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Checking out the competition - GTAT

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Last night i decided to have a peruse of the olde favourite google in search of other multiplayer gta stuff to find out what is out there, their spin on it all - pure curiosity really.

I stumbled across GTAT - which i think i've seen before tied to the mythical GTA World Online project (which by all accounts seems defunct now...)

No disrespect to Draco Blue, but i wasn't overly impressed. The decision to do away with ASE for one and opt for an all inclusive server selection function obviously wasnt doing the mod justice- maybe its just because mtavc with it large amount of media coverage of late has roped in everyone, but all i was presented with was a list of 5 servers, 3 of which would only accomodate a max of 2 player, then two others which could take up to 96 (wishful thinking i think). The problem with this is that one I selected which only had one player (the other had none) was disconnected shortly after i joined. In my opinion doing away with ASE is a very bad thing (please never do this Mr Bump, Xerox etc) as it allows not only people who have other multiplayer games to easily have a bash with gta within the same interface, but also allows people to set up their own servers relatively easily and get them published on the net- something which is sorely needed to take off the strain of hosting a non profit project.

I should add that I found their comments about the producers of other mods ddos-ing their servers ill informed and a tad niave- given that the people slaving over the development of this one are all for the production of a gta mp in whatever form, i find it highly unlikely that anyone involved in the development of this project would waste their time by trashing someone elses attempt at achieving something good. I know their is a history between mtavc and gtat (you guys originally used to work together i believe) as i've been involved with this mod (as a user/consumer/whatever) since 0.1 first reared its genetically modified head, but i really cannot appreciate that there could be some kind of 4 year old petty schoolground mentality going on.

I'm not an obsessed MTAVC/GTA3 devotee- to be honest if another team like GTAT produced something quite spectacular like the GTA:WO promised then I would jump on that bandwagon as fast as an alcoholic teacher would a whiskey laden apple- but i guess i just dont appreciate the sentiment, especially when its blatantly directed towards a project that over the last year I have deemed much enjoyment and satisfaction from, no matter how basic or how many crashes appear (i'm obviously talking about mta 0.1 here)

Grrr... glad I got that off my chest... The one thing I will say which I feel they have a damn good idea about is that once they get a decent core together, they will release it under PD, opensource, GNU (i think, could have the acronomn wrong there..) so that people can submit and add to push the project forward. Perhaps when MTA reaches 1.0 status you would consider the same? At that stage the core would be stable enough to be able to be altered and adjusted suiting whatever requirement, and maybe the whole Cudda Kline mod ramp issue could be encompassed in dedicated versions with dedicated servers...? Just an idea- just chucking them around here.

Ok, a few things I should mention now which aren't relavant to my post- Ransom, I need to catch up with you soon- can never catch you when you are online...

What the **** has happened to my clan? I caught some random references to Ransom pulling out and the VCP disbanding while I was at work last month and im not sure what to make of it...

Where are all the VCP's? Are you all still playing 0.3r2? I've jumped on the 0.4 minibus and have been taken to a world of pure aiming pleasure (lets not talk about stunt tho- its the same, thats fine, i know people were expecting more but im happy with tally up the green) but i can't find the rest of vcp or even the recruits under ase? I know ive been off for a while (if anyone else has an ntl service then they will probably understand the hell ive been through the last 6 months with them.... had to take a soldering iron to my cable modem last night to keep my connection on- they kinda realised today......) but its kinda strange that no-one seems to be online ever....

Has anyone noticed how mtavc had degraded into a 12 year old american chatroom on geocities (when it was still around) filled with "u r gay" "your momma" "you S**k mr bump's nob"- (yes ive had that one a few times from the same clan - A*X - the * is to stop the supponeas and shite)- what is going on?

Last note= aside from the bandwith issue which makes even this p4 3.0gz 1024 ram lag like a donkey full of heroin, 0.4 seems to be a major step forward, i'm impressed.

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Where are all the VCP's? Are you all still playing 0.3r2? I've jumped on the 0.4 minibus and have been taken to a world of pure aiming pleasure (lets not talk about stunt tho- its the same, thats fine, i know people were expecting more but im happy with tally up the green) but i can't find the rest of vcp or even the recruits under ase? I know ive been off for a while (if anyone else has an ntl service then they will probably understand the hell ive been through the last 6 months with them.... had to take a soldering iron to my cable modem last night to keep my connection on- they kinda realised today......) but its kinda strange that no-one seems to be online ever....

Don't worry, VCP is still alive, but most (if not all) are playing GTA3 these days, simply because of the bandwidth problem

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deckard, you're alive! And what a post! New msnm or somethin? Never see ya on there, thats the only way I know to get to you.

As for VCP, I'm waiting for the patch to decide how much I'm going to want to pursue the revival of this gang (at current state mtavc is not very great for my computer). The new recruits are kind of stray off, honestly haven't talked to any of em in awhile. Matter of fact I haven't talked to much of anyone besides robpol86, madboy, iggy, jhxp,and maybe a few others for quite awhile.

So, if you are alive, leave a post and let me know. Right now I'm just playing Socom 2 a lot (name in sig).

Sadly schools setting back in in about 4 weeks so my time will be crammed again. But good thing I got my ppd here down (not by will but ddos aholes) right? If ya know what I mean :) *wink* *wink*

So, ttyl (bit aolish?)

p.s. love the alcoholic teacher bit

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