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to take a screenshot, press the 'Prt Scr' key, located to the right of F12, to capture whatever is on your screen when you press the button, and put it into the computers memory/clipboard. this is the same thing as copying and pasting text, except you press the 'Prt Scr' key to 'copy' the image on your screen, and you open up Paint or Photoshop or any other image editing program to paste the screenshot. from there you can save it as a JPG or whatever type of file. :wink:

btw, all i see in that pic is the loading screen with the servers info, am i missing something? :?

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no thats all but it stops loading there and it says suspected trainer usage and wont lent me in :cry:

thanks fot the screenshot tip

Take a screenshot of the desktop after it says disconnected. And also, change the game version to 1.1, or if its at 1.1 do it at 1.0. You seem to crash at that screen, which means you should change the version :P

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