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Element Key Change


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I was wondering if there exists the possibility that an element's key gets changed.

For example if you created a team with a script, the team occupies a certain position in memory and it is assigned a key so that it can be accessible (example: userdata:878E812A)

Can this 'userdata:878E812A' change somehow while the script is running? (Note that I will not perform any modification to the team)

Please take into account that I'm saying while the script is running, I'm not asking if it will change after I restart the script (we already know it would change by doing this)


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I don't really think that it would change while the script is running, but I cannot be 100% sure. If you want, you can simply test it with a timer like this:

t = createTeam ( "Team Name", 255, 255, 255 )  
setTimer ( outputChatBox, 1000, 0, "Team Data: "..tostring ( t ) ) 

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