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file functions


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Hey guys, I currently want to save player database using file functions, and for testing i used country as test, and actually it should write a line everytime a player login but actually it just replace it, This is my code.


if fileExists(country..".txt") then 
            local file = fileOpen(country..".txt") 
            fileWrite(file, "Name:"..name.." Serial:"..serial) 
            local file = fileCreate(country..".txt") 
            fileWrite(file, "Name:"..name.." Serial:"..serial) 

What i'm doing wrong?

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local gSize = getFileSize(file) 
fileSetPos(file, gSize) 

This will be the last character of the file. You may want to use this to start drawing on a new line: \n

fileGetSize(file) * 

It works, thanks, And there is one thing, How i can make it write a line everyplayer join in? Because currently it output like this

Name: Test Serial: 0123456789Name: Test Serial: 0123456789  

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Did you ever save it?
if fileExists(country..".txt") then 
            local file = fileOpen(country..".txt") 
            fileWrite(file, "Name:"..name.." Serial:"..serial) 

fileSave doesnt exist

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Did you ever save it?
if fileExists(country..".txt") then 
            local file = fileOpen(country..".txt") 
            fileWrite(file, "Name:"..name.." Serial:"..serial) 

Everything. Don't ever do that. Use a database management system. MTA supports the SQLite library and MySQL.

But just for the record, you should call fileSetPos to set the position where reads and writes will take place.

I'm not planning to save it anymore...

And your function doesn't exist

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