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Some game improvements


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i'm to lazy to search 1000 of messages sow here is a list and i think evrywone will agree with this:

A server list in the MTA client sow i don't need to first run internet and look up your site.

Better graphics in the client some colors would be gooood :)

Cheater prevention and.....in theory im a cheater don't have the original GTA vice but i play it on cd sow...crc didnt work?

My game crash often...think thats because of my burned cd :idea:

Well........i think i get a lot of commets complaining about the not orginal gta blahblah well i HAD the original but it broke in 2 pieces :D


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A server list in the MTA client sow i don't need to first run internet and look up your site.

That's not a bad idea, but it'll take a fair bit of work (plus permission to query the ASE master).

Better graphics in the client some colors would be gooood :)

Not so much better graphics (I don't want it to turn into Gamespy Arcade *shudders*), but the interface does need a bit of work, in my opinion. You also have to remember that the client runs in the background whilst the game is running, so you don't want it TOO graphical, otherwise it'll take up a huge amount of memory.

Cheater prevention and.....in theory im a cheater don't have the original GTA vice but i play it on cd sow...crc didnt work?

They're always working on cheat prevention. You're not a cheater because you having no CD does not give you an advantage over other players (the definition of cheating).

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A server list inside the client would be good ..

Good for the lazy people :D ,

i dont think it would be that hard to do . it could be just a page that it downloads , couple of kb's . and in that page is a list of all the servers running .. but again .. dont let go of ASE , it ROCKS , too .. with the other stuff

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