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GTA3 MTA @ LanParty

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We are organising a big LanParty in our country, Estonia, city of Tallinn. It will be biggest in eastern europe (countries like latvia, poland, lithuania, russia, chech republic and so on), with approximately 500 gamers. It's our Estonian championships 2003, official games are usual (CS, Q3 etc).

Although our official rally game is CMR2 (i'm the referee), i'd love to do GTA3 unofficial mass-try. I got many replies from our forum and many people were absolutely stunned about the idea. I hope to catch about 25-40 people minimum, to try this game in our lanparty. I want to show this multiplayer on the big-screen, that way it will catch more attention.

I got a couple of questions:

1. Sry about rules, i read them, but is it possible that some extensions (for example maxplayers) will be ready for may 16?

2. Which GTA3 version do you prefer? Will it run well with GTA3 version 1.0? Is game-updating necessary?

3. Your downloadable release is 0.2a. Is it stable enough to try?

thanx in advance...

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were also going to have a lan party. i dont think it will be as big.


we will have sponsors. were trying to get nVidia and ATI. we got intel and not amd. and other ppl. newayz, its going to be big. most likely over 100 people on a large lan w/ 3x DS3 internet. im just postin this 4 the hell of it. its going to be on the 24th and hope 0.3b will b out by then (probably not).

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High-Q as I know you IRL, I have been in position nr. 1 to instantly host massive GTA3 MTA lanparty server at our lanparty when it will be out at that time.

See lanparty.ee topics about "Mitteametlikud mängud VP-l (üleskutse!)" under the "Soovitusi korraldajatele" section.

Im just waiting, and as for our country - this will be the biggest lanparty here in history!

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