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The sever pops up and then closes!!?!?!?!?!?!

Guest CiTy_LiGhT

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Yeah so I wanted to join this server and when I clicked on it...it comes ups for a about 1.2 seconds and then closes! I unistalled mta and vice city a ton of time but it still does it! please help me!

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Yeah so I wanted to join this server and when I clicked on it...it comes ups for a about 1.2 seconds and then closes! I unistalled mta and vice city a ton of time but it still does it! please help me!

This sounds as if ur tryin to open the server itself on ur own machine, if ur gonna play online then the server isn't necessary :) use the client, and find servers with ASE

however if ur tryin to open the server for LAN play, then the problem cud be that u typed in the wrong ip in the mtaserver.conf

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Yeah so I wanted to join this server and when I clicked on it...it comes ups for a about 1.2 seconds and then closes! I unistalled mta and vice city a ton of time but it still does it! please help me!

This sounds as if ur tryin to open the server itself on ur own machine, if ur gonna play online then the server isn't necessary :) use the client, and find servers with ASE

however if ur tryin to open the server for LAN play, then the problem cud be that u typed in the wrong ip in the mtaserver.conf

Yeah its the client it comes up...then clese in a second!!! :?

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it comes ups for a about 1.2 seconds and then closes!

omg, u were actually sad enough to record it at 1.2 seconds?

not actually ;)

if u look into the server folder in ur MTA dir, u'll see a notesblock file, that is the server log, i open server (with wrong ip) and then go into the VC dir to open the log :P (there u see the socket thingy)

btw u seem to confuse the client with the server (i sure haven't seen the client pop up for just a sec) i suggest u go into run/cmd/ipconfig put that ip in ur server conf file ;)

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