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MTA SA Stock Resource Description


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So no one has written a basic description to these 180+ functions? Seems like a good project for someone to put their name on. Their guide may look forward to my respect. For each server operator to independently explore each one of these resources to discern its exact and complete function on their own, op after op, would be a waste of time so great that it would surely lead to the downfall of mankind.

That someday one may come along and write a comprehensive description to these valid resources, much honor awaits them...

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  • MTA Anti-Cheat Team
So no one has written a basic description to these 180+ functions? Seems like a good project for someone to put their name on. Their guide may look forward to my respect. For each server operator to independently explore each one of these resources to discern its exact and complete function on their own, op after op, would be a waste of time so great that it would surely lead to the downfall of mankind.

That someday one may come along and write a comprehensive description to these valid resources, much honor awaits them...

That actually is an scripting function. I get that you're new to MTA servers, but the default resources were created by initial contributors (scripters) in the same way, of writing plain LUA code. If you want to use an function, to change for example here the sky color (setSkyGradient) you'll need to learn how to script and make a very small script to execute the function with as arguments the desired skycolor, or simply execute the codestring with these arguments in ''runcode'' to set it right away.

This function is in no way related to the default resources or the ''stock'' gamemode you run unless that sets a specific sky gradient by itself, and the sky is blue by default on a blank MTA server until you change it yourself, which is the point of MTA: everything is done through scripts/resources and self-created.

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