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DooN's List of crappy admins and other crap. (continued)


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My other thread was locked... for a lame reason.. why is this bump? Cause it's pointless? I have the right to speak out on servers in which support this game, admins can obviously ban the way they want but they shouldn't is my point. They should kick for the proper reasons. Especially when servers act as if they are doing such a righteous job.

My post may been "pointless" to you bump, but not to me.

bump wrote:

encouraging complaints where none are due (server admins have the RIGHT to ban anyone they wish, for any reason they wish), and the fact it is already just a long dull and pointless 'log post' which we don't want to encourage anywhere.

Complaints are most certainly due, if you don't think so that's your problem, in my opinion complaints are due and I am the one who posted.

"fact is is already just a long dull a pointless 'log post'" ... pointless I just got kicked off a server for being good, and that's pointless to you? Laugh. Let's see you get kicked repeatedly off servers for crap.. and see how "pointless" it is. Oh and in case you haven't noticed, move on to another server you say? Well on a side note, there are only a handfull of servers with a decent amount of players and decent ping, that goes octuple (that isn't a word laugh, but meaning 8x the amount.........wait I looked up the word octuple.. IT'S AN ACTUAL word meaning 8x the amount, damn im smart laugh) for gta3.

I could care less if you encourage it, doesn't mean I can't post it, and why wouldn't you? I can prove and show the rest of the people who care some of the crap that happens and that's that.. What... you going to decide what I think it a complaint and what has a point and what doesn't for me? I am the one deciding and posting, and as I also posted if this DOESN'T concern you move on, you should have moved on since you could care less. And I said delete any arguing/flaming posts basically, instead you just lock it.

The REAL fact is this is a forum, I can post my complaints or whatever, they are definately valid complaints, whether you see them or not. I was wrongfully banned and I am expressing why and being able to somewhat shoutback and do something rather than just get banned and say oh well. Don't lock my threads for a lame reason such as you think my complaints aren't valid.

I got BANNED FROM a server for straight be good, spending my time to be good, taking all the crap from all you talking crap and not ever being in anyway supported. And what do I get when I try and post some reasons why I got banned from a server when I shouldn't have .. I get the thread locked from what seems to be another lame admin not letting me express nor here replys from others.

AS I POSTED .. delete the flame posts. And that wasn't what that thread was for anyways, it was for people wrongfully banned that are sick of it basically. But you could care less huh? Laugh.

Unlock my thread and stop acting like you can regulate my opinions. I post a complaint.. but what? Have to make sure bump agrees first?

Also BUMP .. you are one of the admins in the PAST that have booted me for basically nothing, owNing you perhaps? I have the log of that as well most likely, laugh.

This forum is the for the MTA commity etc. Not your own personal archive of things that you decide should go in it.


Edited by Guest
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Well, considering that the admins operate the server in question, it stands to reason that you should play by their rules (whether their rules are "right" or "wrong"). If you don't like it, form your own server with your own rules.

Also, Bump is a moderator, and it's his job to "police" the forums. Again, MTA owns the forums in question, so you play by their rules.

Also, why should he have to spend time deleting the flame posts that you encouraged by your troll opening post? I'm sure he has much better things to do.

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Maybe because I've helped this game grow.. I've spent alot of time on it.. I never, ever cheat, I dont start crap, and I have the right to express my opinion, especially when it is easily justified. Those are just a couple of reasons.

And if he has much better things do to .. don't look at the post at all, let everyone flame it, no matter, my opinion will be made as I should have the right to do, and I will still be able to read feedback and see what others think.. perfect example:

Dystopia's reply post in the original thread of this, was a good start. He stated admins should basically be more aware of what's a good player and what's a cheating player and that admin basically should be handed out to the proper people (people that basically know what's going on). Good suggestion and headed into the right direction. Who knows there could even be a set standard for a "proper" or experienced admin down the road, hah, you could even have to admin certified in a way, laugh.

In all defense for the leaders of KFC... earlier in the whining war, Kung and I exchanged some heated words.. and if there was going be a banning that would have been the time cause we were going at it. He ended up leaving etc. not even so much as threatening to kick, then when no one was around the other lil' minions went to work and banned me. Basically just showing that admin should be handed to the proper people. Then later on I told wheel why I had been banned and he said he would unban me, but never responded if he would talk to the people abusing admin or not, etc. etc. And that is the main point, If I get unbanned I could just be banned again for something lame another day as with someone else. Which is why admin should indeed be more closely followed by those that give it out and overall control it.

Also perhaps if MTA wants to have the game grow they would even encourage proper admining (wow what a shocker) in order for people to be treated fairly and continue to play the game, have servers to play on and too keep the good/legit players playing and get rid of the cheaters (another shocker). Laugh.

Oh btw MTA owns the forum? What is the forum for? What would it be without a community posting on it? Laugh, nothing, end of story. It's here for the community.

Also the only one stating negetive things on a post in the locked thread, was bump? Laugh.


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lmfao you want stupid fucking retarded bitch noob admins go play on the ua server, thats the most funny and aggravating shot you can do...fraps yourself pwning them no glitches and when they say you glitched and kick you, take it to their forums and get their admin revoked.

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The MTA team are not responsible for the way servers are managed. We'd obviously like everyone to enjoy themselves, not cheat and to play fairly, but thats not going to happen all the time. Admins have the right to do whatever they like on their servers. If they ban people for no reason, people won't play there, conversely, if they manage the server well - removing cheaters and people who disrupt other's games, the sever will be popular. Its in the admin's interest to admin their servers well (if of course they want the server to be popular). We can't police servers, and have nothing to do with how they are run. You won't see comments about specific servers on any other game's forum will you? If you have a problem with a particular server or admin, contact the person in charge of it, or just find another server. If you think you can do better, why not run your own server.

This isn't directly aimed at the poster, its a general point. We've got a lot on our hands, and we don't need the added work of settling disputes between users and admins of servers. This forum is for discussing the game, and how its played, not specific servers or players (appart from stickied posts dedicated to such things).


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