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Help! why am I missing?!

Guest MrCowHead

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This is really geting me mad :x , I join a server and my ping is usually 70-100. but whenever I shoot someone it shows blood coming out of them but they never get hurt! sometimes i shoot them 20+ times, but they can kill me with no problem. This happens %100 of the time! I have NEVER gotten a kill. I am using version .41. someone please help me.

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The fact that you see blood shows that you're hitting them at your end. However, they don't die because by the time the packet saying that you've shot at them reaches their PC, they've moved, so as Mad_Boy said, try to allow for that movement.

MTA is unique among multiplayer games in that in a 1 vs 1 between a low ping and high ping player, the high pinger will have the advantage.

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  • 4 weeks later...
in a 1 vs 1 between a low ping and high ping player, the high pinger will have the advantage.

thats untrue for quite a lot of reasons. if the low pinger is unexpirienced he will probably wouldnt calculate the lag and shoot normally, but if that same player learned how the ping works, he can take out all of the laggers, and even the most expirienced player that is lagging, will have a big disadvantage over the low pinger.

low ping sees high ping - moves, shoots, drives normally, but with a dilay.

high ping sees low ping - same delay, but the low pinger is warping, and appearing in the wrong places. the bads overcome the goods.

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in a 1 vs 1 between a low ping and high ping player, the high pinger will have the advantage.

thats untrue for quite a lot of reasons. if the low pinger is unexpirienced he will probably wouldnt calculate the lag and shoot normally, but if that same player learned how the ping works, he can take out all of the laggers, and even the most expirienced player that is lagging, will have a big disadvantage over the low pinger.

low ping sees high ping - moves, shoots, drives normally, but with a dilay.

high ping sees low ping - same delay, but the low pinger is warping, and appearing in the wrong places. the bads overcome the goods.

Depending on the ping of the HPB, the difference simply comes down to the skill of two players. Usually, the low ping is inexperienced shooting high pingers, so the lower skilled player loses. The pings make no difference in MTA (A high ping will become use to shooting a low pinger quicker then a high pinger due to the theoretical ideal of there being more low pingers then high pingers.) Other then the delay and misaimed shots (sometimes the shot is sent in a different direction then intended due to ping, in theory, anyways) This forces it down to both skill and luck.

There is a point in which a player can learn or do no more then what he has done to take out another player. It comes down to the mechanics, and the mechanics are incomplete/not perfected at this point.

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