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Wireless Connections Cause Lag in MTA?

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hi, im on a wireless router and have a wireless PCI network adapter on my machine. i have ADSL connection (1.5mbps down, 384 up). when im plugged in directly through the DSL modem i get very good ping and never had lag issues in MTA:3 or MTA:VC.

but when im plugged in through wireless router (which i usually am) my ping is higher. on DSL modem its usually 40 to 80 (on the fast servers ofcourse), but through my wireless router its around 80 to 100 (at least its like that in the client, but rises a bit when i open the game when im on wireless). the major problem though, is that when i get into a fight (or when i see a few other players on screen), my ping jumps drastically to 200 or 300. i get no such problems at all when im connected directly through DSL modem (ie ping jumping so much during fights).

i was just wondering if anyone else uses a wireless connection to play MTA and if they experience these problems.

extra info: im connected through wireless router at 11mbps, and am able to get my full download speed of 160KB/s, and upload of 40KB/s.

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