvent ( "pedShootTrigger", ped, "gun", length ) setTimer ( chase_shoot, length+1500 ,1 , ped, player ) else setTimer ( chase_shoot, 1500 ,1 , ped, player ) end elseif (getPedWeapon(ped) == 30) then if (distance < 60 ) then local length = math.random( 2000, 5500 ) triggerServerEvent ( "pedShootTrigger", ped, "gun", length ) setTimer ( chase_shoot, length+1500 ,1 , ped, player ) else setTimer ( chase_shoot, 1500 ,1 , ped, player ) end elseif (getPedWeapon(ped) == 31) then if (distance < 60 ) then local length = 700 triggerServerEvent ( "pedShootTrigger", ped, "gun", length) setTimer ( chase_shoot, 1200 ,1 , ped, player ) else setTimer ( chase_shoot, 1500 ,1 , ped, player ) end elseif (getPedWeapon(ped) == 32) then if (distance < 30 ) then local length = math.random( 2000, 5500 ) triggerServerEvent ( "pedShootTrigger", ped, "gun", length ) setTimer ( chase_shoot, length+600 ,1 , ped, player ) else setTimer ( chase_shoot, 1500 ,1 , ped, player ) end elseif (getPedWeapon(ped) == 33) then if (distance < 75 ) then local length = 400 triggerServerEvent ( "pedShootTrigger", ped, "gun", length) setTimer ( chase_shoot, 1600 ,1 , ped, player ) else setTimer ( chase_shoot, 1500 ,1 , ped, player ) end elseif (getPedWeapon(ped) == 34) then if (distance < 75 ) then triggerServerEvent ( "pedShootTrigger", ped, "sniper") setTimer ( chase_shoot, 2000 ,1 , ped, player ) else setTimer ( chase_shoot, 1500 ,1 , ped, player ) end elseif (getPedWeapon(ped) == 37) then if (distance < 15 ) then local length = math.random( 2000, 5500 ) triggerServerEvent ( "pedShootTrigger", ped, "gun", length ) setTimer ( chase_shoot, length+900 ,1 , ped, player ) else setTimer ( chase_shoot, 1500 ,1 , ped, player ) end elseif (getPedWeapon(ped) == 38) then if (distance < 65 ) then local length = math.random( 2000, 5500 ) triggerServerEvent ( "pedShootTrigger", ped, "gun", length ) setTimer ( chase_shoot, length+900 ,1 , ped, player ) else setTimer ( chase_shoot, 1500 ,1 , ped, player ) end Link to comment
Addlibs Posted April 14, 2015 Share Posted April 14, 2015 I'm not sure if that'll do anything, but try changing Line 10 setTimer ( chase_aim, 80, 1, source) to chase_aim(source) Link to comment
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