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Weird car jacking problem

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I just tried to get into a (parked) Cheetah and I was suddenly jacked and ended up on the roof (despite the fact that there was no-one near at the time). I was also in a completely different location. I had picked up the car from its spawn point not far from the Turismo start point and ended up being transported to somewhere with grass by the sea (I'm not sure where because I got killed pretty much straight away).

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  • 3 months later...

Also, another weird thing. What happened to me was I got in a car as a passenger, and the guy that was driving the car exited the game. I was still in his car and then I spawned into this weird blue hell kind of thing :shock: . I could see all these players standing in the blue hell and they were not moving they were all facing the same way and the car I was passenger in was floating around and rotating. It was so weird! After about 10 seconds I spawned to chinatown in portland. Now that is another glitch that happened to me I dont know if it has happened to u.

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This happens to me when someone is starting turismo and i try to jack their car. It really isn't fun. Most of the time I'm teleported to the character storage area.

that sucks, ive been jacked alot of times by some numbnut while i was waiting for the race to begin and it crashes me 80% of all times

and brendan, that happens to all of us

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