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Audio Taunt

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Would'nt it be great if blue supports audio taunts, like in many other games.

It save's a lot of typing (useful in combat) and sounds great.

Like this: "Die devil, die!!!!!, Florida doesn't want you!" (pastor Richards, Vice City Public Radio)

or anything else wich would be great as taunt.

and, ohter taunts, as: get in the vehicle, or get out (the taunts will be great if they're from the single player mode, or radio stations (like the one above))

and then add a quick button to it:

like in chat screen: "!taunt1" (and "!taunt2" for the next etcetera)

but I think It's too much typing, especcially when you are in combat.

so we have to add a quick key, like: "CapsLock+1" or any else button combination.

or another shorter way: Taunting with the F-key's, all F-key's except F1, F2, F3, and any F-key else wich is in use, like F12.

like this: you only have to push, let's pick a button, the F5 key, and then you'll shout: "DIE DEVIL, DIE!!!!! FLORIDA DOESN'T WANT YOU!"


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