.:HyPeX:. Posted December 30, 2014 Share Posted December 30, 2014 Well, this is quite weird, it should never get past 17, but it reaches 18 and stays there.... if fileDownload > 16 then removeEventHandler('onClientRender',root, drawLoad) local sfile = fileCreate("wheelDownload.txt") fileWrite(sfile, "true") fileClose(sfile) return end a = nil outputConsole("downloading.. ["..fileDownload + 1 .."] ".."wheels/"..wheels[fileDownload+1].name..".dff") downloadFile("wheels/"..wheels[fileDownload+1].name..".dff") outputConsole(fileDownload + 1) fileName = wheels[fileDownload + 1].name fileDownload = fileDownload + 1 Console: 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Link to comment
.:HyPeX:. Posted December 31, 2014 Author Share Posted December 31, 2014 Bump, i'm totally ragging all over this script, somehow, half the times i start it it fails loading... When it fails it spams debugscript a lot of times, and then it stops giving errors... (Until it stops giving errors it lags a lot, but its just 1-2 sec) Console: n..117 Error debugscript 3: .lua:line 194: attemt to index field '?' (a nil value) local wheels = {} wheels[1] = {name="wheel_or1",id=1025,size=370} wheels[2] = {name="wheel_sr6",id=1073,size=412} wheels[3] = {name="wheel_sr3",id=1074,size=340} wheels[4] = {name="wheel_sr2",id=1075,size=364} wheels[5] = {name="wheel_lr4",id=1076,size=368} wheels[6] = {name="wheel_lr1",id=1077,size=356} wheels[7] = {name="wheel_lr3",id=1078,size=384} wheels[8] = {name="wheel_sr1",id=1079,size=366} wheels[9] = {name="wheel_sr5",id=1080,size=372} wheels[10] = {name="wheel_sr4",id=1081,size=358} wheels[11] = {name="wheel_gn1",id=1082,size=386} wheels[12] = {name="wheel_lr2",id=1083,size=370} wheels[13] = {name="wheel_lr5",id=1084,size=370} wheels[14] = {name="wheel_gn2",id=1085,size=370} wheels[15] = {name="wheel_gn3",id=1096,size=364} wheels[16] = {name="wheel_gn4",id=1097,size=368} wheels[17] = {name="wheel_gn5",id=1098,size=360} local fileDownload = 0 local endingFile = 17 local fileName = "" addEventHandler('onClientResourceStart',resourceRoot, function() if fileExists("wheelDownload.txt") then local file = fileOpen("wheelDownload.txt") local size = fileGetSize(file) local txt = fileRead(file,size) fileClose(file) if txt == "true" then downloadTxd() else for i,v in ipairs(wheels) do local result = fileExists("wheels/"..v.name..".txt") if result then fileDownload = fileDownload + 1 if fileDownload > 16 then local sfile = fileCreate("wheelDownload.txt") fileWrite(sfile, "true") fileClose(sfile) downloadTxd() return end end end if fileDownload >= 1 then downloadFile("wheels/"..wheels[fileDownload].name..".dff") fileName = wheels[fileDownload].name addEventHandler('onClientRender',root,drawLoad) outputConsole("Y..1"..fileDownload) else fileDownload = 1 downloadFile("wheels/"..wheels[fileDownload].name..".dff") fileName = wheels[fileDownload].name addEventHandler('onClientRender',root,drawLoad) outputConsole("Y..2"..fileDownload) end end else for i,v in ipairs(wheels) do local result = fileExists("wheels/"..v.name..".txt") if result then fileDownload = fileDownload + 1 if fileDownload > 16 then local sfile = fileCreate("wheelDownload.txt") fileWrite(sfile, "true") fileClose(sfile) downloadTxd() return end end end if fileDownload >= 1 then downloadFile("wheels/"..wheels[fileDownload].name..".dff") fileName = wheels[fileDownload].name addEventHandler('onClientRender',root,drawLoad) outputConsole("n..1"..fileDownload) else outputConsole("n..2"..fileDownload) fileDownload = 1 downloadFile("wheels/"..wheels[fileDownload].name..".dff") fileName = wheels[fileDownload].name