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[R] Dynamic Material Text


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Hi all

This is easy resource-system, what creating material text (3D text).

Thanks for example of 3D text for SDraw :)

With this resource you have 2 types of creating text - Without using render event, and with render event.


dxDrawMaterialText(float PosX, float PosY, float PosZ, float Width, float Height, string Text, float Size, mixed Color, font Font, float fRotationX, float fRotationY, float fRotationZ) 


dxDrawMaterialText(float PosX, float PosY, float PosZ, float Width, float Height, string Text, float Size, mixed Color, font Font, float Degrees) 


PosX, PosY, PosZ - World Position of the text

Width, Height - Text Plane size

Text - Text

Size - Text Size on Plane

Color - Text color

Font - Text font (DX Fonts)

fRotationX, fRotationY, fRotationZ - World Rotation


Degrees - World Rotation

Creating without render event

dxDrawText3D(float PosX, float PosY, float PosZ, float Width, float Height, string Text, float Size, element Targer, mixed Colour, font Font, float fRotationX, float fRotationY, float fRotationZ) 


dxDrawText3D(float PosX, float PosY, float PosZ, float Width, float Height, string Text, float Size, element Targer, mixed Color, font Font, float Degrees) 


PosX, PosY, PosZ - World Position of the text

Width, Height - Text Plane size

Text - Text

Size - Text Size on Plane

Targer - Target of text

Color - Text color

Font - Text font (DX Fonts)

fRotationX, fRotationY, fRotationZ - World Rotation


Degrees - World Rotation

Creating with render event








dxDrawMaterialText(0, 0,  12, 500, 50, "Test1", 4, tocolor(255, 0, 0), "default", -1, 0, 1) 
dxDrawMaterialText(0, 0,  18, 500, 50, "Test 2", 4, tocolor(0, 255, 0), "default", 45) 
dxDrawMaterialText(0, 0,  24, 500, 50, "Test3", 4, tocolor(0, 0, 255), "default", 90) 
dxDrawMaterialText(0, 0,  30, 100, 50, "Test of this place", 4, tocolor(255,255,0), "default", 135) 
dxDrawMaterialText(0, 0,  36, 100, 20, "Test5", 4, tocolor(255,0,255), "default", 180) 
dxDrawMaterialText(0, 0,  42, 128, 20, "Test 6", 4, tocolor(0,255,255), "default", 225) 
dxDrawMaterialText(0, 0, 48, 128, 32, "Test7", 4,tocolor(255,255,255), "default", 270) 
dxDrawMaterialText(0, 0, 54, 128, 32, "Test 8", 4,tocolor(0,0,0), "default", 315) 
local xzw, xzh =  guiGetScreenSize() 
local targetz = dxCreateRenderTarget(xzw, xzh,true) 
local targetf = dxCreateRenderTarget(xzw, xzh,true) 
addEventHandler("onClientPreRender", root, function() 
    dxDrawText3D(150, 100, 130, 550, 200, "Place of MTA SA ", 5, targetz, tocolor(102, 0, 255), "pricedown", 150, 99, 0) 
    dxDrawText3D(150, 101, 130, 550, 200, "Place       MTA SA", 5, targetf, tocolor(102, 0, 0), "pricedown", 150, 100, 0) 

Thanks all

Edited by Guest
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