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problem with download function

John Smith

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function createFile ( file ) 
local createdFile  = fileCreate(file)        
    if    createdFile  then   
        fileWrite( createdFile,file) 
                 fileClose( createdFile) 
       local resName = "YOURresourceName" 
            if not fileExists(":"..resName.."/model.txd") then 
       local file = fileOpen(":"..resName.."/model.txd",true) 
           if file then 
            local txdFile = fileRead ( file, fileGetSize(file) ) 
       createFile ( txdFile) 

Edited by Guest
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function createFile ( file ) 
local createdFile  = fileCreate(file)        
    if    createdFile  then   
        fileWrite( createdFile,file) 
                 fileClose( createdFile) 
       local resName = "YOURresourceName" 
            if not fileExists(":"..resName.."/model.txd") then 
       local file = fileOpen(":"..resName.."/model.txd",true) 
           if file then 
            local txdFile = fileRead ( file, fileGetSize(file) ) 
       createFile ( txdFile) 


So, the problem was, there was no problem?!

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Probably the problem was only that the 'onClientRender' was not working how he wished.

Ow and btw @Saml1er: That doesn't work, right? I mean. The files are server-sided, and you are now trying to load them client-sided? If so you will have to trigger from client to server, get the files and then trigger them back to client. :roll:

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Probably the problem was only that the 'onClientRender' was not working how he wished.

Ow and btw @Saml1er: That doesn't work, right? I mean. The files are server-sided, and you are now trying to load them client-sided? If so you will have to trigger from client to server, get the files and then trigger them back to client. :roll:

Yes, you'll have to read those files from server side and send them back to client side. I did this in my lobby script and I had no problems with it.

@Bons: I stole your idea http://imgur.com/Xkfhe8q :twisted:

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ohhh i just noticed it now,i forgot to make it like /mods folder path thing,i forgot about that sorry.

anyway could you just tell me 2 things?

1) what is this 3rd thing

loadMod(tableData[1], tableData[2], tableData[3]) 

tableData is for downloadFiles table and there are 2 files only so why must there be a third one?

or perhaps this is used because there are 3 arguments in loadMod function?

2) how could i exactly make more files?

something like this?

local downloadFiles = { 
    {"txd", "hunter.txd", 425}, 
    {"dff", "hunter.dff", 425}, 
    {"txd1", "infernus.txd", 411}, 
    {"dff1", "infernus.dff", 411}, 

and it would work automatically or i have to add/edit some more things?

sorry for much questions, i just wanna know 100% how this script works so i could edit it later if needed

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*Cut ;) *

Hope that explanation was well enough to understand

2. And yes like that. The only thing you have to fill in:

*Cut ;) *

You can the script even let read meta.xml and check for 'file' childs and then check or 'download' is set to false. And if so, get that file name and put it in a table. And yes, I like fully automatically systems.

Edited by Guest
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et-win im sorry but i didnt quite understand what u meant about what i have to fill in

if you have time, can you please please show me how this script(lines or full script) would look like if i had infernus in table with id 411 and then tried to check for it as well as checking for hunter file existance

sry for my english..

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hey guys umm

i have tried now to make downloader in other way, without downloadFile function(for lower mta versions)

but i have no idea what i'm doing wrong


dFiles = { 
function someFileFunctionsFunction(thePlayer)   
outputChatBox("Function initiated!") 
   for _,dFiles in ipairs(dFiles) do 
      if not fileExists(":downloader/files/"..dFiles[1]) then 
         outputChatBox("Starting the download process...",thePlayer,0,255,0) 
           local files = fileOpen(":downloader/files/"..dFiles[1],true) 
                if files then 
                  local downloadFiles = fileRead (file,fileGetSize(file)) 
       outputChatBox("even tho its not possible that player has downloaded already, he has!") 
       triggerClientEvent("onVehModRequest",thePlayer,"startMods") end 


function clientDownloaderFunction(downloadFiles,files) 
   if fileExists(files) then 
      outputChatBox("Download has been finished!",0,0,255) 
   else outputChatBox("something went wrong") return end 

i dont have any errors except debug saying that onVehModRequest is not added client-side(as i didn't download files yet,should have been impossible to trigger that client function)

i dont know what to do now.

this isnt working, please help

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first of all, in line 9, what file are you checking to exist there? You can only check files on the server in a serverside script.

Actually i wanted to replace table files with mod files which would load on client side,and im trying to download files which werent downloaded

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So, when a player joins u send him a list with all file names.

Client checks if they are existing (actually you would also need to do some hashing e.g., to prevent manipulations).

Client adds all missing files to a table and sends it back to server.

Server opens each of that files, reads the content and send it to client.

Client creates that file and write the data into it.

After that u can load the mod.

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  • 2 weeks later...

hi guys sorry for doublepost.

i have tried this:

replacing this line

if (source == getLocalPlayer()) then --line 60 

with this

for i,player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do 
    if player then -- line 61 

would that work for other players too?

please someone.. sorry if im asking for too much but im just trying to understand whats problem in script

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