addEventHandler('onClientRender',root,drawLoad) end end end) local x,y = guiGetScreenSize() -- [[ MATHS SHIT ]] -- local barx = 305 local ox = 1920 local xsize = (barx / 1920) * x local bary = 27 local oy = 1080 local ysize = (bary / 1080) * y local mx = (808/1920)*x local my = (944/1080)*y local my2 = (4/1080)*y local boxx = 44 local xbox = (boxx / 1920) * x local boxy = 33 local ybox = (boxy / 1080) * y local tenx = (10/1920) * x local font0 = dxCreateFont("fontdefault.ttf", 10) local font1 = dxCreateFont("fontbold.ttf", 10) local font2 = dxCreateFont("fontdefault.ttf", 11) function drawLoad() local total = 0 local current = 0 for i=1, 17 do total = total + wheels[i].size if i < fileDownload then current = current + wheels[i].size end end if fileExists("wheels/"..fileName..".dff") then local file = fileOpen("wheels/"..fileName..".dff",true) local size =fileGetSize(file) fileClose(file) local size = math.floor(size/1000) local progress = ((size + current)/ total) local oR,oG,oB = 68,160,197 local nR,nG,nB = 136,206,170 local slice = (xsize - (tenx*2)) / 100 for i=1, 100 do if i >= math.floor(progress*100) then else local r,g,b = interpolateBetween(oR,oG,oB,nR,nG,nB,i/100,"Linear") dxDrawImage(mx + tenx + (slice * (i-1)),my + ysize/2-my2/4,slice,my2,"loading/progress.png",0,0,0, tocolor(r,g,b,255)) end end dxDrawImage( mx +tenx + (slice * (progress*100)) - (xbox / 2), (924/1080)*y, xbox, ybox, "loading/box.png", 0,0,0,tocolor(255,255,255,255)) dxDrawText( math.floor((progress*100)).."%",mx +tenx + (slice * (progress*100))-xbox, (924/1080)*y, mx +tenx + (slice * (progress*100)) + xbox, (924/1080)*y + ybox,tocolor(255,255,255,255), 1.00, font1, "center", "center") dxDrawImage( mx,my,xsize,ysize,"loading/bar.png",0,0,0,tocolor(255,255,255,255))dxDrawImage( mx,my,xsize,ysize,"loading/bar.png",0,0,0,tocolor(255,255,255,255)) local width = dxGetTextWidth("current file: ", 1, font0) dxDrawText("current file: ", (888/1920)*x,(971/1080)*y,x*1,y*1,tocolor(255,255,255,255), 1, font0) dxDrawText(fileName..".dff", (888/1920)*x+width,(971/1080)*y,x*1,y*1,tocolor(255,255,255,255), 1, font1) end if wheelstxd then if fileExists("wheels/wheels.txd") then local file = fileOpen("wheels/wheels.txd",true) local size =fileGetSize(file) fileClose(file) local size = math.floor(size/1000) local progress = (size/ 6767) dxDrawText("Downloading File: "..fileName..".txd", x*0.05,y*0.5,x*0.5,y*0.6,tocolor(255,255,255,255), 1.5, "default") end end end c = nil addEventHandler('onClientFileDownloadComplete',root,function(file,success) if file == "wheels/wheels.txd" then if success then loadWheels() sfile = fileCreate("wheels/wheels.txd") fileWrite(sfile,"true") fileClose(sfile) else downloadFile("wheels/wheels.txd") end end if ( success == true ) then c = nil for i,v in ipairs(wheels) do if (file) == ("wheels/"..v.name..".dff") then c=true end end if not c then return end local sfile = string.gsub(file, ".dff", "") local sfile = fileCreate(sfile..".txt") fileWrite(sfile, "true") fileClose(sfile) if fileDownload > 16 then removeEventHandler('onClientRender',root, drawLoad) local sfile = fileCreate("wheelDownload.txt") fileWrite(sfile, "true") fileClose(sfile) downloadTxd() return end a = nil downloadFile("wheels/"..wheels[fileDownload+1].name..".dff") fileName = wheels[fileDownload + 1].name fileDownload = fileDownload + 1 end end) function downloadTxd() if not fileExists("wheels/wheels.txt") then downloadFile("wheels/wheels.txd") else loadWheels() end end function loadWheels() txd = engineLoadTXD("wheels/wheels.txd") for i,v in ipairs(wheels) do engineImportTXD(txd, v.id) dff = engineLoadDFF("wheels/"..v.name..".dff") engineReplaceModel(dff,v.id) end end Link to comment
