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Console History


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I think you should be to clear the history of the console via the MTA client because what I always find is that after there has been a lot typed, the game starts to crash more often. I end up having to disconnect and reconnect every hour, just to clear the console.

So, I am suggesting that there be a button that you can press on the MTA client, that clears the chat history; which may even cut down on crashing :idea::)

Thanks for reading,


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and a lot of times im on a server and something very interesting shows up and im like 'oh i MUST quote that' and continue playing and forget all about it, and remember about it after i already disconnected and closed the client.

suggestion - log files.

*.txt log files would solve both problems easily.

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hmm yea clearing text and allowing the option of log save would be very nice. Good idea.

I don't know how many times I would have someone pm me their msnm or aim names to join VCP and I'd just exit the client as soon as I got out of game from habit, then going back in praying that the newfound talent was still there so I can tell them my stupid mistake and have them resend a message... :roll:

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heh, next thing you know people will compete to have the largest log file....

unless theres a way to eliminate the older chat when the new chat is brought in, so the file doesnt grow to a gig

on the msg+ log files, they r managed by months, and txt files for every time u talk, eg:

c:\program files\multi theft auto\logs\August 2004\28th PartyServer GTA3

or in other words...

directory\[MONTH] [YEAR]\[DAY] [sERVER NAME]

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