Et-win Posted December 31, 2014 Share Posted December 31, 2014 downloadFile("wheels/"..wheels[fileDownload+1].name..".dff") Will find this kind of table: wheels = { name = { --stuff } } Try this: downloadFile("wheels/"..wheels[fileDownload+1][1]..".dff") This will get the first thing in the table, which is the name. Link to comment
Saml1er Posted December 31, 2014 Share Posted December 31, 2014 downloadFile("wheels/"..wheels[fileDownload+1].name..".dff") Will find this kind of table: wheels = { name = { --stuff } } Try this: downloadFile("wheels/"..wheels[fileDownload+1][1]..".dff") This will get the first thing in the table, which is the name. Well I think you misunderstood this. I'm sure thid error starts after 17 because there is no 18 index in table. Link to comment
Et-win Posted December 31, 2014 Share Posted December 31, 2014 Well I think you misunderstood this. I'm sure thid error starts after 17 because there is no 18 index in table. *Coughs* Could be Link to comment
.:HyPeX:. Posted December 31, 2014 Author Share Posted December 31, 2014 Yeah, the error is given becouse there's no index 18, but if you look the script, you'll realize there's no reason for the script to reach ever index 18 - it should be stopped before. Link to comment
Castillo Posted December 31, 2014 Share Posted December 31, 2014 That code gives me headache when trying to read it, anyway, simply check if the index is on your table. Link to comment
.:HyPeX:. Posted December 31, 2014 Author Share Posted December 31, 2014 That code gives me headache when trying to read it, anyway, simply check if the index is on your table. if wheels[fileDownload+1] then downloadFile("wheels/"..wheels[fileDownload+1].name..".dff") fileName = wheels[fileDownload + 1].name fileDownload = fileDownload + 1 else return end Its weird, it still gives me errors. But whats most strange, is that the error only happens exactly the half of the times. I.e if i turn it off and start it again it will work... Link to comment
Castillo Posted December 31, 2014 Share Posted December 31, 2014 And when it gives you errors, what is "fileDownload + 1" returning? Link to comment
.:HyPeX:. Posted December 31, 2014 Author Share Posted December 31, 2014 It is, in fact right.... if wheels[fileDownload+1] then outputConsole( type( wheels[fileDownload+1] ) ) outputConsole(wheels[fileDownload+1]) downloadFile("wheels/"..wheels[fileDownload+1].name..".dff") fileName = wheels[fileDownload + 1].name fileDownload = fileDownload + 1 else return end stop: Resource stopping Server FPS limit: 0 (Using 65) * [server] FPS Limit Script by HyPeX was started. * [server] Usage: /sfps [fps] table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table table n..117 * [Client] FPS Settings were loaded. * [Client] Your FPS Limit is: 65 * [Client] Usage: */sfps [fps] start: Resource '5team' started Second test: if wheels[fileDownload+1] then outputConsole( type( wheels[fileDownload+1] ).name ) outputConsole(wheels[fileDownload+1].name) downloadFile("wheels/"..wheels[fileDownload+1].name..".dff") fileName = wheels[fileDownload + 1].name fileDownload = fileDownload + 1 else return end stop: Resource stopping Server FPS limit: 0 (Using 65) * [server] FPS Limit Script by HyPeX was started. * [server] Usage: /sfps [fps] wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 wheel_lr3 n..117 * [Client] FPS Settings were loaded. * [Client] Your FPS Limit is: 65 * [Client] Usage: */sfps [fps] start: Resource '5team' started Link to comment
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